Act I-I: The Village of Mayfield

Feb 11, 2022 5:18 am
Long has the day been that the party has ridden since their departure from the city of Khanwohr. Their exploits during the great festival of drinking only a few weeks behind now as they decided to head west into the country of Imprei. The caravan that offered to given them food and ride is bound for the growing village of Mayfield, lying just a day past the borders.
Mayfield, as you've all been told, is a farming village, well on its way to becoming more of a small town as people come to settle there. It's fields are rich and fertile, allowing many a crop to grow and grow well. Orchards, wide fields of wavering grain and barley, corn, and all others are found within the village's vast acreage.
Many nearby settlements, towns, and cities often purchase a great deal of these crops for a swell price. Perhaps the most sought, however, is their fine brews. From their orchards of apples, ciders both sweet and sour are concocted. Ales and beer are threshed from the fields from the golden wheat that grows aplenty. And maybe the best of them all, the "cream of the crop," is their mead, for a great field of apiaries offer various flavors of honey to imbue the bee-wine.
Many whom you ride with also gaze in awe at the oddity that is your band. Two goblins, a kobold, a drow(or dusk elf as they might prefer to be called), and a sentinel of yore. The heroes of the festival ride with them. Much curiosity surrounds them.
All was well under the rising autumnal sun. Until the caravan came to a sudden halt, those in the lead wagon screaming in horror!
Aaand action!
Feb 11, 2022 7:54 am
Judea raises her hand as if she was launching a bird off her wrist. Just so a raven takes flight. Looking through its eyes she gets a birds eye perspective on the caravan and what is happening in the front.
[ +- ] Raven
Feb 11, 2022 8:59 am
From the bird's eye view, Judea can see well ahead of the caravan. Maybe 30 feet ahead lies the first few buildings of Mayfield, while roughly 60 feet ahead lies a building with a small mass of sheep surrounding it. They seem to be headbutting and bashing the walls and door, albeit sluggishly. Additionally, two sheep are only about 15 feet ahead of the lead wagon. They seem to be consuming another as it lies dead and bloody on the ground.
Feb 11, 2022 9:17 am
Prusx, annoyed by stopping and say some nasty words in goblin (something like what the hell) get out out of the wagon and go to the lead wagon to check out the reason of a panic.
When she spot sheep, she is going to use "Speech of the Woods" to ask them what's going on, but she is confused and first thing she ask is something like "who did it to you?"
[ +- ] Speech of the Woods
Feb 11, 2022 9:32 am
Is it normal for the white woolly creatures to eat each other?
Judea is curious but she is also showing some lack of surface world knowledge.

She gets down and starts to walk forward towards the scene. She wears nothing but the dwarven belt tied twice around her slender frame, and from it hangs her sword, a book, and her belt pouch.
Last edited Feb 11, 2022 9:36 am
Feb 11, 2022 3:01 pm
"Not at all." G'nark answers. "They eat grass and flowers, never each other. Don't smash buildings either." He matches her stride as they approach the grisly scene.
Feb 11, 2022 5:19 pm
"Why can't these strange things happen at night?" Talyn grumbled, his dusk elf eyes coming out of their preferred darkness into the rapidly brightening light of day. A finger lazily outlined a circle in the air from which an imp shimmered into sight.
[ +- ] Morden the imp
"Take flight as another raven, Morden. Let me see what's going on, and play nice."

The imp gave a brief bow, shifted into a raven, and flew up to join Judea's bird. Talyn was perplexed by what he saw through his familiar's eyes: sheep eating each other and being randomly violent to themselves and buildings. With his own sight back, he followed the goblin and the golem.

"Don't get too close. It could be some kind of mad sheep disease. That may be no issue for you, Judea, but it may be for us if other creatures might catch it."
Last edited Feb 11, 2022 6:22 pm
Feb 11, 2022 5:50 pm
I've never known sheep that consumed meat before. he says stunned Let alone ones that were cannibals. Karn gets up from his seat and makes his wait to the front to get a better sight.
Feb 11, 2022 7:23 pm
As Prusx attempts to speak with the sheep consuming the one on the ground, she is given no response. They only continue to feast on the flesh of their kin.
As others draw near, one of the sheep raises its head, and the horror is there, plain as day: undeath. Portions of the face are putrid and rotten, some bits have even totally fallen off at some point. The eyes that remain in the sockets are glazed over with only the icy blue hue that many recall about their encounters with the undead.

From the building, a older voice calls out: "Be you passersby or heroes, I cannot tell - but please, either help us deal with these wretched things or run! Another group went another way and we can only pray that they don't kill any more! We've already got wounded in here from their bites!"
Feb 11, 2022 8:36 pm
G'nark's hands curl into fists and then uncurl to be ready for the battle ahead. With the words of a prayer on his lips, he strides forward to send these foul things to their rest.

(Assuming we'll need an initiative roll.)


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Feb 11, 2022 8:53 pm
Varn readies his shortbow in preparation for the battle with the sheep


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Feb 11, 2022 9:22 pm
"Merciless Zinzerena!" Talyn cursed as the undead nature of the sheep became clear. "We definitely don't want to get close. You're supposed to eat grass, little puffballs, not each other's brains... or ours."

While the others dealt with the closer threats, Talyn prepared to call down blazing luminosity on the cannibal zombie ewes near the building.


Init to win it! - (1D20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Feb 12, 2022 8:25 am
Judea draws her sword and approaches the sheep with the intent of casting a cone spell that will engulf the maximum amount of sheep without hitting her comrades.

Intented spell
[ +- ] 3p(P): Rime's Binding Ice


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Feb 12, 2022 8:28 am
Someone is going to pay for making animal zombies! Prusix say quietly. Then cry to the build "we will certainly deal with undead"
And you could see Prusx shaking and her the anger when she say word undead.
But she is not too fast to deal with the sheep. She think - there must a humanoind behind this, most probably human. But seems like best way figure out something is to help people so they could share what they know.
Since undead do not show sign of aggression I am not rolling initiative yet. If a battle begins I would gladly accept last place in initiative order or a surprise status of my PC.
Feb 14, 2022 11:43 pm
The zombified sheep barely register the threats coming to them, but the noise draws their attention to fresh meat.

Round 1 - Start
Didn't expect most of everyone to fly into battle XD The initiative has the two sheep at last, with Prusx either taking their turn before or after them as they see fit.
Feb 15, 2022 2:33 am
When he saw the building-butting sheep ignored them, Talyn shifted his focus to one of the cannibal sheep.

"Ssussun orthae!" Talyn incanted in the dusk elf tongue as one hand formed a fist at the sky and pulled down a column of searing brilliance over one of the undead! Since being close to any enemy, especially undead ones, wasn't his usual position, the warlock took several steps back while keeping his eye on them.
Action: Sacred Flame! The zombiewe must make a DC 16 DEX save or take the radiant damage below, no damage on a save.
Minor action: None.
Move: 30 feet back.


Sacred Flame radiant damage - (2d8+4)

(38) + 4 = 15

Feb 15, 2022 2:59 am
Really? Were you expecting us to try diplomacy with the undead sheep?
G'nark takes in which undead sheep has taken the most damage and then sends forth a sonorous clang of bells to help it to its rest.
Toll the Dead Wisdom save DC 15. If damaged 2d12 necrotic. If undamaged 2d8
Last edited Feb 15, 2022 2:59 am
Feb 15, 2022 4:58 am
Nah, I was wondering if anyone was going to try and draw them with a distraction of sorts. But alas, battle is at hand!
With swift action, Talyn's strike of radiant energy causes the undead farm animal that was targeted to singe and fall over in a slump. True death has taken the husk.
Meanwhile, G'nark lets ring a dull tone, much like a funeral bell announcing the loss of a life and their imminent burial. The second sheep shudders violently, but managed to remain standing, but very weakly.


Dex Save(DC 16} - (1d20-4)

(13) - 4 = 9

Wis Save(DC 15) - (1d20-4)

(7) - 4 = 3

Toll the Dead - (2d12, 2d8)

2d12 : (1011) = 21

2d8 : (28) = 10

Feb 15, 2022 6:40 am
Glacies Tempestas Old, old words flow of her young lips. From her open free mechanical hand, a torrent of ice-cold air covers several sheeps. A bucket of water freezes, but that is the extent of collateral damage her spell does to the farm.
I am of the belief that in PBP I should make as many of the rolls that I can. That is why I also roll saves for a handful of sheeps. If there are more sheeps the GM can add a few save, if there are fewer, the surplus can be ignored. Our GM just have to add the sheeps mods to my roll and tally the damage (and note the effects)
[ +- ] 3p(P): Rime's Binding Ice


cold damage - (3d8)

(816) = 15

Unmodded con save DC 16 - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (18) = 18

1d20 : (15) = 15

1d20 : (18) = 18

1d20 : (2) = 2

1d20 : (8) = 8

1d20 : (8) = 8

Feb 15, 2022 6:21 pm
If there are any sheep still "alive" Varn will shoot the closest one to him with an arrow lol


Shortbow Hit - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Shortbow Damage - (1d6+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

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