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Feb 16, 2023 9:39 pm
Imma try bribery. Whoever recaps what's happened so far gets a free auto-success to be used sometime during the next fight. :)
BedzoneII says:
I've narrowed the problem to a faulty network adapter and also a malfunctioning graphics card, and it can't shut down properly either. At least I'm able to scramble to begin to do a back up. All my written stuff is on a google drive, whew, but all the pdf books, images, maps etc are on the hard drive.

(Means I'm updating my games on my work computer at work *wink)
Save everything!
Feb 17, 2023 2:14 am
Ooh, I've got all sorts of stuff that I'd like to automatically succeed. Can that be used to make someone auto-fail a save?

I digress.

Chapter 0: Annex made us all watch the D&D cartoon. I'll save you a whole lot of time: entertaining, but probably not worth watching all of it unless you're a huge fan of 80s cartoons. If you grew up past then, you're used to a different style of cartoon and may not appreciate it. That said, there was some entertaining stuff tucked away in there.

Chapter 0.5: Presto comes back from a walk to find his tower on fire. Bummer, right? So he calls up his friends on his arcano-phone and tells them to quit having lives and families, we've got crits to roll! They all show up and have tea. Presto's good buddy Malchor scried up a storm and determined it was the antagonists from the original show: Kelek the Sorcerer, Skylla the Warlock, Warduke the Fighter, Zarak the Assassin, and Zargash the Cleric of Orcus. They came looking for Presto, and, failing to find him, torched his joint. They also bagged Presto's girl (Varla, she digs him but they can't be together because reasons) and his bro-seph Lorne. Malchor says they're at some rad old fort, so Malchor BAMFs them over there, like a total boss. Everyone cheered.

Chapter 1: Big fight! lots of fight-y stuff happens, Presto may or may not have borrowed an elemental from the Plane of Fire. It burned stuff. We rescued Varla and Lorne and BAMFed back to Presto's tower with a dead orc that Presto might have lost his temper at. Presto gets a little lost in the sauce and resurrects the orc. He comes back as a halfling and is unhappy about this state of affairs. We trap him in a Force Cage and do some bad cop/worse cop until Malchor tells us that Diana's friend Kosar was also nabbed by the bad guys. Bobby flexes super-hard at the orc halfling until it freaks out and says that the bad guys are collecting star children like Kosar. He then said that Kosar is being kept in Kelek's tower in the Valley of Dead Unicorns (cue thunder). I guess Presto exploded the room while trying to scry? I forgot about that. He also made something else happen that even he doesn't know about yet (more thunder). Then a flaming nightmare horse came, and also Bobby's friend Uni the Unicorn (Bobby wasn't great with names at that age). Turns out the nightmare was Venger's (the big bad from the TV show) mount, but Venger dipped out with his sister Karena into The Realm, the original setting of the TV show that should have ceased to exist but didn't. It's probably due to Dungeon Master (the little dude from the show), but we don't know the deets on that yet. We need Kosar to get us into The Realm to chase after the twins (Venger/Karena) and stop them from doing whatever it is they're up to. That's why Kelek abducted him in the first place. Presto used a Big Spell to contact Kosar and determined he's alive.

Chapter 2: We teleport to a fort next to the Valley of Dead Unicorns (thunder) and have another big fight. Spirit trolls, giant Yuan-ti creature, Zargash the Cleric of Orcus and Warduke the fighter, it was explosive! It was amazing! It was Presto not planning ahead and spending three turns running because he miscalculated how far everything was! The point is we lived, they didn't. We also got some really convenient magic items and potions. We burned the cleric and fighter to make sure they were dead. Turns out they were. We went through a tunnel and emerged into the Valley of- (thunder) Not yet! I didn't say the thing yet! Damn thunder can't wait a moment...Forget it, the moment is gone. We're in the valley. We approach the tower, Diana and Sheila do some invisi-scouting and find there's a big shield surrounding the tower and a bunch of invisible stalkers around it. Hank summons a celestial Couatl to help us out who has a serious lisp. We have a fight (with help from airborne paint bombs and a cloud of flour to help see the invisible stalkers), dispel the shield, and run inside. Just inside there's a bunch more stalkers and Zarak the assassin. We surprise them and through some bad rolls on their part, take them apart pretty easily. Then we opened a door and got blasted in the face with some horrible fear.

Which is about where we are now! For my part, Presto is off in his own little world, busy being scared of...whatever horrible junk his mind conjures up.

We still have Kelek and Skylla running around being evil, but this evil magic user seems awfully evil warlock-y...
I feel certain I forgot a bunch of stuff, please feel free to tag in and add whatever you want. If there's something cool your character did that I missed, highlight it, let's get reminded of what kind of insane stuff we've pulled off thus far!
Last edited February 17, 2023 2:15 am
Feb 18, 2023 5:09 am
Ezz. says:
Valley of Dead Unicorns (thunder)
Mojang has a level of sadism where they programmed soft snow for half a mountain range, forcing my Pre-ker watch her beloved horse Luna die ‘get lost’ in a gauzy blue halo while we desperately shovel her out…

Good to see Annex bottled that feeling into a location!

Thanks for the hilarious recap! It sounds like you have had a grand tour full of shenanigans. I do wonder where all the flour came from in a party of 80s fantasy heroes. Someone take the Chef feat?
Feb 18, 2023 10:26 am
Excellent recap, Ezz - thank you! I'm excited to get in on this and bash some stuff with my axe.
Feb 18, 2023 10:40 pm
Galdr says:
Someone take the Chef feat?
Old Bobby had the Chef Feat and Presto can pull anything out of his hat.
Feb 22, 2023 2:13 am
Now that we're all up to speed... I'll be posting tomorrow!
Feb 22, 2023 2:46 am
annex says:
Now that we're all up to speed... I'll be posting tomorrow!
most excellent!
Feb 25, 2023 2:20 am
Apologies for not starting sooner. Physio's really draining some days.
Apr 6, 2023 3:09 am
A bit preoccupied, sadly. Will get us moving shortly.
Apr 13, 2023 1:11 pm
I know I've been...well, completely absent. No excuses, I need to make a better effort to hop in. I apologize, friends, I hate being an anchor.
Apr 20, 2023 12:31 am
Hey all, closing on a house on friday. I'll be in and out over the next 1-1/2 weeks
Apr 20, 2023 12:33 am
That's great news! Congrats, Shadowace!
May 3, 2023 2:43 pm
My son arcane charged from his mother’s womb over the weekend, so I will be a tad sluggish in my posts.
May 3, 2023 5:59 pm
That's amazing!! Congrats Galdr!
May 3, 2023 6:09 pm
Congrats, that's so awesome!
May 4, 2023 2:56 am
Congrats Galdr!
May 4, 2023 6:32 pm
Thanks, all! Little guy had his first check up: He’s healthy and happy! 🥳
May 6, 2023 1:23 am
Congrat Galdr -

on another note, the move from hell is over. Well, I'm still living out of boxes but i'm beginning to get settled. catching up now
May 6, 2023 3:29 am
Glad that's behind you.
Roll init and you can hopefully jump in before the 20th level spellcasters go. :)
May 8, 2023 1:47 am
That little bit of bolded text makes me feel like I really fucked up not blasting out with some insane bullshit. That said, it was a 50/50 shot of them getting caught by Hypnotic pattern. Or, in our case, a 1 in 4 chance of it being a completely wasted turn.

I really should have hit Bobby with Foresight before we opened the door. That would've really turned up the heat. But I'm a big dumb, so... :D
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