[Gameplay] 2. The House of Pentheru

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Mar 3, 2022 8:21 pm
What should I roll to Investigate surroundings? Knowledge or Perception? If Perception, mine is relatively high so I'm giving it a shot.
Abenor relieves that the creature is dead. His blows were successful and probably made the group's job easier but he was still not himself, this place has gotten very dangerous rather quickly, he couldn't digest it. To distract himself from those dangers, he checks his surroundings. Maybe some loot here. If there are monsters, there must be loots, right? he thinks to himself.


Perception - (1d20+9)

(5) + 9 = 14

Mar 3, 2022 8:42 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
So uh... that actually hits. Khadi isn't allowed to wear armour and has no dex. However I did say last turn she did step away a bit away from it when she realised how vulnerable she was. If it would follow her to make the attack.. then yeah it hits ;P.
You're right, I'd missed that. In that case it would attack Tabat as well, and misses.
Jaware's next shots finish it off.

Combat is over.

As the dog falls, you see that it's body is covered in small worms, including a bunch that live in its mouth near it's saliva glands. The Death Dog did not seem to suffer for this, however, as it otherwise appeared strong and fit.
Mar 3, 2022 9:15 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
So uh... that actually hits. Khadi isn't allowed to wear armour and has no dex. However I did say last turn she did step away a bit away from it when she realised how vulnerable she was. If it would follow her to make the attack.. then yeah it hits ;P.
There is a feat called Covering Fire that allows the use of Aid Another with ranged weapons. And it is a Teamwork feat. Jaware cán take it too and gain your Helpful Bonus. That way you wouldn't need to expose yourself to danger.
Mar 3, 2022 9:23 pm
Oh that may be worthwhile looking into, though my feats are spoken for for a little bit. Can possible rearrange. Hoping after a few levels will have more to do during combat - This is a slow burn build
Khadi carefully prods the dog with her spear trying to get a look at the worms before pulling a face. None of us wanted to be bitten by that... good thing you all struck true'
Mar 3, 2022 9:43 pm
"Indeed," Tabat says, "Well done, team." He turns to the newcomer. "Abenor, you fought valiantly!" He continues his search of the outbuilding.
Mar 4, 2022 7:00 am
"Thanks, Tabat. Not as much as you. Don't you fear for your life as you enter every rooom first, facing the dangers by yourself?" Abenor says as he continues his search.
Did I roll right with Perception?
Mar 4, 2022 9:11 am
"Fear betakes us all, from time to time," Tabat replies, "But for me, I try to remind myself that fear's only goal is to keep me from protecting others and eradicating evil from this land. I cannot let a little fear overshadow those important aspirations."
ireneofunyes - you did use Perception correctly. Basically, unless it's asked for by the DM, it's reasonable to post a perception check any time your character is trying specifically to perceive something. Now its just up to our DM to address your roll - depending on situation, Qralloq may specifically tell you that your roll had no result, or he may only say something if you DID perceive something.
Mar 4, 2022 9:33 am
"It's nice, what you do. Really, I admire it. I was about to run off if my pride and commitment didn't hold me back." Abenor says with a cloudy look in his eyes. He then shakes his head, collects himself and returns to his usual joyful mood. "Quick comparison. Which adventure started best? This one or the previous one?"
Okay, thanks for the explanation. There is no Investigate skill here, I looked it up on the inernet and saw that diferent checks can be used based on the context. I'm glad it was correct. Though rolling FIVE when I have +9 is a strict unluckiness unique to me I guess :D
Mar 4, 2022 12:26 pm
The death dog has recently dug up much of the floor, and you find 7 gp, 3 sp, and 12 cp, and a turquoise earring worth 15 gp. Other than that the outbuilding is uninteresting and kind of wormy.

Mar 4, 2022 1:02 pm
ireneofunyes says:
"It's nice, what you do. Really, I admire it. I was about to run off if my pride and commitment didn't hold me back." Abenor says with a cloudy look in his eyes. He then shakes his head, collects himself and returns to his usual joyful mood. "Quick comparison. Which adventure started best? This one or the previous one?"
Okay, thanks for the explanation. There is no Investigate skill here, I looked it up on the inernet and saw that diferent checks can be used based on the context. I'm glad it was correct. Though rolling FIVE when I have +9 is a strict unluckiness unique to me I guess :D
Jaware tries to hold back his laughter.

Definitely this one, in the last one Tabat was late and we were almost defeated by a door. He was the only one with a crowbar and we barely had the strength to move the stone that locked the tomb. Even Bernard had to help.
Mar 5, 2022 8:33 am
"Bernard?" Abenor asks. "Hope you didn't lose him in the process. Will he join us later?"

He thhen locates the golds and silvers left there by the dog. "Look! Our prototype-hydra friend has left a present for us." He starts collecting them but in the middle of it something comes into his mind. "Wait. We didn't discuss how to distribute the loot. At least I didn't. Everybody gets their equal piece, right?"
Mar 5, 2022 10:36 am
"Bernard fell...ill. In the last lottery location, the tomb. The kind of ill you get when poking too much at a war general's sacred resting place. We hope he'll find a cure and join us again soon enough."

Tabat heads north to explore the feature between the outbuildings.

"Yeah, we all share. Pick up what you can carry - we'll trust that when we get back, we'll lump everything together, figure out what we're selling, and split the profits as evenly as we can. If you find something you can use to, you know, keep us alive longer, you're probably good to use it."
Mar 5, 2022 4:33 pm
You can investigate the stone table next, or the stone fountain, or beyond those, the other outbuildings you see on the map. Which do you approach first?
Mar 5, 2022 5:09 pm
Abenor grabs the earring and 3 silver pieces, leaving the rest to the group. How about we clear that second outbuilding, huh? Seems like we can fight our way through these ones."
Mar 5, 2022 6:58 pm
Tabat will take a closer look at the fountain, then the table.
Mar 5, 2022 10:47 pm
The fountain, or rather well, seems dry and upon inspection seems entirely uninteresting.

The table provides shade underneath, but there is nothing on it. As Tabat looks underneath...
[ +- ] Abenor


Secret Roll

Mar 6, 2022 12:34 pm
Abenor sees the flash of a moving object underneath the table Tabat is approaching. The adrenaline and thrill of the fight still in his veins, he takes one of the silver pieces and throws it at the movement he detected, while shouting "Tabat watch out!".
As you suggested on the OOC thread I'm making a Dexterity check. I added the usual modifier but if I have any penalty or any other bonuses than we can treat the roll adding them too.


Dexterity check - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Mar 6, 2022 3:08 pm
The asp, coiled in the shade under the table, strikes at the flashing coin that lands near it.

This counts as Abenor's and the asp's turns. The rest of you can act. The asp has partial cover from the stone table if you want attack it.
Mar 7, 2022 3:55 am
Tabat raises his shield and backs away carefully, holding his sword out to the side. "Whoah!" he says, "We're not here to hurt you, unless we have to." He turns his head to the others, "Snake - hopefully it won't bother with us if we leave it be."
Throwing in a Handle Animal check in case it helps


Handle Animal - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Mar 7, 2022 5:19 pm
Jaware will prepare a attack in case the asp advance towards Tabat.

"I hate snakes! Damn servants of Set", Jaware curses and spits on the floor.
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