Ask Me Anything: aquafina

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Mar 26, 2022 6:19 am
witchdoctor says:
CherokeeWind says:
Cow tipping? What utter nonsense!
Since Bowl hasn't done it yet...

Did you mean "Udder" nonsense? 🤣
Mar 26, 2022 6:44 am
Adam says:
aquafina says:
Not for fun? So is it for money or religious reasons?
Rite of passage? Hazing? Establishing dominance?
Mar 26, 2022 6:50 am
For the XP?
Mar 26, 2022 3:16 pm
For Fun? NO! We shall do it... for EVIL!
Mar 26, 2022 3:34 pm
Favorite Dimension20 season/moment?
Oh man, that is an impossible question. I think my top three favorite seasons are Crown of Candy, the Seven, and the ongoing Starstruck Odyssey campaign. I think you can tell from that list how much I love absurdism. Crown of Candy had that Game of Thrones feel that Games of Thrones itself lost, and having Game of Thrones set in Candyland is the PERFECT thing in existence. The Seven and Starstruck have just so many truly batcrap crazy hilarious moments that I have had to pause and stop watching it on my lunchbreak at work because I was crying trying to hold in my laughter.

My favorite moments are both the absolutely stupidly absurdly funny moments and then the moments that made me cry. So my favorite funny moments are: Sexy Rat, Hilda Hilda, the moment in the bar with the proldier on Rec 97, Hairy Baby (see a common thread of Emily Axford in those? lol), and pretty much any moment with Arthur Aguefort, Chungle-Down Bim, Plug, Laertes, or Evan Kelmp.

As for the sad bits (may contain spoilers, but I'm keeping it vague): almost the entirety of Crown of Candy, but especially Episode 9, Riz's moment with his dad, eveything that happens in the Nightmare Forest, and Sofia finding out the truth about what happened to Dale.
Last edited March 26, 2022 3:37 pm
Mar 26, 2022 3:44 pm
What is a favorite family tradition that might or might not be holiday based?
I dont feel like we have a lot of special traditions outside of holidays really, besides maybe just Monday and Sunday night dinners at my dad's house lol. We always ate together at the dining room table whenever we could, but with three kids and two parents, it always seemed like there was somebody at soccer practice, band rehearsal, hanging with friends, or working. But we were never allowed to make plans (with friends or work or anything) on Monday and Sunday nights. My parents were divorced and we went back and forth between houses every week, so Monday was always the first time we got to see each other at my dad's after a week, and Sunday was the last. It was annoying sometimes of course but was a good thing in the long run.

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