Character Creation

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Mar 31, 2022 11:43 pm
I've submitted my character: Blank, and this is their updated bio!

I noticed there were some gunner, hacker, and pilot ideas, so I thought I'd lean into a science / medic type!

His angle is: Bleeding edge bio-chem (he's a science type)

He's a street chemist, operating under the name Blank, whose been running as a mean of getting his hands on trade secrets from corporate labs. With the creds and data he obtains, he uses his own work to destabilize corporations that profit off medications and gene therapy. He even works out of a clinic in the slums on downtime.

But, just when he thought he was on the top of his game--that his work couldn't get any better--he ran a job that seems to have crossed the wrong corporation. His fault or not, the Corp is on his trail and now he need a job to work off or pay off the people closing in on him.

Edit I may swap out a skill and make Science | Chemistry an expertise.
Mar 31, 2022 11:59 pm
Dunko says:
... noticed there were some gunner, hacker, and pilot ideas, so I thought I'd lean into a science / medic ...
Cool, though we do have three characters with some level of Science. That could a connecting common factor that brought this particular team together.

We should also decide if we have worked together before.
Dunko says:
... Bleeding edge bio-chem ...
Technically not actually an 'Angle'. Angle is the reason you run, it plays into your motivation, but also has mechanical effects when you can bring it into the fiction. But there is plenty in your bio that can serve that purpose.

Dunko says:
... getting his hands on trade secrets ... destabilize corporations ... work off or pay off the people closing in ...
or even something about the clinic you work at.

It does not have to be one of the items on the list, but several of the fit them above ideas.
Dunko says:
... crossed the wrong corporation ...
Are you Hunted? You can use this as the reason for being Hunted and not link it directly to the any second Cyberware you take. The Cyberware connection is a mechanical balance issue, and does not have to bleed into the fiction if we don't want it to or have better reasons.
Dunko says:
... make Science | Chemistry an expertise ...
Interesting that it is Chemistry and not Medicine. What does that tell us about Blank?
Apr 1, 2022 12:13 am
Table moved to the place I originally reserved for it.
Apr 1, 2022 12:48 am
vagueGM says:
Are you Hunted? You can use this as the reason for being Hunted and not link it directly to the any second Cyberware you take.
I'd like to be hunted yes, and I'll take you up on adding the second cyberwear connection.

I'll update the angle too!
Apr 1, 2022 12:55 am
For my character, since Winston is an old man, I think he came out of retirement for this job. Maybe he has some incurable disease and wants one last run to stick it to the man to make his mark on the world. Since he is probably taking medications maybe that's his tie to Blank? Blank got him some cheaper generic versions when the megacorps try to monopolize life-saving medicines or something like that.
Apr 1, 2022 1:01 am
nezzeraj says:
....maybe that's his tie to Blank? Blank got him some cheaper generic versions when the megacorps try to monopolize life-saving medicines or something like that.
I'm on board for this connection, with a slight tweak: that Blank makes those meds for Winston, from the data he's aquired!
Apr 1, 2022 1:02 am
If you come to the clinic he'll hook you up when he can...but he needs a contact who can get him the ingredients he needs...
Apr 1, 2022 1:13 am
Dunko says:
... Blank makes those meds ...
Hence: 'Chemist' and not 'medic', I guess. :)
Apr 1, 2022 2:20 am
OK sounds good! Maybe the heist is about stealing some new medicinal patent that one company has a monopoly over.
Apr 1, 2022 8:44 am
Sorry lost a bit track of the threads these last days. I'm thinking my character might either own another player and has been working to keep them safe or could have been suggested (thought street connections) as a bodyguard. If the heist is medical related and given Dunko is a street chemist, I could even have been assigned by the same... employer
Apr 1, 2022 9:54 am
CESN says:
... own another player ...
'Owe', surely?
CESN says:
... could even have been assigned by the same... employer ...
We don't have to have preexisting interparty connections. There a certain tensions if some of the party know each other (especially if they are a 'package deal'), or if there is one (or a minority) outsider. Issues of trust come, heavily, into the story. We can avoid or lean into these as we like.

By the book there is a fixer called 'Operator' who gives you your assignment, but we don't have to keep that if the group has a common goal and it makes sense for them to come together organically and put together their own job.
CESN says:
... as a bodyguard ...
Such a 'bodyguard' type character could be hired on specifically to deal with all physical aspects. No one else has any points in the 'tough' Skills, like Close Combat, or Endurance.

We are also a highly Cautious, and very Smart team... with almost no Empathy. That tells us a lot right there. :)
Apr 1, 2022 6:36 pm
Those backgrounds sound cool so far, fun to read.

As for my character background/bio stuff, to reiterate slightly, Solovei worked for a crew that was contracted out by a Biomedical Corp. He's a runaway and has been in that crew since he was 15. So not really an orphan per se. The gang he's fleeing for Hunted is ironically a psuedo familial connection. He's close with the core members. The leader is a sort of matriarchal figure who rules a small neighbourhood, and her 2 sons act as enforcers & lieutenants (& are closest to Solovei in age, and sort of like Solovei's brothers.) I envision the work for the Corp was sort of a new, supplementary thing in addition to loansharking, et cetera.

He's in his mid - late 20s & heavily tattooed. You can see ink up his chest and neck. He's Kazakh American. Like 5'7", not really a huge guy, kind of slim. Dark, neat hair; clean shaven; well-dressed; overall, looks put together, like he's always ready for a job interview. He is somewhat vain about his appearance. Preens a lot and talks a lot. His reputation as a Runner is trustworthy & dependable, even if he can be kind of a show-off/brash sometimes. I don't intend anything disruptive. Just run-of-the-mill youthful arrogance type of thing.

His role in the Run is being a good marksman, mostly. I'm not sure how the other PCs might know him, if at all. But if anything jumps out to any of you lmk. Otherwise he might just be additional hired muscle for y'all.

GM, I also wonder if I can/should put my 1 Streetwise skill into Mobility (or Sniper) instead?
Apr 1, 2022 7:45 pm
Bananabread says:
... psuedo familial ...
Most gangs are like that. Your story is quite familiar.

That is all really good stuff. Toss a final version (or summary, with a link to the posts with the details) in the character sheet so we can refer to it when needed.

Your character sheet is not visible to the other players, here are instructions on how to allow them to see it.
Bananabread says:
... reputation as a Runner is trustworthy & dependable, even if he can be kind of a show-off/brash ...

Maybe we can all add a mention of what our reputations say about us, and a flaw or weakness that might be fun to play out (non-mechanically).
Bananabread says:
... not sure how the other PCs might know him, if at all ...
Decide if you want to know them or be known by them. Else the Operator can just bring you all together, Reservoir Dogs style (but don't get hung up on the ending:).
Bananabread says:
... GM, I also wonder if I can/should put my 1 Streetwise skill into Mobility (or Sniper) instead? ...
We have a lot of Streetwise, but that makes sense for such characters and is not a problem.
If you want to move a point to Mobility, that is fine. ^Sniper is an Expertise, so it can only be 1d6 as it is part of the 3d6 Ranged Combat.
Apr 1, 2022 7:47 pm
@nezzeraj and @nikos, your character sheets are not visible to the other players, here are instructions on how to allow them to see them.
Apr 1, 2022 7:49 pm
One of your approaches needs to come down from 2 to 1.

Remember, you don't need to list your Gear till you need it on a job.

`^ Underground 1d6` should be ` ^ Underground | 1d6`
Apr 1, 2022 8:33 pm
vagueGM says:
@nezzeraj and @nikos, your character sheets are not visible to the other players, here are instructions on how to allow them to see them.
Sorry I missed that, I think it's ok now.
Apr 1, 2022 8:46 pm
nikos says:
... I think it's ok now.
Looks good. Add a little bit of background/biographical (reminder) information to the sheet once the character is sufficiently formulated.
Apr 2, 2022 11:38 am
ok. I think that's corrected now. busy week sorry :(

So Bananabread mentions a gang. I could have been a bouncer on some important place (since its the last run) for the matriarch. Maybe personal security even. Then she got her eyes on Dunko's and his knowledge of the "secret patent" and we got involved (maybe even convinced him ... nicely, to do the run?). Key point, I'd earn enough to retire. Likely my Angle: Look after them would be to keep Dunko alive or something?

trying to tie things together :D
Apr 2, 2022 12:07 pm
CESN says:
... I think that's corrected now ...
Looks good.

Your Cyberware does not give dice, I listed them as 0d6 so they could still be clicked and added to the Reason Field of the dice roll (as a reminder that it was being used in the action).
CESN says:
... Angle: Look after them would be to keep Dunko alive or something ...
I worry that having the Angle connected to another character in the party might have mechanical implications. I can think of a few situations (that don't bare mentioning) where you could be denied access to the Angle Dice when you need them, because of this tie.

I think the intent would be for it to be a motivation for you to do the run, something outside the current situation that brings you strength and encouragement when you need it most.

I am not saying 'no'. If you want to try it, be warned that it might break (and then we can change it).

@Dunko, It is up to you if you want or like any of this proposed backstory-connection / convincing.
Apr 2, 2022 2:11 pm
What about if the clinic was in the territory of this gang (I think Solovei is supposed to be on the run from them). So, we could say the clinic paid protection money to this gang, which is how Blank has gotten to know the folk who worked in different capacities for the gang?!
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