Out of Character (OOC)

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Oct 1, 2023 1:38 am
Restocking bolts will be as simple as being back in camp and updating your sheets if you need to. My next post can open a conversation with Elbourne, from there consider it done. We'll manage the healing.

I recommend everyone take a moment to browse through the loot list - anything that might be reasonably helpful in an upcoming combat you should consider claiming. Potions, scrolls, etc.
Oct 12, 2023 10:08 am
forgot to ask, but he did rest before going to this tower right? I think I get my smite back if that's the case
Oct 12, 2023 10:42 am
We have done completed a rest since your smite was used, unfortunately. Everyone is still down whatever spells were used as well. However, everyone is at full hp, so that's good :D
Oct 19, 2023 9:20 am

I believe a roll of 19 with a longsword is a possible critical.
Oct 19, 2023 9:39 am
that's true. I didn't even look at the numbers πŸ˜… let me edit that then

... still doesn't kill anything ...
Last edited October 19, 2023 9:41 am
Oct 21, 2023 5:26 am
A note on the crit.

With how we're running crits, a natural 20 is always double damage, but with the roll of 19 you still have to roll to confirm. I rolled for you, CESN, just to keep things moving. The confirmation wasn't a hit, so you just do normal damage.

However! It was JUST enough to take him to 4hp, then burning hands did exactly 4 damage, so a good example of how even a couple of hp's worth of damage can make a difference :D
Nov 6, 2023 7:43 am
@LightOfMidnight (and everyone, really) remember to add claimed items to your character sheet. I may not have accounted for it all, but to the best of my recollection, Iosef claimed the following:

Lesser Talisman of Healing Power
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (originally 24 charges, now 22)
Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges)
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2
Scroll of Sanctuary
Nov 6, 2023 1:05 pm
I think I did, but checking it I find a mysterious "Cloak (Magical, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify)".
was it identified and I forgot to update it or I just forgot to ask the magic person to identify it?
Nov 6, 2023 7:29 pm
It has not been identified as of yet, though attempts were made 'today' to do that. That doesn't mean you can't wear the cloak anyways, if you desire. It would only be a problem if its cursed! (it's not, it's a cloak of resistance +1)

This does bring up a good point that I planned on addressing between books: do you all like how I've been handling identification of items in this game? would you prefer we auto-identify magic items that are found instead? Please let me know, as we can adjust when we move to the next book as needed.
Nov 6, 2023 8:09 pm
How about a wand of identify that can be used by anyone?
Nov 6, 2023 8:28 pm
Its is worthwhile pointing out you can take 10 on identifying. So Iosef could automatically identify 18 or less.. but in take 10 anything higher he would auto fail.
Nov 15, 2023 10:55 am
only the healer is shaken then? That's find right?

I guess I can do some unsuccessful stabbing as usual xD
Last edited November 15, 2023 10:56 am
Nov 15, 2023 11:40 am
I want all your guys will saves :p I'm a Wis caster as still somehow lowest. (Not that it would have helped on a Nat 1)
Nov 18, 2023 5:20 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Hey now I'm a shaman not a cleric :p
I have been playing too much 5e clearly. Couldn't even remember there's shamans πŸ˜‚
Nov 19, 2023 7:18 pm
Sorry for the slowdown, everyone! Birthday weekend for myself and my daughter, which also required a bit of prep beforehand. I'll be back to catching up then normal come Tuesday. I will try my damndest to get an update here before then.
Nov 21, 2023 8:31 am
Taking a cue from my friend, Equinox, I would like to award everyone 1 hero point in celebration of my birthday a couple days ago. Cheers to you all and thank you for making every day a gift by spending your time with me on GP!
Nov 21, 2023 9:08 am
Yay! We have to celebrate that with a TPK obviously! what else could a GM wish for their birthday? 🀣
Nov 22, 2023 2:44 am
The assassins failed yet another year. Good.
Thank you!
Nov 22, 2023 7:32 pm
haha you're welcome! I certainly don't hope for a TPK, I'm having too much fun with this group of PCs :D

I hope to evade the assassins for many more years to come. (They must truly be the worst at their jobs)
Jan 7, 2024 1:24 am
Just over 1,700 posts and now we're here!

As we finish some final narrative posts in the in-game thread, we are essentially complete with this adventure! Nice work everyone and thank you for sticking with the game. I have had a wonderful time going through this with you all so far :D

I'll be updating the treasure thread with new stuff you found after the Tatterman fight, including a dedicated post on the specifics of the Chain of Nights book.

The next adventure takes us off the island and to the nearby town of Thrushmoore, where you discovery revelations about yourselves, a mystery about Count Lowls who placed you in the Asylum, and the workings of a devious plot.

I'll be posting at least a couple of polls, starting with the big one - do we want to continue? I would be glad to keep this going for you all. Please respond when you have a moment.
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