Qralloq says:
Falconloft says:
What scope are you interested in?
I'd be most interested in a game with a definite end point in mind, rather than an ongoing perpetual campaign.
I think that'd be best as well, given that no one's played it in so long. After we do an adventure, we can decide if anyone wants to continue.
So we have WhtKnt, Windyridge, and Qralloq so far. I could run with three. GURPS doesn't really do encounter balance anyway. But lets give it a day to see if anyone else wants to jump in. I'll start setting things up on my end.
As part of that...
What type of Fantasy are we going for? You
can say just dark or light, or high or low, but those don't always mean the same things to everyone, so the more detailed the better. Are there things you want to see? Are there things you
don't want to see?
p.s. High fantasy usually means more powerful people in my opinion and in GURPS, where you have to build your character, that can mean longer build time. For this reason I'd prefer low fantasy, or at least mid.
Last edited February 2, 2022 5:46 pm