Name: Cilia Ravengard, Human rouge
Cilia just graduated from the Baldurs gate academy as an Anthropologist. She was a good observer and could stay out of sight of the elven village she and Ha'aroo (Tasrek's character) were working on. She wrote her thesis on that expedition. During the trip, she had a fling with a fantastic elven (eladrin) guy who showed her some fantastic sights (in fey) and how soft the leaves were.
When she returned home with a diploma in hand, her parents were less than pleased about this non-human suiter and his relations to their pure daughter. They ordered her to take a powerful contraceptive just in case there was a half-elf growing in her belly. But the damage was done, she was already Fay Touched (Feat).
father, Ulder Ravengard is commander of Baldurs Gates Flaming Fist, garrison and when one of the families friends, Syndra Silvane, was to take a trip a thousand miles away from Baldur's gate Cilias parents grabbed the opportunity to get some distance between their daughter and this inappropriate (non-human) suiter.
Cilias parantes are the first to recognise human superiority. Cilia is not a specialist herself, but she has been influenced.
Personality flaw: I believe that I'm intellectually superior to people from other cultures and have much to teach them.
Syndra Silvane did know of the eladrin affair, but is a bit more liberal than Cilias parents. Eating and drinking in fay were known ways to get bound to the fey. In secret, she borrowed Cilia two books.
A guide to the fey wilds and a
wizard primer just in case her midnight meeting had sparked some magical spark.
Just before Syndra Silvane were to cast the teleport spell on group, Cilias older brother gave her a box. It contains a set of beautifully crafted daggers and a short sword in the same style (see the daggers she is holding)
I believe that she is now ready to go
Last edited March 29, 2022 5:47 pm