Chapter 10 - The Basement

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Mar 19, 2022 5:38 am
"If you people mess up again, I'm going to get mad!"


Strength - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (3) = 3

Mar 19, 2022 6:33 am
The cardboard stubbornly refuses to budge, although you feel it might be close...

Cody Brewster
"Save your breath and pull!"

Alice Evans


Strength - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (3) = 3

Alice Evans: Strength - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (3) = 3

Mar 19, 2022 6:35 am
you made some progress on the task, so we'll need 3 successes in the same round now instead of 4.

Round 3 Successes 1/3
Logan and Alana are up, any order
Mar 19, 2022 6:59 am
"You save your breath!"


Strength - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (4) = 4

Mar 19, 2022 7:00 am
2/3 Successes. Go Logan!
Mar 19, 2022 11:34 am
Logan continues to work on pulling out the cardboard.


Strength, Wild - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (2) = 2

Mar 19, 2022 4:34 pm
The four heroes continue to join their efforts despite the uncooperative cardboard wedge. Suddenly, without warning the wedge pops free in an instant, giving in to their combined forces.
The foursome are thrown back by the momentum and end up on the floor.

The table is now visibly unbalanced.

The flashes of green energy from the top of the table continue, intermittent and almost blinding.

Standing up and testing the table experimentally, they feel that pushing the shorter leg in a certain direction could cause the table to rock quite a bit.
with the table now off balance, it is an easy task to make it shake back and forth. Two strength roll Successes will do it.
Mar 19, 2022 4:35 pm
"Nice one guys! Let's try to rock it..."


Strength - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (1) = 1

Mar 19, 2022 4:36 pm
"One last effort..."


Alice Evans: Strength - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

Mar 19, 2022 4:37 pm
Roll for Logan/Alana, then we'll look at that snake eyes!
Mar 19, 2022 4:39 pm
Not sure if you saw it on the discord but Reroll Aces is bugged out currently. We need to do that manually.
That's why we've been rolling so horribly recently.
"This'll be easy. Come on! Just don't get your foot into that gap!"


Strength - (1d4, 1d6)

1d4 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (3) = 3

Mar 19, 2022 4:44 pm
Tired, but determined to see it through, Logan latches onto the table leg and tries to move it.


Strength, Wild - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (3) = 3

Mar 19, 2022 4:51 pm
We're literally the worst
Mar 19, 2022 5:18 pm
As the heroes shake and rock the table acting on the leg...
[ +- ] ...
Mar 19, 2022 5:21 pm
Cody Brewster


Alice Evans



Athletics - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (6) = 6

Alice Evans: Athletics* - (1d10, 1d6)

1d10 : (7) = 7

1d6 : (1) = 1

Cody ace - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Mar 19, 2022 5:24 pm
Alice and Cody dive for cover like the heroes of a war movie under enemy shelling, managing to get out of the way just in time, as the massive bolts and screws impact the ground bouncing all around them with a deafening noise!
Mar 19, 2022 5:28 pm
Al tries to jump out of the way as well...


Athletics - (1d4, 1d6)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

Mar 19, 2022 5:35 pm
Logan looks up in time to see the cascade of metal projectiles heading towards the group. Moving on pure Instinct Logan tries to dive out of the way.
Last edited March 19, 2022 5:35 pm


Athletics, Wild - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (1) = 1

Mar 19, 2022 5:42 pm
oh boy...
is Alana using a benny? Logan is beyond that...
edit: I now see Alana has no bennies left
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