Mar 5, 2022 1:46 am
Here we'll keep track of loot and treasure found during our adventure -
CURRENCY: 3pp, 63gp
- Wooden Holy Symbol of Pharasma (1gp) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Small Steel Mirror (10gp)
- A Pair of Red Leather Boots with Cat Skin Lining (20gp)
- Masterwork Silver Dagger (322gp)(SOURCE) CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Masterwork Chain Shirt (250gp)
- Potion of Virtue (25gp)(SOURCE)
- Eye of Horrific Insight (500gp) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- a Small Key, fitting manacles CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Manacles x3 CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Surgeon's Tools CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Handy Haversack (2,000gp) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Pearl of Power (lvl 1) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Phylactery of Faithfulness
- 1x Potion of Cure Light Wounds CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Masterwork Dagger
- Journal (Belonging to one, Dr. Oathsday; Detect Magic: Divination)(Requires 1 uninterrupted hour to read, then a DC 25 Knowledge (arcane) or DC 20 Spellcraft check to learn more of its magical nature) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Enameled Pin bearing the Crest of the Ustalav Royal Accusers (50gp) (SOURCE)
- Sunrod x2 (SOURCE)
- vial of antiplague x1
- Shrine Box
----- Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges remaining) (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----- 2x Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----- 1x Scroll of Sanctuary (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
Garden Shed Loot (SOURCE)
----MW Shovel - Acts as a Wand of Expeditious Excavation w/ 12 charges remaining; -2 Attack Modifier
----MW Alchemy Crafting Tools
----MW Studded Leather Armor CLAIMED BY GRIM
----Acid Flask x2
----Tanglefoot Bag x1
----Scroll of Freedom of Movement x1
- Padded Armor
- Sap
- Thunderstone x2
- Gold Ring - worth 150gp
- Cultists in Bird Haunt Room (SOURCE)
---- Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (x2) CLAIMED BY AXON AND RAZHEL
---- Masterwork Silver Dagger (x2)
---- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x4) CLAIMED - 1 TO EA. OF 4 PC'S
- Pair of Fancy Soft Leather Boots (more info could be gleamed) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Ring w/ Hawk and Holly Emblem (more info could be gleamed) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Lockbox (locked, pends opening)
- Dossier on Zandalus (anyone may take a few minutes to read and learn its contents) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Red Destiny (+1 short sword) CLAIMED BY GRIM
- 2 vials of thick silver liquid (Silversheen)
- 1 vial of Oil of Align Weapon (CLAIMED BY RAZHEL)
Office (Source)
- Ring of Keys
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- 1 bottle of Oil of Magic Weapon CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Brain-shaped Wooden Box (50gp)
- Bookends of Screaming and Crying Figures (50gp)
- Brass Sculpture of an Osirian Pyramid (50gp)
- Magnifying Glass
- 2x Vials of crystalline powder, labeled: 'Alchemist's Kindness'
- Vial labeled 'Smelling Salts'
- 2x of a viscous liquid labeled 'Soothe Syrup'
- 4 doses of antitoxin
- 2 doses of opium
- Scroll of Fox's Cunning
- 2x Scroll of Remove Paralysis
- Greater Talisman of Beneficial Winds on silver chain
- Leather Cord w/:
----Lesser Talisman of Healing Power (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----Lesser Talisman of Warrior's Courage (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- 1 dull cream and green-colored Candle of Spirit Protection
- 1 tin of chalky dark red Incense of Open Thoughts
Syringe of Cure Moderate Wounds (Heals 2d8+2hp, use as standard action in combat)
- A paper shadow lantern - given to Axon by Brenton Lieklen for the wooden knights
- Wand of Bless (18 charges remaining) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- 6x Bottle of Alchemist Fire
- Cloak of Resistance +1
- Potion of Bull's Strength (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Potion of Protection from Evil (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2
- Healer's Kit
- + 1 Heavy Wooden Shield (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Ring of Emancipation
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (24 charges) (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
- Bracers of Armor +1
- Harrow Deck w/ Strange Card (Foreign Merchant) (CLAIMED BY GRIM)
- Pearl Tooth (18gp)
- 200gp worth of coins and jewelry
From Zandalus/Tatterman
Oil of Magic Weapon
Potion of Bear's Endurance
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Potion of Invisibility
+1 Light Mace
+1 War Razor
Ring of Protection +1
Wand of Command (38 charges)
Elixir of Truth
Scroll of Summon Monster III
The Chain of Nights (more details in a dedicated entry in our treasure thread)
CURRENCY: 3pp, 63gp
- Wooden Holy Symbol of Pharasma (1gp) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Small Steel Mirror (10gp)
- A Pair of Red Leather Boots with Cat Skin Lining (20gp)
- Masterwork Silver Dagger (322gp)(SOURCE) CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Masterwork Chain Shirt (250gp)
- Potion of Virtue (25gp)(SOURCE)
- Eye of Horrific Insight (500gp) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- a Small Key, fitting manacles CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Manacles x3 CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Surgeon's Tools CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Handy Haversack (2,000gp) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Pearl of Power (lvl 1) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Phylactery of Faithfulness
- 1x Potion of Cure Light Wounds CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- Masterwork Dagger
- Journal (Belonging to one, Dr. Oathsday; Detect Magic: Divination)(Requires 1 uninterrupted hour to read, then a DC 25 Knowledge (arcane) or DC 20 Spellcraft check to learn more of its magical nature) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Enameled Pin bearing the Crest of the Ustalav Royal Accusers (50gp) (SOURCE)
- Sunrod x2 (SOURCE)
- vial of antiplague x1
- Shrine Box
----- Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges remaining) (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----- 2x Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----- 1x Scroll of Sanctuary (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
Garden Shed Loot (SOURCE)
----MW Shovel - Acts as a Wand of Expeditious Excavation w/ 12 charges remaining; -2 Attack Modifier
----MW Alchemy Crafting Tools
----MW Studded Leather Armor CLAIMED BY GRIM
----Acid Flask x2
----Tanglefoot Bag x1
----Scroll of Freedom of Movement x1
- Padded Armor
- Sap
- Thunderstone x2
- Gold Ring - worth 150gp
- Cultists in Bird Haunt Room (SOURCE)
---- Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (x2) CLAIMED BY AXON AND RAZHEL
---- Masterwork Silver Dagger (x2)
---- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x4) CLAIMED - 1 TO EA. OF 4 PC'S
- Pair of Fancy Soft Leather Boots (more info could be gleamed) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY GRIM
- Ring w/ Hawk and Holly Emblem (more info could be gleamed) (SOURCE) CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Lockbox (locked, pends opening)
- Dossier on Zandalus (anyone may take a few minutes to read and learn its contents) (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Red Destiny (+1 short sword) CLAIMED BY GRIM
- 2 vials of thick silver liquid (Silversheen)
- 1 vial of Oil of Align Weapon (CLAIMED BY RAZHEL)
Office (Source)
- Ring of Keys
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- 1 bottle of Oil of Magic Weapon CLAIMED BY RAZHEL
- Brain-shaped Wooden Box (50gp)
- Bookends of Screaming and Crying Figures (50gp)
- Brass Sculpture of an Osirian Pyramid (50gp)
- Magnifying Glass
- 2x Vials of crystalline powder, labeled: 'Alchemist's Kindness'
- Vial labeled 'Smelling Salts'
- 2x of a viscous liquid labeled 'Soothe Syrup'
- 4 doses of antitoxin
- 2 doses of opium
- Scroll of Fox's Cunning
- 2x Scroll of Remove Paralysis
- Greater Talisman of Beneficial Winds on silver chain
- Leather Cord w/:
----Lesser Talisman of Healing Power (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
----Lesser Talisman of Warrior's Courage (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- 1 dull cream and green-colored Candle of Spirit Protection
- 1 tin of chalky dark red Incense of Open Thoughts
Syringe of Cure Moderate Wounds (Heals 2d8+2hp, use as standard action in combat)
- A paper shadow lantern - given to Axon by Brenton Lieklen for the wooden knights
- Wand of Bless (18 charges remaining) CLAIMED BY IOSEF
- 6x Bottle of Alchemist Fire
- Cloak of Resistance +1
- Potion of Bull's Strength (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Potion of Protection from Evil (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2
- Healer's Kit
- + 1 Heavy Wooden Shield (CLAIMED BY ELIAS)
- Ring of Emancipation
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (24 charges) (CLAIMED BY IOSEF)
- Bracers of Armor +1
- Harrow Deck w/ Strange Card (Foreign Merchant) (CLAIMED BY GRIM)
- Pearl Tooth (18gp)
- 200gp worth of coins and jewelry
From Zandalus/Tatterman
Oil of Magic Weapon
Potion of Bear's Endurance
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Potion of Invisibility
+1 Light Mace
+1 War Razor
Ring of Protection +1
Wand of Command (38 charges)
Elixir of Truth
Scroll of Summon Monster III
The Chain of Nights (more details in a dedicated entry in our treasure thread)