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Jan 31, 2022 10:27 pm
Can somebody cast heroes feast?
Feb 1, 2022 5:51 am
The adamantine door swings open on perfectly balanced hinges. Inside are four suits of rusted plate armor sans helmets, sized for a dwarf, stand in the corners of this 20-foot-high room. Each suit is draped in cobwebs. Dwarvish runes are carved into the far wall. The inscription reads, "A secret never before told will part Dumathoin’s lips."
In the floor is an open trapdoor, with stairs leading downwards. (green)

Feb 1, 2022 11:41 am
TDK takes helmet off, looks at the runes, but says but "Dwarfs!" (he could read Dwarvish thanks to magic item he is attuned. But I don't think writing there makes any sense to him at least for now ).
I assume our PCs know Dumathoin is a dwarf god.
By the way - since we skipped story part where quest is given, could I ask now about our mission - are we looting vault that does not belong to those who sent us? Would dwarf gods be upset with our job? Are we bad guys for dwarf gods?
If stairs seems solid enough for TDK to not require any acrobatic check he descends, the he puts his helmet back on and start descending the stairs.
Feb 1, 2022 12:37 pm
The mission is:
Something is wrong under Waterdeep. A group of adventures has entered a vault hidden under Waterdeep, and we divined the outcome to be an influx of gold to the city just when the economy needs it most. This has not happened. The adventures have not returned and we fear they have failed to perform according to the divination.

We want you 4 to go down into the vault and sort this mess out.
The vault was constructed by dwarfs under Waterdeep
Feb 1, 2022 1:15 pm
Oh, I misunderstood this. I though if a vault is where Waterdeep, it is a vault where government keep their money, not were they steal it. Sorry I'm not familiar with Waterdeep lore as a player
Fiends; miser dwarf gods; who else? do you hear anger in TDK ever calm voice? Or does his voice just sound different as he pass trapdoors?
Feb 1, 2022 3:27 pm
The whole backstory for Dragon Heist, where this vignette is coming from, is that the head of Waterdeep government has embezzled a insane amount of money and hidden it away in this vault. The Dragon Heist adventure is 4 different paths to his money and how to get into this vault. We have skipped all that, as the previous adventure team gained acces, as was supposed to bring a lot of those metric tons of coins into the city, boosting the economy. You guys have been send down to figure out why they failed and get the money.
Feb 2, 2022 7:02 pm
A quick examination reveals that this trapdoor has been open recently. Zankas flaming sword can't even light up the bottom, but he can see the rungs going all the way down into the darkness.
Do you go down?
Feb 2, 2022 7:55 pm
"Well we're here, aren't we? This place is huge. Let's stay together and go room by room." The elven shadow positions herself near the trapdoor, ready to follow in second or third place.
Feb 2, 2022 8:39 pm
Unless anyone stops him by suggesting check the other two doors before going down, TDK goes down the stairs. He have his own reasons to go proceed this way.
Let's go already. We have a duty!
Feb 2, 2022 8:48 pm
"Whatever." Rervenn mutters before following the big guy.
Feb 2, 2022 8:59 pm
The dark night descents into the darkness. He climbs and climes but finally, he reaches the end. Hallway going north and south. At each end, he can see light. His nose is also on alert. The dark knight has been on many a battlefield, and the smell of death lingers in these halls.
Rervenn ears pick up the subtle sound of movement somewhere around one or both corners.

runekyndig sent a note to runekyndig


The Dark Knigh: Perception - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Rervenn: Perception - (1d20+8)

(12) + 8 = 20

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Feb 3, 2022 6:34 am
Before @GreyWord and @Adrasthea moves too much forward, I would like the hear from @Dramasailor. @soises won't be back until the 8th of February
Feb 3, 2022 8:55 am
Smells like we are close to whatever have killed previous party. TDK wispers Anyone have means of scouting ahead, or we just advance prepared to fight?
Sure I'm not moving until I see all 4 out tokens on the map :)
Feb 3, 2022 1:38 pm
Zankas follows them down, bringing the blazing blade of brightness with him. Seeing the lights at the end of either side, he mutters the command word for his rapier once more, dousing the light.

I have some magic that could turn one of us invisible, even during a fight. If someone were to be sneaky and quiet enough, they could surely scout ahead and draw less attention. But it would only last about a minute before wearing off, so not incredibly useful. he says in a whisper, scratching his chin in thought. Though if it comes to a fight, my magics are far more impactful. he says, this time with a wicked grin.
Feb 8, 2022 5:06 am
what do you do?
Feb 8, 2022 6:58 am
So anyone want to scout or I move on in a sec?

TDK moves a bit back by the stairs to cast silent image (it has verbal component and he don't want to attract enemies just yet).
He returns follow by an illusion of a human in studded leather and crossbow in hand.
I will send this image forward to see if it attract any enemies and follow at a distance, my usual tactics when I don't know whom I am facing
But he holds on and waits for anyone to have a better idea before he simply moves on.
[ +- ] 1: Silent Image (C) (Str)
Last edited Feb 8, 2022 7:00 am
Feb 8, 2022 7:50 am
Just a overview of the current setup

runekyndig sent a note to runekyndig
Feb 8, 2022 10:30 am
"That`s a pretty good idea." the harengon agrees while whispering. "Do we`ve an option to glance around the corner without beeing noticed?" he asks his friends further.
Thanks for waiting :)
Feb 8, 2022 7:52 pm
soises says:

"Do we`ve an option to glance around the corner without beeing noticed?"
"I can tolerate fiendish strategies" answer TDK in a voice that makes it clear he do not support sneaking, but will not prevent others doing so.
He is a paladin after all. Code and stuff :)
Feb 9, 2022 6:19 pm

How do you want to proceed? Multi Public

The Dark Knight's plan: Provoke an attack with the illusion
Try and scout ahead all stealthy like
Something else
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