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Jan 16, 2022 7:23 am
Hi everyone, Marina here, hopeful fledgling GM. I haven't actually run or even played a lot yet, but I go through times where game books are all I want to read - Fate, Powered by the Apocalypse, an endless stream of D&D settings and modules, or even just general advice on making the game better. Could this site be what I was preparing for all this time? We'll see. My latest campaign concept is still way too early to explain, but I wanted to get an idea of whether this was the right home for it. Hope to see you all out there in the wilderness!
Jan 16, 2022 7:33 am
Welcome, MarinaRose!

If you want to see how GP functions, here are links to the New GP Member Guide, the forum rules, this video introduction made by user Qralloq and a little helpful formatting guide made by user Adam. You might also be interested in looking through some public games as well to get a feel for the site.

To join a game, keep your eyes on the Games Tavern, where GMs advertise their games and look for players.

You're also invited to join us on the Discord server for some friendly conversation, about the site, RPGs in general or anything else!

I also run a beginner's game as a quick introduction to GamersPlane and play-by-post, if you're interested.

For you, the GM Mentoring Thread might also be interesting.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact any of the following moderators:

Keleth (site owner)

Happy gaming!


Jan 16, 2022 7:33 am
Welcome to the community MarinaRose! Looking forward to hearing about your concepts and sharing ours with you.
Jan 16, 2022 7:48 am
Welcome Aboard!
Jan 16, 2022 11:44 am
Welcome Marina.

This is probably one of the best places for what you are asking for. The community is friendly and helpful and there are diverse views on how to do things (so don't worry if you are told things that contradict the way you think things should work, YMMV, as they say, and some people play differently).

Play by Post (PbP) is a bit of a different beast to playing games live, the feedback loop is much slower and it can take a long time to get things done. But that slowness can also be a boon: You can take your time to look things up, or to ask around, and don't have to have answers at your fingertips. All GMs eventually learn that they can not 'know all the rules', and resort to going with what seems to work best in the moment and looking up the actual rule after the game. That can still happen with PbP, but is less common due to more time.

As bowl mentioned, GM Mentoring Project can be a valuable resource. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have.

There are lots of games happening here, all the time, so you can get a chance to try playing a variety. If you want to try GMing a few, make it clear you are new and want helpful players and I am sure you will find many willing to help and support your effort.

With the constant reading of RPG books, I assume you are not only interested in fantasy games? What else interests you? You can mention specific game rulesets if you know them, or genres of books, movies or TV to give a general idea.
Jan 16, 2022 12:08 pm
Jan 16, 2022 2:11 pm
Hello and welcome!
Jan 16, 2022 2:21 pm
welcome aboard
Jan 16, 2022 2:45 pm
Hi and welcome to GP MarinaRose!
Jan 16, 2022 3:07 pm
Jan 16, 2022 3:20 pm
Hello and welcome, Marina!
Jan 16, 2022 4:56 pm
Welcome to GP, MarinaRose. Lots of games are played on the site -- feel free to start a discussion on your thoughts, what you're hoping for, what you might be concerned about, etc. This is a supportive group!
Jan 16, 2022 6:47 pm
Welcome MarinaRose!
Jan 16, 2022 6:53 pm
Jan 17, 2022 2:14 am
Welcome to GP, glad to have you aboard!
Jan 17, 2022 7:16 am
Welcome to Gamers' Plane.
Jan 17, 2022 12:18 pm
Welcome! Hope you find a game to jump into, or get the itch to GM.
Jan 18, 2022 2:46 am
Jan 18, 2022 9:06 am
Welcome to the community, MarinaRose!

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