Pacan meet Rokan (male Chultan human ) who shares suspicions that pirates have formed an alliance with the Flaming Fist. Rokah has orders (he do not share the organization he works for though) to infiltrate Fort Beluarian and find proof of the fort’s commander being blackmailed. Rokah shares that he would be able to secure a charter of exploration (normally costs 50 gp) for a party that would help his with the task.
Nebula win the dance competition and gain a month long 50% discount for drinks and a diploma.
You could add a Thundering Lizard best danced diploma to your inventory and remind me of this whenever you would be rolling any charisma check that could logically benefit your of PC being famous among locals. You just earned some fame among those presented in the Thundering Lizard tonight!
While drinking and celebrating the win you gather few more rumors
I am rolling a few d100 for rumors, if they overlap with what you have got already - too bad
Two new rumors for you
If you head up the Tiryki River about five days by canoe, you’ll see a stone spire to the east. Natives call it Firefinger. "Terror folk" nest there, and if they spot you, you’re in for a fight.
The great god Ubtao loved mazes. If you happen upon a maze of any kind, trace a path through it. You will earn Ubtao’s favor by doing so.
Death curse rumors
There are even more talking about the death curse and the effect to jewelry market is has caused.
Rich people who lived risky lives and considering death not lethal thanks to resurrection spell... rumors of stress among those people.