Jan 8, 2022 10:45 am

✅ The Pitch. Attention lady's, gentlemen, and barbarian spacemonkeies!
Fryanna has the word! The lord commander sits down as a blue-winged fairy explains the situation.
Something is wrong under Waterdeep. A group of adventures has entered a vault hidden under Waterdeep, and we divined the outcome to be an influx of gold to the city just when the economy needs it most. This has not happened. The adventures have not returned and we fear they have failed to perform according to the divination.
We want you 4 to go down into the vault and sort this mess out.
✅ Vignette, what does that mean? This is a Vignette where we are cutting right to the chase. We just play a very small part of a larger adventure. A small dungeon, a confrontation with the mastermind, ect.
This is a small dungeon where there is a bit of exploration and then a confrontation, where you sort out the mess the previous adventure party made. Don't slip in it, or the remains of the previous adventure party. There won't be character growth or untangling of mysteries, just the final of an adventure.
✅ The Game System and Rules Version. Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
✅ Character Restrictions. Stats generated with Point buy. Level 15 (multiclass allowed). Source material: Anything published by Wizards of the coast is automatically allowed. Unearthed Acana and anything else, swing it by me first.
✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency. This will be a short game. Post frequency is 5 posts pr week minimum
✅ Specialized Software and Resources. None required, but as this is a high-level game, I would deeply appreciate it if characters were made on DnDbeyond for easy reference.
✅ Player Experience Requirements. This should not be your first D&D game. There is a ton of choices in the character creation process making such a high-level character.
✅ How to Apply. I will select players based on interest shown here or by PM.
Q: Hey Runekyndig, haven't you done this before?A: Yes I have and that is why Adam, HeroAmongMen, W4yw0rd and Len, cant join this time
✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes. Greed and angry reptiles.
Last edited January 10, 2022 8:48 am