[Gameplay] 2. The House of Pentheru

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Feb 2, 2022 10:19 am
Tabat returns to the table after securing drinks for the other adventuring group, just in time to hear their quiet discussion about trading lotteries. He takes a seat at the Destined Delvers' table and places an armored hand, palm down, on the table. "I agree with Khadi, the lottery itself is most fair in its randomness. Asides, it is not for us to question the rule of law. The temple has set the rules and I will have no part in breaking them." He clears his throat. "Let us see how tomorrow's drawing plays out, and we can measure the other group's response."
Last edited February 2, 2022 10:27 am
Feb 2, 2022 12:19 pm
'What is fair and what is just? "Just" refers to an action justified under the circumstances. "Fair" refers to an action that treats people as they deserve to be treated. Many times, actions that are just are not fair. To treat all people equal isn’t fair. Is it fair to an able man to run against a disabled person? You guys don’t even know their motives, but are already judging and fanatically clinging to the law. As my father always says: "To rule is to transcend the law and decide what is best under each circumstance to each person". But as it seems I'm outvoted, I will not touch the subject any longer.'
Last edited February 2, 2022 1:53 pm
Feb 2, 2022 3:27 pm
'I'm not clinging to the law. I just don't want to lose any body parts... And father might disown me.' Khadi speaks nonchalantly, hard to tell if she's joking or not.

'Anyway if they choose to ignore the rules, we'll that's between the, the guard and whoever site it is. ' Khadi shrugs. 'I suspect our luck has run out and we are onto brothels and minor buildings. If we do get what they want then yes we should make a deal. With how loud they are complaining we will likely learn the site of their dreams by the end of the night.
Feb 3, 2022 10:49 am
"Hah!" Tabat slams his fist down on the table, "Right you are, Khadi."

"More wine!" he shouts, gleefully.

"So, what do you all hope to get out of this?" he asks, "beyond just the chance for money, I mean."
Feb 3, 2022 11:56 am
Jaware sighs, seeing that he cannot convincing a cleric and a paladin about the merits of ethical relativism. He shrugs and takes Tabat cue:

"I’m really in for the money, but money has a different meaning to me. My family is from Sothis and we have deep pockets. I left my house to prove to myself that I could fare for my own. Financial success is a symbol of independence to me."
Last edited February 3, 2022 2:21 pm
Feb 3, 2022 8:43 pm
"With me, it's all about the challenge. Sure, the money is nice, don't get me wrong, but the real thrill comes from avoiding the blade that threatens to slice you in two or preventing the poison trap that fills your lungs from going off."
Feb 3, 2022 8:55 pm
After a while, you can see Velriana make a point of going from table top table, asking everyone present at the gathering whether they have learned of an ancient temple or shrine being assigned, or heard any rumors of something called "the Erudite Eye."

She comes to your table last, and asks the same.
Feb 3, 2022 9:15 pm
"Hello Velriana!" Tabat exclaims. "No, I have heard nothing of that temple, or anything of this "Erudite Eye" you speak of. Is this the place you claim to have right to, by 'history and faith' you said? Judging by the garb of your cleric, I'm guessing it's related to Nethys, yes?"
Feb 3, 2022 9:58 pm
She says, "The Scorched Hand was denied a petition to explore a site sacred to our members’ faith, and was instead allocated what turned out to be an ancient brothel." She snorts, clearly frustrated.

"Although we easily dispatched the nest of zombies in the brothel’s basement and even managed to recover a few minor treasures from the site, we are disappointed with our first foray."
Feb 3, 2022 10:24 pm
'While my father is a priest of Pharasma it was my dad and other workers of Wati who raised me. I would sit and play at their construction sites. I would like to pay them back by making sure its not just greedy adventurers who benefit from the tombs. Plus my parents did npt need to take me in as they did, I owe them something. That and well, I do not know how much you all know of duskwalkers, but I was born to fight the undead, even if I and pharasma don't.. mesh. Khepri gets it though.'

As Velriana aproaches and tabat abat is very blunt, the cleric is torn between kicking him under the table and patting him on the back. I the end she settles for tapping him with a foot and trying to shoot a look to at least not show own disdain for the groups 'claim', at least not till they had more info.

'And here I was joking about people getting a brothel. Well their are still two more sites, maybe Pharasma is saving the best for last for you. Do not lose hope friends, we have seen luck and hopefully you will as well.' She deliberately doesn't broach the idea of them having a claim of the site. If they had nearly had an argument with one of their own team members about it, speaking to them about it directly would likely cause a scene.
Feb 4, 2022 12:37 am
Qralloq says:
She says, "The Scorched Hand was denied a petition to explore a site sacred to our members’ faith, and was instead allocated what turned out to be an ancient brothel." She snorts, clearly frustrated.

"Although we easily dispatched the nest of zombies in the brothel’s basement and even managed to recover a few minor treasures from the site, we are disappointed with our first foray."
If the lottery chooses us to explore the temple you want, we promise that we will be respectful and we will seek you out first to sell the treasures we find there
I'm assuming we decided that we will respect the lottery and after we have explored the site, we can do what we want to the treasure including selling it to these guys.
Last edited February 6, 2022 12:58 pm
Feb 7, 2022 12:18 pm
Tabat nods at Jaware's suggestion, "This is a good promise, I agree! Even more so for the good you did dispatching a nest of zombies! Luck has a way of making its rounds, though - chances are your group will be drawn for this temple anyways."

He stands and raises his glass, his height easily allowing him to stand out in the room, "A toast!" He waits for the din to quiet. "To the Scorched Hand, their swift dispatch of evil, and to better fortunes for us all on the morrow!"
Feb 7, 2022 4:20 pm
Velriana toasts to that, and the Scorched Hand join (looking less glum), as do the other tables. Velriana adds to your table, "If you hear of the Erudite Eye, that is the holy object that we're looking for. It would be most kind of you to think of us before you pass it off as just another jewel, should it come to be in your possession."
Feb 9, 2022 8:32 am
"The Erudite Eye. Got it. I'm sure we can do that. What sort of special significance does this item have, exactly?" Tabat asks, curious. "Does it pose any special danger we should be aware of, if we were to run into it?"
Feb 14, 2022 8:50 pm
Jaware stands up and then speaks loudly.

Perhaps it would be interesting if each group tells about their adventures on that first day of exploration.

Let me get started and if anyone wants to add their details feel free to do it.

We explored a general's tomb. Lots of constructs, magically animated objects and insects. Luckily we have a valiant paladin to crush these dangerous creatures. In addition, we have the support of an experienced trapfinder who saved us from a deadly trap. The treasures were good and the adventure profitable. We have recovered a beautiful battle chariot that will certainly make a beautiful addition to the living room of a wealthy merchant or aristocrat.
Last edited February 15, 2022 9:46 am
Feb 15, 2022 9:40 am
Tabat nods in agreement, "Honestly, yes - the chariot is the thing I'm probably most proud of bringing up from the tomb. It's a beautiful piece."
Feb 15, 2022 2:16 pm
I was waiting for the GM to answer your questions Cinder, but as a few days passed I decided to include a cue for the players to comment on the adventure and have a little roleplay
Last edited February 15, 2022 2:16 pm
Feb 16, 2022 12:43 am
Iseret blushes at the description of herself as an expert trapfinder. She did not consider herself an expert, by any means. Still, it was nice receiving recognition for her efforts.
Feb 16, 2022 1:19 am
C1NDER says:
"The Erudite Eye. Got it. I'm sure we can do that. What sort of special significance does this item have, exactly?" Tabat asks, curious. "Does it pose any special danger we should be aware of, if we were to run into it?"
Missed that question, sorry.
"It is important to Nephthys and has immense sentimental and religious significance. It is not dangerous, no. I appreciate any help you could get. We would offer top coin for it, it means that much to us." She smiles gratefully.
When the stories break out, the other crews add in their own tales of win and woe.

The Dog Soldiers, halflings with a pack of fighting dogs, say they were sent to explore a tannery, where they lost half their dogs to a gelatinous cube! Their hard drinking leader, Mad Dog, shows off a magic sword they found within the cube after they defeated it, although he is obviously broken up over losing the dogs. "I'd sell the sword for the right coin. We need to buy more dogs."

Falto, the leader of the Cryptfinders, says, "We were assigned the tomb of an important government official. We defeated a mummy and let's just say while the battle was fierce, the rewards were well worth it." He nods with some self-satisfaction. Most of you can tell that he's just made up all of that and that they're drinking cheap wine.

The Daughters of the Desert offer a tale next. Sigrun Firehair has been making notes as to everyone's stories. When it is their turn, Sigrun, a born storyteller tells a stirring story of how the went to the house of a wealthy pawnbroker. Despite her zeal for story that has listeners breathless from suspense, it turns out that there were traps, but little else. As to treasure, "We hope to do better with the next one," is all she admits.

The last table, the Sand Scorpions are furtive and offer nothing.
Feb 16, 2022 11:20 pm
'Well may fortune find you, but if it finds us we will be respectful, and bring you the eye. Khadi raises her mug before taking a long swing, and moving to listens as others start to tell their stories.

As there is talk of fighting a mummy a look of mischief crosses the duskwalkers face. As everyone finishes up their tales she gives a wink to the rest of the group, before walking over to Falto and the Cryptfinders, claiming the nearest spare seat. 'A mummy hey? You all must be very brave, not to mention strong.
Making a religion check to see what she knows of Mummys
Last edited February 16, 2022 11:20 pm


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(14) + 10 = 24

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