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Apr 29, 2022 9:44 am
GreyWord says:
P.S. I have a feeling at least some of the items were not "dropped", but placed on a purpose.
The skin parcel and the dagger were definitely planted. The scroll could be an accident.
Apr 29, 2022 10:21 am
It was just a page from a spellbook. Annex was the only one to call it a scroll.
In any case, I'll move us along soon then
May 10, 2022 12:15 pm
are we waiting for someone?
May 11, 2022 1:57 am
Just me. Had a bad depression spike last week, so finding motivation to do much was ungodly difficult. Feeling a lot better now though. I'm gonna get a post up later tonight once I get back home. I'd get it up at work, but my connection has been spotty lately and, on top of that, got busy work :p. Were it a normal week, I could've gotten a post up yesterday TuT
May 11, 2022 2:19 am
Hi, depression buddy. I know the motivation struggle.
May 11, 2022 5:56 am
Depression sucks - I have been there, and did not enjoy it. But for me just knowing that you are battling depression changes my expectations of the game (Give the GM some more slack). Please tell us if my post was inappropriate or if it was a helpful nudge to get out of the funk
May 16, 2022 6:36 am
Clarification: prusx do not have a permanent familiar. Prusx could Ad Hoc summon a fay familiar to server them for a purpose, but they are only bound to be in this world for 4 hours. So she would normally have familiar during the day, but not during the night
[ +- ] Wild Companion
May 26, 2022 9:45 am
Distance calculation on grid - question
Hate to ask this technical question, but I believe it will significantly affect my next turn, so which of following methods do we use if any
May 26, 2022 9:20 pm
Ahhhh, a very good question! There is the cone function that I used earlier if that might help with on the map visualization. If you'd like, I could copy the map over here so we can see what you want to do might look like.
What's the size of the cone you're looking for - 30?
May 27, 2022 8:23 am
I'm currently interested in movement and simple reach rules for my thorn whip cantrip that has 30 feet range.
Now My PC (green p) could obviously move to and reach with cantrip A and B
I've seen DMs who would allow reaching W, but I find it wrong
So the question is only about reaching C and D. i.e. are creatures C and D within 30 feet of creature p ? in this picture.

By the way, some math here - creature D is SQRT(25*25+15*15)=29.15 feet from p if me measure the direct line between two creatures. So both mathematically and based on DMG 252 D is within 30 feet. I just want to double check if DM is
May 28, 2022 2:32 am
Ahhhh, gotcha. Well then, let's put it to a vote to see how everyone feels.

Would it be preferred to stick to the RAW diagonals (5-10-5-10) OR should we go with each square being 5 ft no matter what? I've been moving my units on the basis of the RAW.
May 28, 2022 2:37 am
I'm for 5 ft no matter what. I've never used the RAW diagonals.
May 28, 2022 5:48 am
annex says:
I'm for 5 ft no matter what. I've never used the RAW diagonals.
Same here
May 28, 2022 6:11 am
I abstain.
I have played all 4 options (the 4th one is using actual ruler) and believe all have their drawbacks.
I only want the decision to be made.
May 28, 2022 2:39 pm
I have always used RAW diagonals and have been acting accordingly.
Jun 1, 2022 2:18 pm
I'm really sorry, but I have made the decision to leave this game.
[ +- ] Some of my excuses
I'm ready stay in the game until end of the current combat to prevent breaking combat balance (unless it will take another 2 weeks to finish second battle round).
Jun 1, 2022 10:48 pm
I was just about to come in and post an update, but if you feel the need to leave, I'm not going to keep you back. I can just AI Prusx and send them their own way after the battle.
The update, on the other hand, is that I'll probably be unable to post until Friday. Work has kept be very busy, so I haven't had a good time to check any forums or threads.
To be safe though, if anyone else would like to bow out, you may.
Jun 3, 2022 5:23 am
I'm still here. :)
Jun 3, 2022 6:02 am
I'm still here, but I'm hoping for a little more consistent game pase - or a heads up when real life makes gaming inconvenient, so we know what to expect.
Jun 15, 2022 10:20 pm
I'll have an update later
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