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Feb 10, 2022 9:05 am
GreyWord says:

Meanwhile: My druid will not be disconnected from society, she is very much social, but she see herself more like wilderness emissary among humanoids. She is actively seeking those who threaten wild places and could be could be wrathful towards them.
Uh I like that a lot! Judea is the official warforged emissary. I'll make her introduction later tonight
Feb 10, 2022 5:42 pm
Judea arrived at the city during Getränkefest, just moments before the raid began. She looks to be a small petite girl, with very big eyes, hiding her features in her cloak. A raiders axe was just about the fall on an exquisite sculpture when her sword caught the axe.

She dropped her cloak at danced through the raid with sword and spell. Her mechanical body, with beautiful decorations, was live and fluid, but merciless. (That was the good thing)
This emissary of the warforged, has a hight disadvantage, and that meant that she could not see the kobolt and gobling defending some civilians behind a table, laden with beer and sausages. When her thunder wave spell toppled a raider, it also send beer and meat products raining down over her follow defenders (that was the not-so-good thing)
[ +- ] images
Feb 10, 2022 6:14 pm
So fellow goblinoids, do we want to have been adventuring together prior to the beer festival incident? I would like a link to at least one of you if possible.
Feb 10, 2022 7:13 pm
Do I count as a goblinoid? If so I dont mind being a companion prior to the Dwarven festival. I know goblin too.
Feb 10, 2022 9:09 pm
KirinOfDarkness says:
Do I count as a goblinoid? If so I dont mind being a companion prior to the Dwarven festival. I know goblin too.
Yes you do and its been a pleasure working with you unless of course we decide otherwise. :)
Feb 10, 2022 9:59 pm
I have problems imagining my PC "adventuring" for the stake of adventuring, but she just have a talent to get involved in all sorts of dangerous undertakings. I would like to assume our paths crossed and we happened to fight side by side. Getränkefest is where we meet again.
Feb 10, 2022 10:56 pm
There were two funny thoughts that occured to me recently.
1) Not a single person in the party is a martial class; you're all spellcasters with 3 arcane and 2 divine
2) Three of you are of the smaller races while the others are nearer to normal heights.

Oh the motley crew I'm playing with XD

On that note, depending on how I'm feeling, I may make the intro post in a bit tonight, if not while I'm waiting at the Mechanic's to look at my car. I'm annoyed my thought juices haven't brought me more for my worldbuilding, but alas, it's better to stew some meat rather than fry it, to get the tender bite.
I definitely want to thank you all for playing and helping me with my world.
Feb 11, 2022 4:26 am
AbbyssalChimera says:
The amount of money reflects a reward given to the group by one of the Drakse burgermeisters after helping to foil a terrible raid on their city during Getränkefest, a much loved festival of drinks.
But in regards to the rewards, the amulet and alchemy jug were to be a grand prize in the festival's drinking contest. Seeing as how you saved it, everyone votes for the party to take it in thanks and appreciation.
As far as the world goes, it is good for the most part, but still dangerous and tainted. The wild world is all about and most try to respect it in Imprei and Dräkse after a pact with the elves and other spirits that reside there. Druid circles are, interestingly, few and far outside of the northern forest peninsula in Imprei's borders.
Talyn Vrinn enjoyed watching the city's bacchanal from a shady street cafe, the excesses and debauchery reminded him of his home so far beneath his feet. When the attacks started, the drow sighed, finished his wine, pulled his hood over his silver hair, and casually engulfed at least a dozen invaders in a field of ill light! He strode into the sunlight proudly, calling down column after column of burning radiance onto these people who were now his enemies for disrupting his meal as much as threatening the city. He would have stayed hidden and easily dispatched the invaders but he was an emissary himself.

"Run, dogs, or burn in the light of my Empyrean lord, Tantalus Hyperuranus!"

Talyn shouted similar things as the fight progressed like he was reciting a script... and he was. When he'd been recruited into the Empyrean's Praetorians down in the Underdark, the fallen godling who ran the adventuring company promised him ever-increasing power so long as he spread the name and goodness of Tantalus Hyperuranus far and wide. Little did Talyn know that would involve doing mostly good works in his patron's name, much less that it would lead him to the surface. Yet here he was: a Drow ironically brimming with light and fire doing good deeds to help a spoiled godchild get back into the good books of its celestial parents.

A wall of fire surrounded and roasted another dozen invaders alive.

Talyn didn't mind helping others. He even found it enjoyable considering how thankful and generous those he helped usually were. The others who stepped up to drive back the horde were an odd mix but Talyn knew to take assistance when it appeared. He wondered how the city officials and citizens would react to being helped by such beings but his experience in the place so far told him that rich rewards lay in their future. He didn't even mind when the automaton rained meat and beer down over him as it took out a raider. The fight didn't last long after that.

While later accepting the city's thanks and tokens of appreciation in the main square, Talyn again briefly spoke to the assembled throng about the beneficence of his patron without whose power and grace he could not have helped those who fought beside him save the city. This motley band might be useful to him if they stayed together for a while, Talyn thought.
Feb 11, 2022 8:31 am
@DM, I assume this is most probably irrelevant, but I would feel more comfortable describing my PC action if I could understand the details of what is around at the range of sight. I don't need a map, answer to those questions would be enough:
1. Approximately how big the caravan is (few wagons, 10 of them, half-hundred, more? )
2. How far are we from the lead wagon ? Either in number of wagons or in feets
3. Vision and Light (in DnD terms) - how does " the rising autumnal sun" translates : is it bright light/ dim light/darkness at the moment
4. Are there forest, bushes or other means to hide to left and right of the caravan?
Last edited Feb 11, 2022 8:39 am
Feb 11, 2022 8:48 am
1. A few wagons, approximately 4-5
2. 1 wagon, you were riding in the second. The other 2-3 are for goods
3. It's a sunny afternoon with very few clouds
4. None. You're on a dirt lane with open fields to the sides
Feb 12, 2022 9:20 am
I have a question about player initiated history, religion, arcana checks. Could I just roll it and ask what my PC remember about X even in a middle of the combat or recalling knowledge is some active activity that takes time and I need to physically interact with objectI try to recall information about? i.e. should I describe action that would allow my PC to recall something?
[ +- ] some context/details
Feb 14, 2022 9:37 pm
For recalling knowledge, I'm fine with it just being more of an instantaneous action rather than requiring anything from your actual turn.
Mar 3, 2022 4:50 am
Putting this here just as a heads up for the coming weeks.
I'm currently in the process of getting my ex packed up and ready to move somewhere within the ball park of the middle of the month, so roughly 2 weeks-ish. There's been plenty of stress about it that I rarely get the rest I need over the weekends or even the work nights. The stress has kept my mind in a bit of a stunted state in regards to creativity and actual enjoyment. Having chronic depression on top of that doesn't make it any better either.
I've been trying to rest on posting, as in not forcing myself to post to get it up rather than giving a post that actually gets across what it should: an adventure for the mind. The stress gad already affected some of my posts as I had forgotten multiple things that I had thought I included.

In short, I'm just putting myself on a reduced posting rate to easy my worries and save myself from burning out ere long. I'll likely have an actual post for the game up tomorrow night/Friday morning.
Mar 3, 2022 7:56 am
Thanks for letting us know. Take care of yourself.
Games are for fun, never an obligation
Mar 7, 2022 11:24 pm
Thanks. I'm just annoyed that it's come up so shortly after the start of the game. At least I should have peace of mind to post tonight and further along the week. I'll read up on what's taken place and move us along later tonight.
Mar 7, 2022 11:44 pm
I know how you feel. When I found out I was losing my job to outsourcing again for the 2nd time in October 2021 I had to leave all my games I was in. The anxiety of trying to keep up with the post and everything was too much.
Mar 23, 2022 6:24 am
Hey @AbbyssalChimera how are you feeling? Should we restart this game or call it quits?
Mar 23, 2022 9:00 pm
I'm feeling much better, thanks for asking! Though, I'll admit, still fogged mentally. Not having my meds for a few days certainly didn't help >.>
But yeah, we'll be back on soon-ish. Just taking a few days to try and get things straight. I'll make some static maps to help give a better idea of the fields you're seeing. Also, I'll likely change up a few things - mostly in terms of combat. Nothing major, just some things for clarification and transparency.

I should have a proper post up during the weekend, Friday being the earliest.
Mar 24, 2022 5:06 am
I'm glad to hear that.

I'm in a awkward position now. Last night a game popped up, that I joined to play out the Judea character concept.
I have to figure out if I'm going to play the same concept in two games or drop out of one of the games
Mar 24, 2022 6:47 am
Well, if you want to change your character here, you're welcome to do so.
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