Chapter Four: The Manifest of the Harikan Squall

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Oct 7, 2016 11:48 am
"Madam, if you'll allow me, I think you'll find 'elf' is the preferred terminology for the ancient race. I understand they consider 'feyblood' to be indelicate at best and offensive at worst. Friends, let's give Zo... Zee and her mother a chance to be alone for a moment while we regroup with our compatriots downstairs and decide our next steps. Domarc, perhaps you would join us, in case we have questions that rely on local knowledge of Hazard?"

I'd like to see if we can get in contact with some elves. Their long memories will be more accurate than any rumors passed down through generations of humans. I suggest we check out House va Tragga and see if there are any leads there, but I'd love to hear other ideas.
Oct 7, 2016 3:33 pm
Shamush stares at the ceiling, his eyes a little weary, his expression flat. Finally he looks over to Zangua and is about to say something when he sees him glaring at the suspicious man. He looks from one to the other and mutters to his friend, "He look like trouble to you?"
Oct 7, 2016 4:16 pm
"Yeah," replies Zangua in a low voice. "Stands in line, lets other go past him while staring at us, and now he leaves without buying anything. That song he whistled sounded familiar, but I can't place it. Got my hackles up, for some reason."
Oct 7, 2016 4:48 pm
As Zangua and Shamush watch the smiling man leave the building, one of the customers at the front desk begins to get loud and agitated, insisting that his invoice is not what was agreed upon and demanding to speak to Madam va Locra.
Oct 7, 2016 5:13 pm
What's the equivalent of the Sense Motive skill in 5e?
Oct 7, 2016 5:21 pm
Shamush is going to try and put two and two together and determine if these guys are part of a team. He has a rich history as a thug and gang member, who probably used similar tactics... and that's a whiff.
Last edited October 7, 2016 5:21 pm


Insight - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Oct 7, 2016 5:34 pm
Zangua keeps his eye on the departing man, while his ears listen in on the argument.


Insight - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Oct 7, 2016 5:50 pm
Shamush can't draw any connections between the smiling man and the angry customer. Zangua listens in. The customer is a wine-seller, and the nature of the dispute seems to be over whether some longstanding discount was to remain a fixed amount or be recalculated based on the fact that the Darcran vintner's guild raised their prices this year. The dispute ends with the clerk promising to go and fetch Madam va Locra and asking him to please have a seat.

Harrumphing, the wine merchant stomps over to the bench adjacent to the one Zangua and Shamush are sitting on. He gives the both of you a what-are-miscreants-like-you-doing-in-a-respectable-place-like-this look and sits down. The clerk heads upstairs.
Oct 7, 2016 5:56 pm
Can Zangua attempt to stop the clerk? I assumed Shamush and I were at the foot of the stairs.
Oct 7, 2016 6:07 pm
There's a little distance between the stairs and the closest bench, but you have time to get up and intercept the clerk if you want.
Oct 7, 2016 6:41 pm
Domarc, perhaps you would join us, in case we have questions that rely on local knowledge of Hazard?

"I'm a relative newcomer here, having come over from Mez not too long ago. That being said, I do have some fluency in the Elven tongue. And I am intrigued by the mystery, and would love to help find the answers. However, if we are to go haring off after the this Parfinal? Pathfinder? Pafthinel! with such limited information, I wonder if the Sphere is safe in its present location. If we are to leave it wherever it currently is, will it remain unfound? And how do we make sure the knowledge of that location - which we might be best to not know if our journey does not involve its retrieval - is safe as well?"
Oct 7, 2016 6:45 pm
"Maybe you didn't hear your boss," Zangua says to the clerk, stepping over to the stairs. "She's in an important meeting with important clients and asked not to be bothered. Just trying to save your job, you know?"
Oct 7, 2016 6:56 pm
Martjan spreads her hands. "Nothing ever truly stays hidden forever. I can only guess that Edvers hid it in the safest place he could, and I think I know where that place is. I agree that the fewer the people that know of it, the better -- but it also might not be best if I am the only one who knows of it."

~meanwhile, downstairs~

The clerk, already somewhat frazzled, gives Zangua a stricken look. "I don't know you," he says. "Excuse me." He continues toward the stairs.

"What's that about, then?" the wine-seller snaps. "Mind your own business, sellsword."
Oct 7, 2016 7:05 pm
"I'm the one Martjan said to keep the meeting private," Zangua interjects, continuing to position himself at the base of the stairs. "I'm fine with waiting patiently for her business to finish, and I'm sure we all can. They'll probably be done soon, so let's wait."
Oct 7, 2016 7:26 pm
I wonder if the Sphere is safe in its present location.

"If they knew where it was, they wouldn't be following us, and I agree that it is best if Madam va Locra keeps that knowledge as private as possible for now - who knows what kind of scrying or eavesdropping magics the Six-Pointed Crown has at their disposal. Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead, as they say. Is there a way that you can tell either Zee or Domarc the location using only information that they and only they have? Like if I wanted to tell Zee that it was in the winecellar of the Stone and Thistle Inn in Sthombo I could tell her it was in the place where she first taught me to drink my least favorite drink in all of creation. Do you take my meaning?"
Last edited October 7, 2016 7:29 pm
Oct 7, 2016 8:19 pm
Shamush lopes over to where the merchant is seated and leans over him, planting his hand against the wall. Naturally the gesture causes his armpit to open wide and the already pungent miasma of various subterranean effluvia and the brute's own cocktail of aged body odour wafts over the other man, hitting him like a breaker on a rock.

Smiling, Shamush says pleasantly, "Good afternoon, my lord. I represent the complaints department here at West Bload Trading. My name is Riverdump, Slit-Throat Riverdump of the Darcra Riverdumps. How do you do? If you're having a problem with your service, like, I encourage you to let me know and I'll do whatever is in my power to make your trading experience as good and wonderful and fucking cheerful as it can possibly be." He shows the man a snaggle-toothed grin.
Oct 7, 2016 8:25 pm
The wine-seller stands up. The other clerks are watching this scene now, and the other customers are starting to pay attention too. One of them makes a quick pivot and slips out the front door.

"P-perhaps I could get someone else to assist Master Firzal," the clerk suggests. "I-I won't disturb the meeting. If you'd kindly let me pass, please..."

Edit: When Shamush stands over the merchant and delivers his threat, one of the clerks remaining behind the desk backs up to the wall and starts fumbling for something near the shelves. The merchant just shrinks back from Shamush with a look of terror on his face.

~meanwhile, upstairs~

Martjan gives Mordred a tight smile. "I do. But I'm afraid Zee and I don't have much history of shared experiences that lend themselves to that sort of communication. However...this place I'm thinking of, I only know of it. I've never been there." She looks at Zora. "But you might have."

"I don't want to know yet," Zora says. "Dad died to keep that thing away from the people who wanted it. He had me risk my life to come here and tell you about it. Oh, and it comes with a prophecy about wiping out all life on Bload." She cocks her head. "You said the two of you studied the Sphere together back in the day? I think he thought you'd have had it figured out by now. I don't think we're safe doing anything until we know what in the Nine Hells this Sphere really is. You said that ship the elf was one might have stopped at Sood or wherever. If that's true, then there could be more copies of the manifest out there."

Martjan taps her fingernails on the table. "You know," she says softly, "you sound a lot like him when you talk."
Oct 8, 2016 9:27 pm
"I'd love to let you pass," says Zangua, "when the meeting is done. Now, the fact is that even if you were to get someone else, that'd still disturb the meeting, and where does that put us? Both you and me are gonna be at fault.

"Maybe now's the chance for you to show what you got. Maybe you can take care of Master Firzal's issue, eh? Test out your negotiating skills."


Persuasion - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Oct 10, 2016 10:06 am
Felor listens with great interest to the discussion in Martjan's office. It all seems to be a bit over his head, but he perks up when Martjan mentions that the Harikan Squall's trade route extended as far as his homeland, Jerma. He racks his brains for anything he can recall from his time in the Jermal ports that might be relevant.


History skill check - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

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