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Jun 2, 2022 1:20 am
I understand that variant rules aren't allowed in the campaign, which includes the options from Tasha's. Just double-checking to make sure that's still correct? Wizards ordinarily don't get a new feature at 3rd level, but Tasha's provides them one.
Jun 2, 2022 4:25 am
Sorry for confusion but I change my mind on optional class rules when gane started. That is striked through. You can change your cantrips during LR as per Tasha's
Jun 2, 2022 7:40 pm
Battle clariciation
@Tasrek could we please discuss it here in OOC.
To simplify understanding of the PBP combat as I try to implement it I suggest to imagine battle turn starts with enemy move and those PCs who rolled initiative above enemy has opportunity to do a round number zero. In the current battle everyone but Shara did round 0. This is the reason why I decided your PCs decided to stay there with shara during the extra round she did not take part of.

As for your ability to comprehend communication during the heat of the battle - that I treat to be "on dm discretion" like it or not. I plan to keep limiting PCs ability to communicate during the combat encounter they take active part in.
Does it clarify the situation? I hope to play another few years this game with you and I would like to make sure you do understand how and why I manage the combat. I am also open for any improvements recommended . If you feel like it is bad call that PC have problem to hear what the creatures are talking 30 feet away from you while your teammates are talking and casting spells - I will stop that.
Jun 3, 2022 5:53 am
I have a proposal. If players feel I did a bad call fir OC movement We could start while battle over again leaving initiative order as rolled. Please vote! Should I do so ?
Jun 3, 2022 6:37 am
I would just run it through as you see best. No real need to redo.
Jun 3, 2022 1:43 pm
Ok was trying to figure out your method so that I can adjust things accordingly.

With you having one persons action (thamaturgy) affecting another persons actions due to it all happening at the same time and not viewed turns in a round then it is understandable why one action would overlap anothers action. (Like if i attack an enemy with a shield and is blocked by that shield then on the same round Jim attacks the same person they would not be able to use the shield since it is currently blocking my attack) Its not how i usually play but its good to know that this game is ran that way. And since one round is the first 6 seconds that is why even though even though we all have different initiatives we would all be able to move back during the first 6 seconds.

I just wanted to clarify that we are not resolving one turn in a round at a time and not "first six seconds" turn one, then "second six seconds" turn two. I was thinking that you did not have the apes roll to see if they run off due to the thamaturgy due to it not being written in the spell description but then again it did not say in the spell description that it will block communication for the remainder of the round either.

Just thinking on the use of certian spells like suggestion where the enemy has to be able to hear so they can not be deafened. Would one persons turn affect another persons turn and everything in round one happening at the same time so we have to consider others things that are going on and have to modify some rules like if one person is blocking with a shield against two peoples attacks at the same round? Or do we just have to consider what is going on one turn at a time? I perfer the second way but just want to know how to adjust his strategy if we got to consider how to change things up if we are playing the first way.
Last edited June 3, 2022 1:54 pm
Jun 4, 2022 5:53 am
Heads up, am attending a wedding so slow over the next few days
Jun 4, 2022 6:23 am
@Tasrek you got it all wrong! Let me anseer
With you having one persons action (thamaturgy) affecting another persons actions
NO! Unless action or spell description says otherwise (such as there is an effect until end of your next turn) Action happens RAW.
Did I fail to do that ever?
is blocked by that shield then on the same round Jim attacks the same person they would not be able to use the shield since it is currently blocking my attack
Again - only if rules say you have to user reaction to use the shield. i.e.
[ +- ] Protection
even though we all have different initiatives we would all be able to move back during the first 6 seconds.
It was not menthod it was my one-time assumtion that it would be better for the team if by the enemy movement you would not be 30 feet behind Shara because you perfectly instructed me to not create such situation. Do we still have misunderstanding on my decision?

P.S. I try to run Battle encounter exactly by PHB chapter "9: Combat". It is turn based just as per rules. The only adjustment for PBP is - you need to submit your action and movement before you know how and if other PCs moved before "your turn" and I am occasionally adjust your PC movement. Let me remind you game rule number one "1. You are not 100% in control of your PC"
Jun 10, 2022 6:02 am
I am trying to fix something in the story. I believe the way I was pushing story forward have prevented PCs from doing proper interactions with NPCs and gathering information, which is your main goal in this scenario.
I will do some of the information gather actions of behalf of PCs and see where it get us. I don't want to make this too much on the rails and will allow you to fail with information gathering in future. Will see if I manage that.

Could you please clarify - have you decided to leave the game?
Jun 10, 2022 11:21 am
Not sure what is all and all right now. I would suggest a few days to sort everything out.
Jun 10, 2022 11:46 am
Totally agree. I will take 72 hours off from this game then see what the players have to say and either proceed the game based on player feedback or close the game, admitting that I have failed to turn ToA into enjoyable PBP experience at least for me as DM.
Jun 10, 2022 1:47 pm
GreyWord says:

Could you please clarify - have you decided to leave the game?
Yeah I think its a good time to leave. I have been thinking about it for several weeks now and was holding back to see if some things might change. I dont want my going back and forth with the DM to drag on everyone elses fun and thought here is a good point in the story for Ha'aroo's departure.
Jun 11, 2022 5:50 pm
Of course a bummer to see you go Tasrek.
Jun 13, 2022 12:34 pm
I posted a restarted for the group if we are to continue. My thoughts are to pick up the pieces here and go with a new starting. GM might one hunt down at least one more person as the party just lost two. Although Jim doesn't mind so much as he is now traveling with three women. But considering the area that wasn't the best thought.
Last edited June 13, 2022 12:44 pm
Jun 13, 2022 8:47 pm
OK 72 hours are over and even more. Only GeneCortess provided feedback. I count player silence as vote to close the game.
Anyhow, thanks everyone for being part of this game and help me learn.
Jun 14, 2022 2:32 am
Cool Laters GM. Was fun.
Jun 14, 2022 3:35 am
It was fun, but I guess all games run out of steam eventually. Thanks to the GM and fellow players.
Jun 14, 2022 7:02 am
Thanks for playing with me, maybe we'll bump into each other again sometime

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