1.1 - In Search of Sanity - Prison of the Mind

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Mar 18, 2022 2:59 am
Fair enough, if that's what it takes to prove ourselves, we'll set out to do it. Can you provide us with any information on who you've sent out? If we come across them, we'll be sure to provide assistance and send them back this way.
Mar 18, 2022 5:27 am

Vaustin York
Any humor in York's eyes seems to fade. "Not much to say. Good men and women, trying to find a route to the kitchens so we'd have more to eat and drink. Yaren, William, Sarea, and Loch. They were dressed somewhat like the rest of us here. If you were to find any trace of them, I wouldn't be the only one grateful." He sighs. "I think it best you be on your way now," he says, "but I do hope to see you on better terms soon."

He turns to walk away, adding, "Men, if our friends here come within touching distance of the barricade before Winter or I've cleared them, shoot them down. Avice, give their descriptions and my order to the others." The last of the unnamed guards nods and walks through the door on the western wall, closest to the barricade.
Okay, map updated - what would you like to do? Captain York can still hear you for a few moments, but he's actively walking away.

Note the red area - until you've satisfied the request, that area is considered too close to the barricade and may result in an altercation.
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Mar 18, 2022 8:53 am
Razhel pats her crossbow and turns to face the northern end of the hallway in shadows. "Well, you heard them. We've got killing to do."
Mar 19, 2022 9:48 pm
Resolved to the task put upon them by the orderly, York, Grim turns and follows after Razhel heading north.
Mar 19, 2022 10:33 pm
Nodding his head as York leaves, Elias turns with the others and heads out. We may as well start with the closest areas first and work our way out. What do you guys think?
Mar 19, 2022 11:59 pm
"I concur with the Knight. Lead the way, sir." He'll follow the comet-man.
Mar 20, 2022 2:33 am
"Agreed. Should we haul in the body of that ghastly nurse before we get too far?"
Mar 20, 2022 3:27 am
Elias pauses in thought as he listens to Axon's idea. That's a good idea, we can drag it and leave it by the door. That way we can bring it in on our way back. Good thinking.
Mar 21, 2022 11:23 am

Stepping back into the courtyard, you find that while the rain has gotten worse, you get no sense of the thing in the sky. Working together, you drag the battered body of the slain person-like creature into the hallway and prop it up against the western wall just across from the door to the courtyard.

With Elias in the lead you make your way north. You travel just a short distance before the light from the area around the barricade fades and you are left in the growing blackness of the dark hallway, unable to see much of anything much farther ahead.

There is, of course, the two doors on the western wall behind you, and now within the limits of the fading light you spot two closed doors along the eastern wall.
What you can see right now on the map is the limit of what is visible without either enhanced vision or a light source. If we move further north, or into any unlit side room, the benefits of the hanging lantern to the south will not longer be available.

We have two PC's that have enhanced senses - I will send private notes to them when appropriate to show what they can see beyond what is shown on the general map - it will be up to those PC's to use that knowledge how they see fit.
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Mar 21, 2022 2:17 pm
Elias approaches the door (O20) and stands by to open it. Once everyone is ready, he carefully opens it and peers inside.
Mar 21, 2022 7:14 pm

After everyone is prepared, Elias opens the door. Inside, it is so dark the normal human eye cannot make out any details.
Feel free to post any actions you would or wish to take prior to opening the door. I'm keeping you outside the room right now due to the limited visibility as indicated below.

What you can see right now on the map is the limit of what is visible without either enhanced vision or a light source. If we move further north, or into any unlit side room, the benefits of the hanging lantern to the south will not longer be available.

One PC can currently see well enough into the room, if they step right up to the door, to make out the descrioption, otherwise I will reveal the description once an appropriate light source if provided.
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Mar 21, 2022 9:29 pm
I can light a torch if no one else wants to go first.
Mar 21, 2022 9:45 pm
Raxhel will enter the room, in the dark, and give the place a quick once over to see that none of the shapeshifters are hiding here and look for possible usable items.
Mar 21, 2022 11:57 pm
The dead skinwalker again made his skin crawl as it was moved, and moving away from it into the dark depths once more did little to ease that feeling. If being exterminators was the only way to remain unexterminated, he was as ready as he could be right now. As the blonde man opened the door, he peered into the gloom and wished he could see into it, understand it. The others who had better vision would see within but he wanted to know. Such strange notions while in the midst of a life and death situation, he thought, but he let the feeling guide him to just behind the dragon-eyed woman.

"Wait a moment," he urged her as he tentatively reached out with senses he was unsure of, "and let me... feel... አስማትን ፈልግ።"
Casting Detect Magic.
Mar 22, 2022 12:43 am
RageRed says:
Raxhel will enter the room, in the dark, and give the place a quick once over to see that none of the shapeshifters are hiding here and look for possible usable items.
Razhel doesn't find anything of note with her cursory glance over the upper layer of the rubble and wreckage. It is likely that anything easy to grab has been foraged by the nearby survivors by now.

Axion casts his magic upon the small room and perceives nothing magical in nature.
Razhel - While a quick once-over doesn't reveal anything, but there is the potential for things to be hidden under knocked-over shelves and containers, plus rubble. You could take 10 minutes to more thoroughly search the room if you'd like.
Mar 22, 2022 1:10 am
Had it already been 10 minutes? Iosef would make sure to keep the front of Elias' shield lit, but I didn't think that would have run out yet.
Last edited March 22, 2022 1:11 am
Mar 22, 2022 1:20 am
LoudKid says:
Had it already been 10 minutes? Iosef would make sure to keep the front of Elias' shield lit, but I didn't think that would have run out yet.
Thank you for the reminder! Elias's shield continues to glow with the light spell. That works perfectly, if Iosef is planning to keep that lit.

LoudKid & Elias - just let me know if you wish to discontinue keeping the shield lit, otherwise I'll assume you're keeping it going.
Mar 22, 2022 1:27 am

Between Elias lighting up the room from the doorway and Razhel searching within, it is clear that what remains of this room is a mess. Several racks that one may have held things in this storage room now lay tumbled over. The reek of chlorine permeates the air. Broken containers litter the floor.
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Mar 23, 2022 8:18 pm
At this time, anyone may step in to help look through the rubble/wreckage of the room if you wish. This will take 10 minutes of time and will involve moving and lifting shelves/containers to look around. This is optional of course.

Otherwise, we may move on to other rooms and/or further down the hall.
Mar 23, 2022 9:33 pm
I can stay in the hallway to provide security and shine the shield into the room.
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