Loot and Treasure

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Mar 5, 2022 1:46 am
Here we'll keep track of loot and treasure found during our adventure -

CURRENCY: 3pp, 63gp

- Wooden Holy Symbol of Pharasma (1gp) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Small Steel Mirror (10gp)
- A Pair of Red Leather Boots with Cat Skin Lining (20gp)
- Masterwork Silver Dagger (322gp)(SOURCE) CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Masterwork Chain Shirt (250gp)
- Potion of Virtue (25gp)(SOURCE)
- Eye of Horrific Insight (500gp) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- a Small Key, fitting manacles CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Manacles x3 CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Surgeon's Tools CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Handy Haversack (2,000gp) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Pearl of Power (lvl 1) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Phylactery of Faithfulness
- 1x Potion of Cure Light Wounds CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Masterwork Dagger
- Journal (Belonging to one, Dr. Oathsday; Detect Magic: Divination)(Requires 1 uninterrupted hour to read, then a DC 25 Knowledge (arcane) or DC 20 Spellcraft check to learn more of its magical nature) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Enameled Pin bearing the Crest of the Ustalav Royal Accusers (50gp) (SOURCE)
- Sunrod x2 (SOURCE)
- vial of antiplague x1
- Shrine Box
----- Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges remaining) (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----- 2x Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----- 1x Scroll of Sanctuary (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
Garden Shed Loot (SOURCE)
----MW Shovel - Acts as a Wand of Expeditious Excavation w/ 12 charges remaining; -2 Attack Modifier
----MW Alchemy Crafting Tools
----MW Studded Leather Armor CLAIMED BY GRIM
----Acid Flask x2
----Tanglefoot Bag x1
----Scroll of Freedom of Movement x1
- Padded Armor
- Sap
- Thunderstone x2
- Gold Ring - worth 150gp
- Cultists in Bird Haunt Room (SOURCE)
---- Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (x2) CLAIMED BY AXON AND RAZHEL
---- Masterwork Silver Dagger (x2)
---- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x4) CLAIMED - 1 TO EA. OF 4 PC'S
- Pair of Fancy Soft Leather Boots (more info could be gleamed) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Ring w/ Hawk and Holly Emblem (more info could be gleamed) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Lockbox (locked, pends opening)
- Dossier on Zandalus (anyone may take a few minutes to read and learn its contents) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Red Destiny (+1 short sword) CLAIMED BY GRIM
- 2 vials of thick silver liquid (Silversheen)
- 1 vial of Oil of Align Weapon (CLAIMED BY RAZHEL)
Office (Source)
- Ring of Keys
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- 1 bottle of Oil of Magic Weapon CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Brain-shaped Wooden Box (50gp)
- Bookends of Screaming and Crying Figures (50gp)
- Brass Sculpture of an Osirian Pyramid (50gp)
- Magnifying Glass
- 2x Vials of crystalline powder, labeled: 'Alchemist's Kindness'
- Vial labeled 'Smelling Salts'
- 2x of a viscous liquid labeled 'Soothe Syrup'
- 4 doses of antitoxin
- 2 doses of opium
- Scroll of Fox's Cunning
- 2x Scroll of Remove Paralysis
- Greater Talisman of Beneficial Winds on silver chain
- Leather Cord w/:
----Lesser Talisman of Healing Power (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----Lesser Talisman of Warrior's Courage (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- 1 dull cream and green-colored Candle of Spirit Protection
- 1 tin of chalky dark red Incense of Open Thoughts
Syringe of Cure Moderate Wounds (Heals 2d8+2hp, use as standard action in combat)
- A paper shadow lantern - given to Axon by Brenton Lieklen for the wooden knights
- Wand of Bless (18 charges remaining) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- 6x Bottle of Alchemist Fire
- Cloak of Resistance +1
- Potion of Bull's Strength (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Potion of Protection from Evil (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2
- Healer's Kit
- + 1 Heavy Wooden Shield (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Ring of Emancipation
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (24 charges) (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
- Bracers of Armor +1
- Harrow Deck w/ Strange Card (Foreign Merchant) (CLAIMED BY GRIM)
- Pearl Tooth (18gp)
- 200gp worth of coins and jewelry

From Zandalus/Tatterman
Oil of Magic Weapon
Potion of Bear's Endurance
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Potion of Invisibility
+1 Light Mace
+1 War Razor
Ring of Protection +1
Wand of Command (38 charges)
Elixir of Truth
Scroll of Summon Monster III
The Chain of Nights (more details in a dedicated entry in our treasure thread)
Mar 5, 2022 10:40 am
If you guys have a preference with how you want to handle loot, we can discuss that here. I'll plan to keep a running log of the loot in the initial post for easy viewing.
Apr 16, 2022 10:51 am
[ +- ] Eye of Horrific Insight (Slotless, Wonderous Item)
May 14, 2022 6:49 pm
[ +- ] Handy Haversack (Slotless, Wonderous Item)
May 15, 2022 4:57 am
Would anyone find it helpful if I include more details for things like weapons and armor (Like AC or weapon damage) in the master list?

I assume also, by the way, that once claimed you are all adding things to your character sheets and are responsible for trading amongst yourselves.

I'll keep items on the list and crossed out so everyone can remember what has been found and who has it (if claimed).

If anyone has a mind to suggest any other ways we should manage loot and party wealth, let me know.
Jan 7, 2024 1:47 am
The Chain of Nights


- Any reader who spends 1 hour consulting The Chain of Nights can immediately after use the hypnotism occult skill unlock (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 195) once per day even if that character isn’t capable of casting psychic spells or doesn’t possess the Psychic Sensitivity feat.
- Also, after 1 hour of consulting the tome, the reader gains a +2 bonus on a single Knowledge (planes) check related to the Dimension of Dreams. This can be done more than once by each PC.
- Additionally, the tome contains the spells dream, dream council, dream scan, dream travel, and nightmare. Most notoriously, it contains an elaborate—and some say flawed—ritual for releasing one’s dreams.

The Ritual:

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