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Jan 26, 2022 8:52 pm
Adrasthea says:
Very sorry. I'm new to playing by post. I'll try to be more specific. I'll separate action, bonus and move action.
@TDK: thx for checking :)
Don't worry about it. The complexity increases exponentially when the level gets higher. I have messed up a few times allready. I'll try to keep it to a minimum
Jan 26, 2022 10:48 pm
Fingers crossed


Save - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Jan 26, 2022 11:56 pm
swing batter batter


Wisdom save (advantage) - (1d20+0, 1d20+0)

1d20+0 : (11) = 11

1d20+0 : (12) = 12

Jan 27, 2022 7:58 am
I'm glad that I am not the only one who misses details in these long posts :)
The sword is out of sight, but will on its turn raise up, make an attack and then get destroyed by your readied actions unless you have something else in mind
The sword cant keep up with Rervenn and once again dives under the bridge
The dark night have nothing to attack
Zankas can feel his mind is returning as he looses sight of the fresco.
You are free of it magic
Jan 27, 2022 8:08 am
Technically ready action allow only single weapon attack and no bonus action. So if you don't mind please delete my last post and I will do dodge + talk instead
Jan 27, 2022 8:34 am
GreyWord says:
Technically ready action allow only single weapon attack and no bonus action. So if you don't mind please delete my last post and I will do dodge + talk instead
I'll delete your post. :)
But is a ready action only one attack? I was looking when Adrasthea readied her action, but I only read that you readied an action like an attack action, where you can make 2 attacks
Jan 27, 2022 9:25 am
Yes I know I'm too obsessed with rules. But that what they are in 5e:
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
[ +- ] And confirmed by game designer
Jan 27, 2022 10:45 am
Thank you!
Jan 27, 2022 11:58 am
TDK laughs Where are the others, they will miss all of the fun!
Dodge action, not move. Regain breath :)
Last edited January 27, 2022 12:07 pm
Jan 27, 2022 4:47 pm
"Trapped downstairs. Some form of magic seems to bind them to the room." The elf points in the direction of the opened door.
Rervenn waits for the sword to emerge once more and readies her bow.
ready action (one attack, no extra attack, right?), no movement


longbow (sharpshooter) - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

dmg - (1d8+19+1d6)

(2) + (1) + 19 = 22



Jan 28, 2022 5:26 am
The sword raises up and makes a swing at Rervenn, she loses an arrow point-blank at the blade. The arrow shatters the blade and it fall enert to the ground.
runekyndig sent a note to Adrasthea


Rervenn: Longbow disadv due to ranged in melee - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Sword attack - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Sword damage - (4d12)

(7687) = 28

Jan 28, 2022 5:30 am
Coughing Melang and Zankas get out of the smoke, free of the enthraling fresco. There are some stairs going up.
There are no current enemies or magical traps. What do you do? Where do you go?
[ +- ] Map lower floor
At the end of each bridge, that spans the entrance foyer, are closed adamantine doors.
[ +- ] map upper floor
Jan 28, 2022 7:06 am
TDK quietly say: It see YOU through the bridge! Get out of here! he steps 5 feet south giving Rervenn way (if that's the direct she would like to move) and draws his flail (free action, hoping that sword does not have flyby feature). He moves moonbeam 40 feet down (it is 40 feet tall and I need it to be right below us) and as close to Rervenn as he can, given he can move it up to 60 feet).
Not sue how you measure diagonal distance, trigonometry says that to (X,Y,Z)= (40, 40,10) is 57,4 feets and would get right below TDK, but I've seen DMs who use alternative measurement methods in the grid
Jan 28, 2022 7:29 am
When using a battle map like in the previous battle, I and many others count 5" squares. 30-foot movement = 6 squares, including diagonal, that is a bit too long, but this is all an approximation so it will be okay.

We are out of combat and the two of you managed a CR 13 encounter while 2 other players was locked down. It sucks to be unable to act, and I promise you that there will be no more of that kind of traps
Jan 28, 2022 12:03 pm
Oh, I though sword were again hiding in the bridge.
When TDK realise that sword is gone he calls griffon back and flies down to help magically Trapped Zankas and Melang, but as far as I understand he discover that they managed to free themselves.
Ah here you are. Are you OK? Anyone feels smart enough to check out a book and an artefact over there? And we would benefit of your light of course.
I believe we could go up using stairs and find ourselves on the upper floor. TDK will not go over the rope ladder, he is too old and heavy for that.

TDK start running toward the empty segment of the bridge as if crazy, but at the last moment some magic sparks in his boots and he jumps over:
[ +- ] Boots of Striding and Springing

My long jump is 13x3=39 feet if I move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump.
TDK lands heavily in his full plate, but boots magically slow him down. He turns around: Actually I could share boots that could allow one of you to spiderwalk but you need to attune to it he explains. Though having a short rest may not be a bad idea for Rervenn got quite beaten.
Jan 29, 2022 7:50 am
I will be gone for the following week, as I told runekyndig before.

Melang has Arcana and would take a look.

Please roll for me DM. :)
Jan 30, 2022 4:22 pm
You all gather to catch your breath and examine the found artefacts. You find that the book is a book of shadows, a warlocks tome. In it there are instructions on how to call fourth imps from the land of fire and shadows. Its clear that someone made those 4 summoning circles on the bridge (blue square). Could it have been the fifth imp?
Its also clear that the previous group had taken a rest, just as you now do, on the other side of the bridge. An explors backpack have been left behind.
Rervenn suggests that the imp and the sword properly belonged to one of the raven queens warlocks. If his book, sword and imp are left behind then you properly find his body somewhere further onwards.
You take an undisturbed short rest and the big green marker
At the end of each bridge, that spans the entrance foyer, are closed adamantine doors.
How do you proceed?
Jan 31, 2022 4:07 pm
Fiends were summoned on the middle bridge, it is obvious we must go through middle doors The Dark Knight suggest to start with middle doors. You may find that he seems to be more concerned with the fiends and happy to kill them than the mission itself.

Whoever summoned the imps may have trapped the doors, I suggest caution And TDK describe that he would use mage hand to open the doors from a distance.
As a player I believe we just need to pick any one doors and go it. And this time I will make sure my PC don't go alone and we don't split
Jan 31, 2022 6:28 pm
Zankas looks warily at the bridge. Whether or not the middle doors are obvious, only time will tell. But it would seem any direction is better than none, yes? Let's be careful and not rush, I agree. I have some magics that can help in preparation for conflict, so if we proceed level-headed, we may gain some advantage. he says with a quirked lip. I will certainly follow your well-armored lead however. he finishes, with a nod to The Dark Knight.
Jan 31, 2022 6:46 pm
Trying to use the poll to get an indication of what you want to do

What is your plan? Multi Public

See what is behind the northernmost door
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See what is behind the middle door
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See what is behind the southernmost door
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Explore some more
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Lets make a better plan first
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And ignore my vote, it was a mistake I can't remove again. Something for adam to consider
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