Chapter 4 - Power Vacuum

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Jun 28, 2022 10:17 pm
As always, Kip is impressed by what Guy could do with a few words.
Jun 28, 2022 11:06 pm
Guy moves to casually take the package they delivered, making sure to show no interest as to what's inside. "Alrighty, If there's nothing else, we'll just head out then." As soon as the three are outside, and out of earshot of any guards he breaths a sign of relief.
Jul 1, 2022 2:26 pm
Back to the shop?
Jul 1, 2022 2:49 pm
Kip was curious as to what Guy's actions were a set up for.

"So, what's the plan now?"

He tinkers with the device in order to see if he can guess what the whole device is without actually putting it together.
Last edited Jul 1, 2022 2:50 pm
Jul 1, 2022 3:27 pm
"I'm afraid I may have talked fater than I planned. I was hoping I could get him to hire us to track down the other package. While it would have been easy money, the main goal would have been trying to get him tell us what it was. But getting access to the site may be more valuable, assuming we can move around there unseen a bit." Guy says, stopping to actually think for a while before continuing. "Any luck figuring out what the complete device is? And if you can place a listening device or a tracker in it?"
Jul 2, 2022 3:56 am
To be honest, I don't really get the thought process. Does that mean we'll have to show up with both parts of the device?

Also, a mechanics roll if I need it.



5 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 4 Success

Jul 2, 2022 4:40 am
no no. we still only show up with the part we showed him. If we turn it in to the site at all. We could just keep it, or turn it in to the rebellion.
Jul 2, 2022 4:17 pm
So we're going to show up without having "found" the other party? I don't really get the point of the whole offer then.
Jul 2, 2022 5:02 pm
oh I think I may be the one that's confused. Did the officer hire us to track down the other package/group? I thought he just wanted us to deliver the one we showed him.
Either way, I don't think we have to actually deliver it.
Apologies, I'll run idea by you guys ooc in the future
Last edited Jul 2, 2022 5:23 pm
Jul 4, 2022 3:05 pm
Easily connecting the two parts together, Kip starts to inspect the device as a whole. The knobs are used to independently and precisely adjust both transmission and reception frequencies over a very narrow band. With the device powered on, the screen lights up, and with some minor adjustments it's clear that this device is a tracker - with the current vector pointing directly to The Site. A few more quick adjustments and the direction of the vector moves, this time pointing in almost the opposite direction to a location roughly 60 klicks outside of Falu.
The officer wanted you to take the part that you have to the site while he has some of his own men track down the other group.
Jul 4, 2022 5:21 pm
Oh, and the extra money he offered was just because he liked Guy's audacity. Got it, I thought we were hired to look for the other group.
Obviously, this device was meant to help find whatever was in the Site.

"Hmm, interesting. I expected the signal from the Site, but there's also another one outside of Falu. I wonder if the Imperials know about that one."
Jul 5, 2022 9:56 am
Gurag scratches his chin looking at the readings "Do you think it's worth checking out this other location? I can't remember hearing about any real Imp activities over there"
Jul 7, 2022 4:18 pm
"Perhaps. If it's the same thing as whatever's at the Site, it would be good to find out what it is. I wonder if we would need any special equipment to extract it though, seeing how much effort the Imps are going through at the Site. Well, with the tracker, we won't have an issue finding it at least."
Last edited Jul 7, 2022 4:19 pm
Jul 11, 2022 7:03 pm
What's the plan?
Jul 11, 2022 8:32 pm
let's head over to this new site? Then we can decide our next move from there?
Jul 11, 2022 10:06 pm
Sounds good to me.
Jul 13, 2022 6:29 pm
Shall we hop in the speeder, and head to this mysterious new location then?
Jul 13, 2022 7:02 pm
With the tracking device pointing the way you pile into the speeder and take off across the high-grasslands outside Falu. The closer you get to the location, the stronger the signal that the device is picking up becomes, and Kip has to make several quick adjustments to the sensitivity along the way to keep from overpowering the scanner.

After just over an hour you arrive at the location indicated by the device. On initial investigation there doesn't appear to be anything different in the surroundings than what you experienced for the vast majority of the trip. An empty, flat grassland. The signal that the tracker is receiving is nearly off the charts, even on the lowest sensitivity setting.
Jul 14, 2022 12:35 am
Kip's initial guess is that the mysterious object is underground.

"Hmph. I certainly see why the Site is employing all of those workers."
Jul 14, 2022 2:49 pm
"If it is there must be a way down there. Lets take a look about, see if there's any sign anyone else has been movin about round here"
Would a Survival check be best to try and see if there's any sign of tracks or anything?
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