1.1 - In Search of Sanity - Prison of the Mind

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May 16, 2022 7:33 am
"You're right but we need these people as much as they need us," he said to Hat then asked the guard, "Will we be denied entry if we refuse? And some of our weapons are ephemeral. Such power goes wherever we go and cannot simply be handed over."
May 16, 2022 8:25 am
"I don't need weapons. I AM the weapon!" Razhel interjects with a growl.
Last edited May 16, 2022 8:26 am
May 17, 2022 7:59 am

Vaustin York
The man looks as frustrated as he is tired. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs, "Listen, good people, if that is who you truly are, we mean not to sow more distrust than is necessary. We can account for the dangers on this side of the barricade, and we need to try and account for that well as we may.

If you won't relinquish your weapons - and as you say, some you may not have the power to part with at all - then at least stay here in the gatehouse rooms. The day draws late. I'll talk to Winter and see what she will have us do come the morning. As a measure of goodwill, there are some extra supplies in there - take what you may find useful. We'll get this sorted out - maybe if we all work together we can find a way off this accursed island.

What say you?"
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
May 17, 2022 9:37 am
Grim looks to the other four and nods himself. "This is acceptable to me. We very tired and need to sort out a few things for ourselves."
May 17, 2022 9:40 am
I agree as well, we need a place to rest. Elias says as York makes his offer.
May 17, 2022 4:07 pm
"Me, too. Thank you for the kindness," he said, this time managing to muster a small smile.

Vaustin York


May 17, 2022 8:59 pm

Vaustin York
"Right, good," Captain York says, "That way then. Find what comfort you can. Whatever creatures remain outside our camp will need meet our crossbows before they disturb your slumber." He gestures again to the door to the west, just north of the barricade.

As the group heads inside, they find what used to be two rooms, now joined as one via a collapsed portion of wall to their south. The room they enter contains dusty buckets, brooms, and racks of cleaning supplies while beyond the gap in the wall they can make out a small desk and chairs shoved out of the way.

Looking more closely, this northern portion of the room must have once been used to store supplies and cleaning equipment useful to the upkeep of the nearby area, though it appears the majority of the useful or dangerous tools and chemicals once stored here have been absconded with since whatever befell this tragic place.

When you enter, a female guard with short-cropped hair and a wary look on her face stands near the door. Once you file inside, she swiftly shuts the door and locks it from the inside. She approaches the yellow-robed man and, unless stopped from doing so, takes him and gently prods him to the southern room, having him sit down in the south-western corner near the desk.

Another of the guards, this one you recognize from earlier - a man named Avice, approaches, but stays in the southern portion of the room. "York says you're to stay there tonight. We'll watch over ya, me and Mura here. She ain't much for conversation, and she's not very trusting, but nobody will harm ya, or go through your things. Me an' her will be taking shifts tonight. We'll have some supper brought along shortly for you all."
Let's use this time to get read for our first night's rest in this place. Standard questions apply - are you setting a watch order? Are there any activities any of you plan to do before sleeping? How about first thing once you wake up?

I'm including below a list of things you can find lying about, if any one of you takes a few minutes to look around - let me know what you take.

Feel free to interact with one or both guards however you'd like before we pass the night.
[ +- ] Northern Room Items, 10 Minutes of Searching
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
May 18, 2022 7:51 am
Iosef will attempt Psychometry on the Royal Accuser pin (secret check, +8 mod)
He may share information depending on what he gleans, but he'll at least share what he knows currently and the pin itself with Elias and Grim after the attempt.
Before rest, or possibly during first watch, he'll attempt to read/identity the Oathsday journal.
He will share rations with party members if they don't have any.
Last edited May 18, 2022 7:54 am
May 19, 2022 3:45 am
"Thank you, Avice, Mura," he said. "What were you two before this place went to the Hells?"

He smirked at that question since he didn't even know who he was before this place went to the Hells.

In a private moment later, he looked around the room with this wonderful arcane sight he possessed. The place might have gone to the Hells but there still wonders to be discovered here... or rediscovered.
May 19, 2022 11:01 pm
Razhel enters the space opened to them along with the others. She tests one of the chairs in the ex-office and stakes out a place to sit and relax
May 20, 2022 9:52 am
Finally, Grim finds a moment of relative calm in the eye of the storm. He familiarizes himself with their new surroundings rather quickly with a short circuit about the room and notices the fellow with the glasses studying something. He doesn't interfere, but wonders curiously what the small item may reveal to the man.
May 21, 2022 9:46 am

You settle in for the evening. It isn't long before food and water are brought in, enough for the guards, the yellow-cloaked captive, and your company. It's meager fare, but not terrible - realizing none of you have eaten since...well, since you don't know when, you can hardly complain. Some 3-day-old bread, hard cheese, and fresh stew - it smells great and you're not disappointed.

Iosef takes some time sitting in the corner with the pin they had earlier found, his mind pouring over the object, his thoughts surrounding it like the very air they breath.

At Axon's question, Mura doesn't reply. Avice seems happy to talk for both of them though. "Mura doesn't talk. We think she can, maybe. She has a tongue and can hear just fine, but something's a bit jostled up there." Avice raps at his own head with his knuckles as Mura scowls at him. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Mura. I don't mean anything by it." He smiles at her, obviously not intending to hurt her feelings, and returns his attention back to Axon before adding, "She's just got more healin' to do, that's all. I suppose after all this, we'll all have a fair amount of healin' to do. As to your question, Mura is - was - a patient here. I was an orderly, nobody important. What about you lot? Is it true, none of you remember how you got here?"

Mura walks over to the desk and takes a seat opposite Razhel. She casually pulls out a pack of playing cards and holds them up. She catches Grim's attention and gestures to the last chair near the desk to see if he has interest as well. She pulls out the heavily-used deck and starts shuffling, casting a glance to the other two to see if they'll let her deal them in.

C1NDER sent a note to LoudKid
C1NDER sent a note to Equinox
Axon senses nothing magical within the room, save their own equipment found earlier.

Iosef - it'll take an hour to invest into the book. Please give me a Spellcraft check and I'll share what you find.

What is Elias doing? Do any of you take any of the items from the room? It looks like Iosef is offering to take a first watch - what about 2nd and 3rd watch?
[ +- ] Northern Room Items, 10 Minutes of Searching
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Psychometry - (1d20+8)

May 21, 2022 1:26 pm
Grim moves over and give Mura a nod. He keeps thinking about that deck of cards in his possessions and the whispering that draws him to it. He will need to investigate that later, when he has a little more privacy.

May 21, 2022 6:26 pm
Razhel simply glances across the table to the mute woman. Then, finally as the cards are brought out she nods slightly, "Sure. Why not?"
May 21, 2022 8:16 pm
"How we got here, who we are... I think we're all a bit jostled up there, Avice," he said with a pained smile. "I hope we can all find ourselves again."

He moved to the final vacant seat and watched the mute woman shuffle the cards. He wanted to ask her what they'd play but realized he'd probably have to tell from how many cards were dealt.

"I'll stay up for the second watch. Maybe some time to quietly think will help jog memories."
May 21, 2022 9:32 pm
Elias looks around the room and settles for a quiet corner. As he gets comfortable, he looks over at the card game. I'll take the third watch.
May 22, 2022 7:11 am
A couple housekeeping items and some rolls.

Annex & #Elias - Iosef will be peering over the journal. It remains to be seen if he will identify it after taking the requisite hour reading through it. Do you wish to spend any time, such as during your turn at watch, looking through the book? It could be...enlightening.

Though this may only apply to Iosef and Axel, after reading for 1 hour, it will take a DC 25 Knowledge (arcane) or DC 20 Spellcraft check to learn more of its magical nature.

Iosef - I'll need that roll from you still: DC 25 Knowledge (arcane) or DC 20 Spellcraft

Grim & Razhel - Let's get some rolls from you both for the card game. I'll narrate how the game plays out over the course of multiple hands based on the results. Please roll the following to represent the general flow and outcomes:
1) a flat d20 to represent the luck of the game
2) a bluff check to represent your own natural cleverness
3) a sense motive check to oppose #2 from both other players
4) a perception check
5) (optional) a sleight of hand, only if you wish to cheat.
C1NDER sent a note to LoudKid
[ +- ] Northern Room Items, 10 Minutes of Searching
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


A Silent Echo Upon the Breeze - (5d100)

(5233826164) = 292

Luck - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Bluff - (1d20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

Sense Motive - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

May 22, 2022 7:16 am
Definitely having a look-see during watch!
5d100? Oh dear.
Last edited May 22, 2022 7:16 am
May 22, 2022 7:59 am
This is what you read, annex:
C1NDER sent a note to Squadfather44,annex
May 22, 2022 8:07 am
annex sent a note to C1NDER
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