Most presently, you all recognize and remember each other from the dream encounter with the creature from the mist.
As you begin to finally converse with one another, you will find that while all of you have some recollection of your earlier lives, everything goes blank at a certain point with, as well as you can figure at least several years of memories missing. You have no idea where you are, nor do you remember your names, and only a distant recollection of any past family or group affiliations.
If you remember anything about how you, as a person, would feel or react in any given situation (your alignment), it is only as a fleeting thought in the back of you mind about who you may have been, once, many years ago.
You do, however, retain some instinctual understanding of what you are capable of (your class abilities). While you don't specifically know that 'your gear' = your gear, each of you instinctually collects those items that may once have been theirs (as to match your sheet), as if the objects radiate familiarity as your hands pass them over.
LoudKid - per our poll, I am automatically 'taking 10' on all perception checks for passive awareness when people generally explore an area. This should help a lot of back-and-forth rolls that tend to bog games down.
Everyone - on that note, anyone who searches through the garbage pile to retrieve their basic equipment near the furnace may made a Perception roll. If you succeed at the posted DC below, you may reveal the spoiler and act on the information.
[ +- ] Perception vs DC 17
You find buried among the soiled clothes and garbage of past victims, a beautiful masterwork viol. The bow is missing, but the instrument is, remarkably, undamaged.