Skarab is kneeling nearby, looking down at his hand, cupped and holding some sand. He allows the sand to sift through his fingers as he brings it to his nose and sniffs. He rubs his fingertips, and then at the hearing of his name, he stands awkwardly, and says,
"Yes, Archy; ready as I'll ever be."
His skin is more pale gray than it is green, and he has a scar on his face. Despite the intense heat of the environment, he wears layers of clothing. And despite all of that, the most noticeable feature he has are his tusks; not for their size, but for their shine. They glisten in the sunlight, and seem to catch the eyes of those observing.
He mutters some quiet words, and his skin becomes tan, much like a human's skin color.
He just cast Chameleon Skin to make his skin tone more homogenous with the general population.
He then stands behind Archibald, following him closely.