Act I-I: The Village of Mayfield

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May 16, 2022 5:46 am
Talyn's reverie left him lots of time to read, and he sat in the dark doing just that when he heard the sound of someone gently rapping, rapping at the window.

What is it, Morden? he thought as he looked out. A glow around the church? There should be darkness there and nothing more. What's there round a church to be glowing?

The crash and screams answered his question.

"What else but ghastly grim and ancient graves?" he sighed aloud.

What exactly have you seen, Morden?! Tlyn asked telepathically while he looked out the window into the black and white and gray contrast of night beyond.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

May 16, 2022 6:28 am
AbbyssalChimera sent a note to annex
May 16, 2022 6:50 am
Prusx damn everything (in goblin) as she tried to jump surprised by loud noise and hit the bed she were sleeping below.
Assuming she hear Talyn asking about church
And assuming there is a window in her room
She opens the window, turns into an owl (wild shape) and fly to the church to see what is going on
[ +- ] Prusx stats in owl form
May 16, 2022 7:17 am
"Oh, Prusx," the dusk elf again sighed. "Never go off alone when zombies are afoot."

Become invisible and fly around this inn, Morden. I'll link with your senses. Go!

"We've got trouble!" Talyn shouted loudly for the others in the other rooms to hear. "I think our necromancer has the graveyard spewing out zombies!"
May 16, 2022 8:20 am
Leif stumbles out of bed, and sits down next to the bed. What he sits into looks like some sort of crazy metal contraption, but as it comes to life and snaps and closes around him, it soon reveals itself to be his armor that locks around him.
It takes him an action to don his armor
Fully armored and battle-ready Leif leaves his room in a hurry. As he passes the others they see a shimmering feel activating around him and then dissipating.
[ +- ] Guardian: Defensive Field. LR
Once on the street he slows his pace a bit. Giving the others a chance to catch up
May 16, 2022 11:08 am
Taking to the sky, Prusx can see multiple shambling corpses given foul unlike. Multiple village homes are under siege as windows are burst through and doors are slammed against.
Flying closer to the graveyard, a robbed figure stands amid a circle drawn in what looks to be blood. Four candles sit in smaller circles within the main on. The robbed figure appears to be reading aloud from a book that floats before him. Prusx watches as a grave bursts open - dirt flying all over! A skeleton, its joints held together by tainted sorcery, wanders off to the village to wreak further havok.
As Leif rushes out onto the street, he can see. That roughly 12 undead are nearby the inn alone! Old Peculiar, an old sword in hand, is doing his best to fend off the partially decaying corpse of who he calls "Jarvey.". Father Braeburn carries no weapon, but he is doing his damndest to call upon the aid of his god to assist Peculiar and to turn any other zombies that draw near. Looking around, the slumped mounds of three other zombies are strewn about the dirt road; a pile or two of ash are among them as well.
Seeing the Halfling come out, Old Peculiar strains his neck back to him and shouts: "Me and the Father have this! Get your friends and go take care of the source before we're completely overwhelmed!"
May 16, 2022 2:56 pm
Owl fly back to tavern as fast as an owl can. It turns back into goblin a a moment before landing. Still tumbling Prusx cry
To the graveyard! HE is in the graveyard! Hurry!
May 17, 2022 6:56 am
Leif turns some dials on his armor, and this electrifies his boots as he takes off towards the graveyear
movement speed is now 35, and he does not prove attack of opportunity when he moves past, under or over the zombies
[ +- ] 2 (3p) : Kinetic Jaunt (C)
[ +- ] Halfling Nimbleness
May 17, 2022 7:08 am
Go to the churchyard, Morden, and keep an eye on that man!

He took a deep breath and intoned, "Xxilfet d'Agathys!"

A frosty armour appeared around Talyn then he said, "We'll have to fight our way past zombies, Prusx. Everybody ready?"
Casting Armor of Agathys to gain 20 temp HP and have melee attackers take 20 cold damage on a hit.
May 17, 2022 9:15 am
Prusx satisfied that she don't need to explain anything also run back to the graveyard.
Being a gobling with Nimble Escape don't have problems with opportunity attacks, but her walking speed 25 probably is, so you should be able to catch her up. Leif certainly will.

Now I have a question - how far the graveyard is from the Tavern. Don't need exact distance just approximate (for me it matters if it is within 250 feet or more). If it is more then I would like to cast pass without trace and discus strategy as we go.
May 17, 2022 9:35 am
It's just gonna be a straight shot unless people want to take care of any enemies along the way to prevent further harm. Otherwise, I'd say 250 feet might be a good estimate from point a to point b.
May 17, 2022 9:53 am
In that case Prusx will very soon reach 150 feet range to cast the spell. Not sure if we see necromancer due to candles, but this spell do not require to see the creature in any case
Prusx cast Spike Growth centred on the point she last saw necromancer at and note:
I am summoning spikes around necromancer to slow him. Will remove them when you are in melee range.
[ +- ] 2: Spike Growth (Wis)
May 17, 2022 4:16 pm
"We'll do what we can, Old Peculiar!"

Talyn rushed into the night, his dusk elf eyes at home in the darkness, his magic aimed at the shamblers he passed. Once within sight of the caster, Talyn would send a necrotic hand to grasp him.
I'll cast Chill Touch as many times as feasible to soften the zombies up for Old Peculiar and the Father. How many should I roll?
May 17, 2022 7:27 pm
G'nark joins with Talyn and Tolls the Dead on a few of the undead threatening Old Peculiar and the Father before rushing to the graveyard with the others.
May 17, 2022 11:35 pm
I'll say they're free hits for the "cinematics.". Besides, not too hard to hit a zombie anyways. I'll roll to see how many are taken out along the way


Zombie Drive-By - (2d10)

(105) = 15

May 18, 2022 12:18 am
As the group charges their way towards the graveyard, zombies swarm and batter homes left and right. Talyn and G'nark, slinging their minor spells, deal a significant amount of damage to the horde as dolorous bell tolls and frosty touches bring down a total of 15 zombies along the way!
Reaching the edge of the source of undead rising, everyone can see over the low hedge fencing. A robed figure stands in a red circle, candles at four points within it. A tome floats before him as he chants unceasingly, taking no notice of the party as they arrive. His words are strange, and on top of that, it sounds as if two are speaking at once from his mouth: one tired and deep, the other rasp and like an eerie whisper.
Prusx casts her spell that surrounds his footing with thick vines and sharp thorns. At this, the chant ceases and is replaced with a horrible fit of laughter.
"Hahahahahahaaaaa! So, you are the ones who put an end to that horrible farce earlier this day?"
He looks over to everyone, his eyes cloudy and cold; a tinge of blue is also evident. A terrible grin crawls across his face.
"Ahhh, this has truly been a botched effort because of that snot nosed farm brat! I had to hide my 'puppet' to ensure my plan would at least happen to some extent. Alas, I had to leave my athame under that mattress, which I'm sure you lot must have found. Now, if one of you would kindly return it to me, I promise to make your shift to undeath quick and painless. "
May 18, 2022 5:58 am
Leif who has been sprinting towards the graveyard, closes in on the necromancer with the intent of kicking his ass.
His athame is wrapped in silk inside Leif's bag of holding


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

May 18, 2022 6:33 am
"Ssussun xenu!" Xul shouted and caused a hemisphere of even more sickly light to emanate from the already corrupted graveyard around the necromancer!

"After you. Well, at least the 'dead' part of 'undead'," he said to the necromancer, then added to his companions, "Don't go into the light or you'll get sickened, too. Surround it and wait for him to come out."
Move: Stopping 120 feet away from Necro-Dude.
Action: Casting
[ +- ] Sickening Radiance
before anyone gets within melee range. 30 feet radius of radiation centered on Necro-Dude.


Sickening Radiance radiant damage - (4d10+4)

(1993) + 4 = 26

May 18, 2022 8:02 am
Right then, I'll need everyone to roll initiative! There's a reason individual rolls will be needed for this battle.
Details will be posted soon.


Initiative - (1d20+6, 1d20+3, 1d20-1)

1d20+6 : (9) + 6 = 15

1d20+3 : (7) + 3 = 10

1d20-1 : (2) - 1 = 1

May 18, 2022 8:32 am


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

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