Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, my tree is Catholic. Was hesitant at first, but having gotten hold of a Bible d'Olivétan, and talking with the monks at Signy Abbey, she found that a lot of passages that either match up with wilden beliefs, or show that the wilden may have once been closer to l'Eternal than they are now.
WARNING: She will engage in theological debates.
[ +- ] Interesting Passages (possible hooks?)
-- Daniel: 4:8-37 // The same thing is happening to the Wilden now. Does this mean they need to update their beliefs? Also, shifters are obviously evil.
-- Ezekiel 17; Ezekiel 31 // This Great Tree keeps showing up, always in reference to a Kingdom. Our myths of the Worldtree may be related, must talk to elders.
-- Judges 9:7-15 // Obviously a well-known story since it was so authoritative. Did the Wilden once live in the Holy Lands?
-- Ezekiel 20: 45-48 // It seems we did, but that we did some great wrong. Need to ask the elders about myths of Negev.
-- Revelation 22: 1-5 // Redemption for our people if we will correct ourselves.
-- Revelation: 11:16-18 // Elders mentioned, also protection against those who destroy nature.
Last edited Mar 25, 2022 3:02 pm