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Apr 2, 2022 3:12 pm
Regarding proficiency. Once again - I'm a RAW person. Rules say
To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier.
Sometimes, the GM might ask for an ability check using a specific skill--for example, "Make a Wisdom (Perception) check." At other times, a player might ask the GM if proficiency in a particular skill applies to a check.
I have seen many DMs who assume it is their duty to always pick a specific skill. I do not. I believe that weather particular skill applies depend on how background matches with the task. That's why I was stressing out background choice. I am nevertheless open for negotiations with a DM as defined by rules.
Apr 2, 2022 3:24 pm
GreyWord says:
Regarding proficiency. Once again - I'm a RAW person. Rules say
To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier.
Sometimes, the GM might ask for an ability check using a specific skill--for example, "Make a Wisdom (Perception) check." At other times, a player might ask the GM if proficiency in a particular skill applies to a check.
I have seen many DMs who assume it is their duty to always pick a specific skill. I do not. I believe that weather particular skill applies depend on how background matches with the task. That's why I was stressing out background choice. I am nevertheless open for negotiations with a DM as defined by rules.
Gotcha my bad. When i read it the first time i read it as a persuasion check as that is what I am used to for negotiations. I just looked back and you did say make an ability check my bad. Good to go I understand it now thank you
Apr 8, 2022 6:47 am
Hi All. I've send notice to NatOne and will remove if no answer in next 72 hours from the player .
Nevertheless since module is for 5-6 players we will continue, but I will in parallel be looking for 6th player, but only after those 72 hours.
Apr 8, 2022 4:01 pm
Regarding Haggle. Please let me know what you thing, but it looks like this was bad idea of mine - it cause too much questions.
I suggest we do following:
1) I announce that non magical items that has price in PHB could be purchased at 80% of their cost except heavy armour
Heavy armour costs 200% (yes twice the price) because in this hot climate heavy armour is hard to find
2) We ban any haggling from the game, all the prices that are state in the game are not negotiable. This is just too burdensome to negotiate them over PBP
Apr 8, 2022 8:31 pm
Its whatever to me. There are pros and cons to keeping it and discarding it.

1. We have already invested some of the actions in the week to over come the haggling requirement
2. Some already spent the 4 multiple for things like the 5gp dino tour that they now have less resources in case they need that gold later
3. It is a bit weird trying to figure out what can be haggled and what can not be haggled as the rule isnt stretched over everything in the same way.
4. We still have 5 more days left here (or so we think) that we can start getting things at cheaper prices instead of a 4 time multiple.

Pros and cons to both. I sort of lean towards getting rid of the haggling and the 4 times multiplier to all goods and services but im ok with whatever the group likes best.
Apr 8, 2022 9:02 pm
I do not mind the haggling, maybe it would be better to be more complete with the rules to avoid such questions?

Either way I do not mind. Am having fun
Apr 8, 2022 11:01 pm
I like Haggling but combined with 4x cost, lack of funds, and no apparent means to generate such, it isn't great. That is my view of it.

I see it totally hampers buying most anything. Before you can even haggle you have to have 4x gold of the item you want in case the haggling fails. In the point to gain a fine military outfit that Jim was considering, he would have to have 60gp cash as it is 15gp normally. Currently Jiim couldn't consider haggle/buy anything that cost much over 3gp player's handbook cost.
Last edited Apr 8, 2022 11:06 pm
Apr 9, 2022 6:51 am
OK I got you, it looks like I am robbing you, when I was trying to give you a 20% discount at the cost to time spent. Probably it was not clear that failed aggressive only waste time, but you could repeat it as much as 4 times a day, not to mention two of you could cooperate to help each other and give advantage.
I will introduce events into the game that will disable haggling and return prices to normal. More over to demonstrate I do not want to rob you I will restore all of your money spent haggling (i.e. except inn expenses) and grant free waterskin and free local clothes to anyone who did not buy one yet.

My excuses for this failure of mine. As I wrote I'm inexperienced PBP and appears my ability to define rules in written are to be improved.
Apr 9, 2022 9:23 am
How is HP handled for level 2? is it that rolled or average.

Do we auto add it to our characters HP or is it only added to max possible currently?

Is Multiclassing possible? Pop'ing to level 2 was unexpected so no roleplaying toward something new was done.

Jim for next level can do Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, or Rogue per Multiclass rules.

Didn't know we would be leveling so I have not laid out a plan for such.

Added strange question: If we go on a say jungle expedition. Does Jim have to buy extra ration for safety after he has thrown away 10 rations earlier due to Comfortable lifestyle?
Last edited Apr 9, 2022 10:01 am
Apr 9, 2022 10:04 am
multiclass-yes but according to PHB. You would need to manage it yourself though I am not expert.

HP : your choice average or roll. No rerolls though.

you could assume you lvl up before long rest

Take your time. You could delay lvl up decision until after first initiative roll
Apr 9, 2022 12:55 pm
Pacan's level 2 synopsis:
Circle Choice: Circle of the Moon
Wild Shape
Combat Wild Shape (can use bonus action instead of action to trigger wild shape)
Circle Forms (Can transform into beasts CR1 or lower. No flight or swimming yet)
Average HP
+1 first level spell slot
+1 prepared spell
Question for you as a DM regarding druid wild shape forms. By default, there is no restriction on what beasts I can turn into (except the CR and flight/swimming restrictions). However, I know there is an optional rule that limits forms to those the druid has seen or something to that effect. I know we aren't using variant rules, but wanted to confirm if you're expecting a limited list of forms that I'll be able to use.
Apr 9, 2022 1:10 pm
Best of my knowledge It is not optional rule it IS RULE
Wild Shape
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before.
I've been playing druid a lot myself and my approach to this is: if you multi-class into druid you are limited to beasts you have seen in the game. If your starting class is druid we could discuss in private list of animals you have seen. I would assume they all need to represent singe environment type (I would think most obvious choice is: forest/hill/urban). By the way - you have seen Ankylosauruses, triceratopses, , Deinonychus, Dimetrodon, Hadrosaurus, and Young versions of: Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus. I will allow you to turn into adult versions of those.
Apr 9, 2022 2:39 pm
Can we buy those chult special items or only the one who discovered them?
Apr 9, 2022 2:50 pm
So it is Grey, apologies. Not sure where I had seen the variation piece in the past (might have been third party trying to define what someone has "seen"). More than happy to define a list that we grow over time.
Apr 9, 2022 3:11 pm
Jim Corman discovered chult special items, but I assume he shared that info with you and it was not really so hard to discover for anyone who were buying anything, so feel free to purchase them
Apr 9, 2022 7:28 pm
Getting Jim into level 2:

Jim multiclasses into Cleric of Deneir with the Arcana Domain. Does he get full hp for the first time in the class or should I do roll or do average?

"All PCs gain lvl 2! Your PCs undergo acclimatization and are more capable now. From RP perspective I would assume you do not learn your lvl 2 features, you were simply unable to user then in the first two days in the hot climate"

Featureless: So Jim can't cast spell or do cantrips? He has no prepared spells or slots? Or receive proficiency in Arcana currently?

Edit: Gene is easily confused.
Last edited Apr 9, 2022 8:21 pm
Apr 9, 2022 7:56 pm
You gain the hit points from your new class as described for levels after 1st. You gain the 1st-level hit points for a class only when you are a 1st-level character.
does it answer?

and you gain your spells as per phb lvl up plus long rest.

if you don't know how multiclass works pm me your discord name I could try to teach.
Apr 9, 2022 8:22 pm
Smiles. Okay. Jim Corman is leveled up.
Apr 10, 2022 6:57 pm
Verbal component discussion
I would like to discuss this before finalize ruling. As usual my intent is to stay with game rules/designer comments on that, here they are

I will start with DnD designer comment on s spell suggestion that is similar to command or visious mockery because saying something is part of spell casting in all 3 cases:
Verbal components are mystic words (PH, 203). The spell's suggestion is a separate, intelligible utterance.
The verbal component of a spell must be audible to work. How loud is audible? That's up to the DM.
Now I don't want to be the decision maker on "how loud is audible". I vote whispered is not audible, but if most of the players vote it is I'm fine. But I will certainly make sure enemy spell casters will also benefit of that.

So why do you all think
a) Whispering is audible and creatures could only hear it 5/10/30 feet away depending on how loud is environment (i.e. 30 fet in empty empty room, while 5 feet in crowded city street)
b) Only clear, loud voice is audible and creatures would hear it 30/60/300 feet away
c) Caster must make stealth roll against creature passive perception, while environment and distance could impose advantage or disadvantage as decided by DM.
D) Other
Apr 10, 2022 8:09 pm
As a sorcerer, I could take the subtle spell metamagic. Allowing hushed casting kind of reduces the impact of that choice, so I vote B

But I don't mind that much, dunno if I would pick it anyway
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