Day - Something Strange Is Going On [IC]

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Feb 23, 2022 11:00 pm
"So... I believe we have two Buds and a Corona for our thirsty fellowship," he orders to the waitress. Then noticing the TV, he adds, pointing at it "Excuse me, you think we could put the volume on for a sec? I think they're talking of the Bank of the West Tower, next door?"

He focuses on the news, also reading the captions.
Feb 23, 2022 11:46 pm
Sammy switches between the TV and his phone. He tries to capture as much information as he can from the broadcast while searching for details on various websites. He's looking for any information that will add color to the news report. He's also trying to find any details on the artwork they found or the phrase "Viva la Raza".
Feb 24, 2022 8:04 pm
"The Policeman said this wasn’t the first… they had more as of recent" he pokes Sammy on the forearm "he said they have no leads because no one speaks to them. Guess the people of this city are smarter than I thought… whoever speaks up is guaranteed to be arrested and detained in an confidential location, that’s true, I tell you."

"This is up to us! The police are around only to make sure nobody sees what actually happened. This is some lab experiment that escaped, I’m sure of it." he scratches his beard, not even touching his Corona "See if there’s been other unexplainable attacks in the last few days around here. Time of day, locations. Who were the victims."

"I bet they were trying to make super-soldier. Or a telepath to spy on citizen. Or a mind-controlling substance that goes into vaccines."

Shelly Ribando Action 7 News


Feb 24, 2022 9:39 pm
"Hey Randy.. turn that up will yah?" the waitress yells to the bartender.

".. sources inside the police force say they are baffled by the attack tonight at the Bank of the West Tower. The victim, whose name has not been released was apparently working after hours on the 11th floor of the building when they were brutally attacked and killed. There is currently no information on cause of death, but we know that the body was discovered earlier this evening by a member of the janitorial staff during their regular nightly cleaning. Currently, the janitor is in police custody pending questioning. Police would not say whether they consider him a witness or a suspect at this time...

"This is Shelly Ribando, KOAT Action 7 News. Back to you Todd."
Sammy make an Investigate a Mystery roll to see what you can find out about the graffiti
Shelly Ribando Action 7 News
Feb 24, 2022 10:57 pm
Investigate a mystery


Investigate a mystery - (2d6)

(66) = 12



Feb 26, 2022 5:18 am
Sammy browses for information on his phone about the graffiti and the murder. He quickly finds that "Viva La Raza" is a very common slogan for Hispanic pride and can be found plastered over walls everywhere in the city. He dismisses it as unimportant and focuses on the information about the crime. He finds a number of photos and videos of the crime scene and finds various pictures of the building, taking note of the broken window on the 11th floor. Sammy notices that none of the pictures show there is any debris on the ground below the window. Its not possible to be sure from the photos but Sammy strongly suspects the window was broken from the outside.
You get to ask two questions. You can pick from the following or think up a similar one of your own.
• What happened here?
• What sort of creature is it?
• What can it do?
• What can hurt it?
• Where did it go?
• What was it going to do?
• What is being concealed here?
Feb 28, 2022 6:00 am
"So, it looks like the 'Viva La Raza' is just regular graffiti. It's probably a dead end. What happened in that building, though ... that looks like something." He turns his phone to the others at the table and zooms in on the ground below the 11th floor. "Have a look at that. There is no glass on the floor below the window." He pulls the phone back and brings up another picture, zooming into the shot again and turning towards the two men. It's grainy, but it shows what's left of the window on the building. "That looks like a window that was blown in, not blown out. What the hell can do that 11 floors up?"
My recommendation is that we ask "What do we think we are dealing with here?" and "What do we know about that creature?"
Last edited February 28, 2022 6:00 am
Feb 28, 2022 6:43 am
go for it, sounds good!



Feb 28, 2022 7:51 am
Sammy considers the evidence that he has so far. Trying to assemble the bits and pieces into a coherent theory. If it was a creature, and there was no reason to believe it wasn't, it might be able to fly. But if it could fly, then why not fly to the roof instead of breaking a window? And why was there a scrape on the wall in the alley? Not flying he thought, but something that could scale sheer walls.. and probably quickly. What he had seen had moved fast, and anything climbing up 11 stories might easily be seen if it lingered for any period of time or was very large. Plus, the glass used in high rises was pretty strong. You didn't just punch your way through that like some dumb movie. No. This was something that could climb fast and was very strong for its size. Maybe something like the Congolese J'ba FoFi spider, but that was only said to reside in central Africa. No one had ever heard of one in North America let alone in a city. They were jungle creatures. Could there be a similar spider creature residing in Albuquerque?

Mar 1, 2022 11:07 pm
"That looks like a window that was blown in, not blown out. What the hell can do that 11 floors up?"
"Hmm... TV said the janitor is in custody for questioning. Sounds like the guy to talk to, if we want to know more."
He takes a sip from the Bud. "How can we approach him though? Wait for him outside ABQ Central Precinct?"

"It's either that, or risk entering the building at night. There will be surveillance, but..." he adds.
Mar 2, 2022 3:39 am
"That's a good idea. We need to talk to someone that saw whatever smashed in the window. My guess is a J'ba FoFi, but what would it be doing so far north?" Sammy drains the rest of his beer and looks over at Wagner. "What do you think, Carson?"
Mar 2, 2022 7:10 am
"If it’s here, it’s because they brought it over. To study, to use it, I don’t know." Wagner scratches his patchy beard "Talking to someone after the police is always useful. Even if they know nothing, you can keep your ear to the ground as to what the police are pursuing. We can move this little drink of ours to a bar near the precinct and wait there for him to be released, what do you say?"
Last edited March 2, 2022 7:12 am
Mar 2, 2022 9:10 am
My guess is a J'ba FoFi
"The FoFi... well, climbing that sheer wall of glass to the 11th wouldn't surely be a problem for an arachnid..." he comments.
We can move this little drink of ours to a bar near the precinct and wait there for him to be released, what do you say?
Hearing Wagner's suggestion, he nods, "that could work, yeah. At least we'll have his work uniform to recognise the janitor by. They'll have whisked him to the precinct in whatever he was wearing."
Mar 6, 2022 12:03 pm
I guess as a native of the city Javi would have a good idea of what Police Station the eyewitness might have been brought to, based on a crime scene at the Bank of the West Tower?



Mar 6, 2022 11:58 pm
Javi doesn't know off the top of his head, but a quick google search reveals that Albuquerque is divided into 6 Area Commands and the group is currently in the are of the Southeast command. Just a couple of miles away, less than 10 minutes by car is the area-command headquarters building, the most likely place to take a suspect or witness that needs questioning.
Mar 7, 2022 7:04 am
"probably, this one. It's not far," he says pointing at the map on his phone. "I've got my Beetle parked outside here, let's go."
He pays for the beers and laboriously negotiates the seat to stand up, helping himself with the crutch and showing the way to the others.
he will lead them to his VW Beetle unless they prefer their own transportation.
Mar 7, 2022 3:17 pm
Sammy drains the last of his beer, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and stands up. "Let's head over quick. He's probably going to be questioned for a while yet, but I want to be there in case he's released early."

Sammy pulls out his phone and frowns at it. "I wish I had access to my files on my phone. I don't know what kind of research I'll be able to pull on the FoFi from the bar, but might as well try. I'll get a word out on the boards to see if anyone's heard anything."
Mar 7, 2022 8:23 pm
nothing to add, I'm fine with going with the others. I haven't really figured out how much Wagner actually knows about specific monsters. He is more about uncovering the conspiracies that create and then hide them.
Mar 7, 2022 10:37 pm
"Meet Cucaracha, my friends," he says as they get to his Volkswagen.

"no market value whatsoever, but hey -- she's got the looks," he adds once they're inside. He starts the car and drives off. The seats are uncomfortable and the engine too loud.
he drives near the Southeast Area command headquarters and finds a place to park in sight of the entrance.



Mar 10, 2022 3:12 am
Javi pulls the Cucaracha around the side of the sub-station and parks in the lot of the building across from the small street.

The three settle in, and begin to wait.. and wait.. and wait.
There is a surprising amount of activity given the lateness (or perhaps earliness?) of the hour. The Cucaracha is uncomfortable and smells like the inside of an old tennis shoe which only makes the waiting seem longer, but all three of trio have done their fair share of stake-outs while searching for the answers to a variety of mysteries.

Anything you guys want to do while you are waiting? You got a few hours.
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