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Feb 2, 2022 9:36 pm
That certainly sounds very interesting!
Feb 2, 2022 9:49 pm
Would the UA slime race be acceptable? If not no big deal, I can wait till it's official lol. If acceptable it would be a dragon origin sorcerer. I find the idea of a slime with dragon ancestry somewhat amusing.
Last edited Feb 2, 2022 9:51 pm
Feb 2, 2022 10:56 pm
The slime space race?! That would be amazing!
Feb 2, 2022 10:59 pm
Unfortunately, I will have to say no to the slime.
Feb 2, 2022 11:07 pm
AbbyssalChimera says:
Unfortunately, I will have to say no to the slime.
Ah ok. Was worth a try lol 😆
Feb 2, 2022 11:23 pm
So regarding Magic Points, will warlocks still be using their regular spell slots? The DMG doesn't mention them so I assume that they have their slots as normal. Just want to make sure this is the case in this game.
Feb 3, 2022 12:06 am
I was also going to bring up that warlock situation. I'm fine using regular spell slots.
Last edited Feb 3, 2022 12:06 am
Feb 3, 2022 1:11 am
Actually, that'd probably be simple. Since warlocks cast at their highest slot level, all point cost would be that of such. Since normal casters have 44 points at 8th level, and it costs 6 points to cast a 4th level spell, you'd be casting up to seven 4th level spells, rounded down. I'd say that any remaining points would then go to the next highest available level if they cannot be used for the highest known.
Which, after running the math real quick, leaves the use of one 1st level.
Feb 3, 2022 1:14 am
OK. How would the short rest recharge fit in?
Feb 3, 2022 1:36 am
On closer inspection, it might be best to keep warlocks on their spell slots, as the points, as I could've sworn, do not include warlocks due to them casting at max, resting, invocations, etc.
Feb 3, 2022 2:34 am
AbbyssalChimera says:
On closer inspection, it might be best to keep warlocks on their spell slots, as the points, as I could've sworn, do not include warlocks due to them casting at max, resting, invocations, etc.
That was my train of thought, too. I can be the arcane control group. ;)
Feb 5, 2022 11:14 pm
What's your policy on custom spells? I basically want to change the element of two existing spells. I can do this with Metamagic but if I can just alter the elements I can chose a different metamagic instead
Feb 6, 2022 6:26 am
If you can do it with metamagics then that is how you do it. Reflavoring the effects to fit your concept is fine. Like an earth Mage who misty steps in a dustdevil instead of mist. But changing the element, fire to cold, for instance, alters the game balance in regards to monster resistances. You can do it with feats and metamagics, so it should not be free

That's my thoughts anyway
Feb 6, 2022 10:03 pm
For now, I'd like to keep spells as they are, so runekyndig's suggestion for flavor text will be the best bet.

Sorry for the silence btw. Needed a mental recharge. The first seven days of February are a bit fraught with sadness due to two birthdays. I'll look over everyone's characters later tonight when I have the time. The game will start in earnest next weekend.
Feb 9, 2022 1:07 pm
Are people ready to introduce their character?
If we have worked a mission together, what was it. From the gear I kind of assume it was something to do with a dwarven brewery. Does our GM have a plan for the brewery mission, or can we each tell something good and something not-so-good that our character did on that mission?
Feb 9, 2022 8:16 pm
I am clear about my PC personality and values. As for her worldview and deeds - it depends on the world and the entities living in that world and values that those entities bear...
well just a fancy way to say I am to ready to say what my PC have or have not done in the world before I know anything about the world. I consider one of the most important aspects of druid - define the greater purpose she she is in this world for.

Meanwhile: My druid will not be disconnected from society, she is very much social, but she see herself more like wilderness emissary among humanoids. She is actively seeking those who threaten wild places and could be could be wrathful towards them.
Feb 9, 2022 10:31 pm
The amount of money reflects a reward given to the group by one of the Drakse burgermeisters after helping to foil a terrible raid on their city during Getränkefest, a much loved festival of drinks. In addition to the monetary rewards, they also gave the party the following items:
That was in the character generation thread to help give an idea of how the party might have met. It could be that they in fact went together and did things before hand. But in regards to the rewards, the amulet and alchemy jug were to be a grand prize in the festival's drinking contest. Seeing as how you saved it, everyone votes for the party to take it in thanks and appreciation.

As far as the world goes, it is good for the most part, but still dangerous and tainted. The wild world is all about and most try to respect it in Imprei and Dräkse after a pact with the elves and other spirits that reside there. Druid circles are, interestingly, few and far outside of the northern forest peninsula in Imprei's borders.
Feb 10, 2022 7:29 am
I've just realised I missed the fact that money is not something we have accumulated through adventuring (which should have ben quite a lot for lvl 8), but as a one time reward for saving a city. I would - if DM allows it - say that my druid distribute some of my gold reward among other team members. I only take 250 gp and other 500 are split: additional 125 go each. Could I do so and remove the other items I've just gathered and stay with starting gear + Summon Beast material component.

I would announce my PC, being a druid, didn't protect the city on the purpose (or maybe she were seeking to eliminate those riders who did something unforgivable to wild animals). For that reason she didn't felt earned the reward, but accepted 200 gp because that was the cost of spell material she were looking for. That would make whole more sense for a druid
Feb 10, 2022 7:33 am
An interesting way to go. I don't see any reason to deny that, but the extra money may not be used to buy any further magic items.
Feb 10, 2022 7:48 am
Deal, I will gift the money to party in the story thread (that will be a nice character intro twist) but will keep on my PC for purpose of character creation.
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