Character Creation

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Mar 25, 2022 7:23 pm
The PDFs containing the Character Creation instructions --and what things mean-- for this original version are 100% off (also called 'free', by some:) on

Let's talk about what you each want to play before we build characters or the world, and we can discuss any inevitable confusions that are bound to come up with short-form rules like this.

I will just accept any submitted character without looking at it. We can chat once the character is in the game and visible to everyone.

If you want, you can create a character using the Create Character button in the sample sheet below. It contains some example numbers, as well as two Skill Expertise examples. Let me know if you would prefer a version without the examples, or if I missed anything or you think anything should be rearranged.

The sheet uses the some of the new features, including checkboxes and dice pools (dice pools are ideal for this game:). We can look at adding other features as we need them.

The sheet makes the most sense if viewed on a device wide enough to display three columns.
Mar 25, 2022 7:23 pm
[ +- ] CBR+PNK
Mar 25, 2022 7:24 pm
player nezzeraj CESN cava nikos Bananab Dunko
character Winston D. Kami Miles Solovei Blank
type hacker bguard sabot stealth sniper chemist

Aggression 1 2 1 0 2 0 6
Smartness 2 1 1 1 1 1 7
Empathy 0 0 0 1 1 2 4
Caution 1 1 2 2 0 1 7

Close Combat 2 2
Endurance 1 1
Hacking 2 1 3
Influence 1 1 2 4
Mobility 2 1 1 4
Observation 1 2 2 1 6
Piloting 2 2
Ranged Combat 1 2 1 2 3 9
Rigging 2 2 4
Sciences 2 1 2 5
Streetwise 2 3 1 1 1 8
Survival 0
Mar 26, 2022 10:57 am
I got the rules, but I don't see any classes. Do they not exist or do you use the BitD classes and just reskin them?
Mar 26, 2022 12:01 pm
There are no classes or playbooks. You build a runner --and differentiate them from others-- by choosing your Approaches, Skills and Expertise, as well as what Cyberware you have, and what gear you carry/use.

You can call yourself one of the typical Cyberpunk sounding titles (Hacker, Infiltrator, Operator (though Operator is an NPC in the book, so maybe not, unless you really want to), Driver, Shooter, whatever) to add flavor. This can be what you are know as, or just you being pretentious, and will only have fictional effects, no mechanics.

For the four Approaches, you can assign 2, 1, 1, 0 to them as you like.

Then you have 8 points to assign to Skills, if you assign a third point to a Skill, it is considered to be an Expertise, you give it a name which tells us where and when it applies.

If an Expertise applies to a roll, you can either use as a dice (meaning you have 3 dice in that Skill); or choose to turn it into an Edge, giving you an advantage (fictional and mechanical) in the situation. You can choose which, each time you roll.

On the Sheet Template I added ^Knives as a Close Combat Expertise, and ^Chopper as a Piloting Expertise. These are just the first examples I thought of while testing the sheet functionality. We can update (or remove) the examples as you make characters and we see more of the process.

The carat ^ symbol shows both that it is related to the Skill above it, and that it is an 'upgrade'.

You get one piece of Cyberware for free (seems a bit frugal for runners on their 'last run', but you are clearly desperate to be willing to do this /run anyway:). If you want extra Cyberware each come with a drawback, we can work out the details of that drawback --and what effects it will have in the fiction and the mechanics-- when we get to it. Think of this as 'fun' rather a 'punishment' for taking more. Don't take too many, it will dilute their value, and add too many drawbacks. We can chat about amounts when everyone gets to that stage.

You don't pick Gear now, that is something you do, as and when you need something, during a mission. If you have enough space (based on what Load you picked for an excursion) you can always say: "No, GM, I don't run out of ammo, I will mark it on my sheet, it only costs 1 Load", or "Of course I have a medkit, see I am marking it now", and mark it as you need it.

If there is stuff you know you will be carrying, you can tell us (and mark it) beforehand. This is a benefit since it adds to the fiction, and may allow you do things you could not otherwise do without it. If you mark Armor partway through a mission, we might go back and adjust some consequences due to the fact you were --presumably-- wearing that armor all along.

Gear with two checkboxes before it, costs two Load, mark them both when you take it. Gear with checkboxes after it has that many uses (should they start off checked and we uncheck them? I don't think so since everything else we are marking as we use it).
Mar 26, 2022 12:10 pm
Ok sounds good. I've never played a hacker-type character so I may go for that.
Mar 26, 2022 12:15 pm
nezzeraj says:
Ok sounds good. I've never played a hacker-type character so I may go for that.
Cool. I often stipulate that Hackers be played by players who can post more frequently than others (so you are a prime candidate:), since they can often end up off on their own, playing their own mini-game while the rest of the table twiddles their thumbs. But I have been streamlining the hacking parts to mostly eliminate that classic problem and to keep them involved in the meatspace game.
Mar 26, 2022 1:53 pm
vagueGM says:
If you want, you can create a character using the Create Character button in the sample sheet below..
How does this sorcery works?!!!
(I mean, in terms of GP code to implement that)
Mar 26, 2022 2:00 pm
CESN says:
How does this sorcery works?!!!
(I mean, in terms of GP code to implement that)
You can click on the Quote link below that post and then copy the code from the text area. Remove the '[ quote] tags'

The Click-to-Create part is achieved by surrounding the sheet code with

[charsheet="sheet name"]

If you mean the Dice Pools and he checkboxes... then take a look at Adam's Guide to Gamers' Plane BBCode and try to work it out from there. I can help you with the bits I have used if you struggle.
Mar 26, 2022 2:03 pm
yeah it was the charsheet part. don't remember seeing it before. really cool :)

I could play a bodyguard/shooter type of character. I will need some time to read the rules to know more but just putting it out there :D
Last edited March 26, 2022 2:03 pm
Mar 26, 2022 2:13 pm
CESN says:
... could play a bodyguard/shooter type of character. I will need some time to read the rules to know more ...
Telling us what general type you want to play is fine. We can work together to see how to build them.
Mar 26, 2022 2:15 pm
We should not stress about getting the character build 'exactly right'. If we find later that that something is not working the way we thought, we can talk about swapping it for what we would preferred to have picked.
Mar 26, 2022 2:54 pm
Ok submitted my rough character. Just need to think on what kind of cybernetics a hacker would have. Any ideas are welcome! My first were the cyberhands from Ghost in the Shell where your fingers split in half and you get 20 fingers to type with lol.
Mar 26, 2022 3:03 pm
nezzeraj says:
Ok submitted my rough character. Just need to think on what kind of cybernetics a hacker would have. Any ideas are welcome! My first were the cyberhands from Ghost in the Shell where your fingers split in half and you get 20 fingers to type with lol.
Usually extra crypted storage, additional firewalls around your brains, or some built-in multitasker routine in your neural processor are the go-to implants for your standard hacker.

Anyway, greetings all, and thanks for having me! I'd like to play a saboteur / jury-rigger with a penchant for drones, if you think it's something your characters would need and like to play along with.
Mar 26, 2022 3:03 pm
nezzeraj says:
... need to think on what kind of cybernetics a hacker would have. Any ideas are welcome ...
That decision might be easier to make once we know what sort of characters you have on your team and what sort of world we are playing in.

We might even wait till we have some idea about the mission and pick something appropriate. (Though, that makes my job harder since I usually build the mission based on who the characters are. :)
Mar 26, 2022 3:04 pm
the_cava says:
Usually extra crypted storage, additional firewalls around your brains, or some built-in multitasker routine in your neural processor are the go-to implants for your standard hacker.
Those all sound quite appropriate.
Mar 26, 2022 3:06 pm
the_cava says:
... I'd like to play a saboteur / jury-rigger with a penchant for drones ...
the_cava says:
... if you think it's something your characters would need and like to play along with.
Focus more on the 'would like to with' than the 'need' we will build the mission(s) based on what the characters are good at. There is a reason that they are the ones who were hired to do this job.
Mar 26, 2022 3:07 pm
In order for us to be able to see the contents of the sheets, you all need to mark the grey 'note' icon that says Add to Library on your character list.
Red means others can see the sheet.
Mar 26, 2022 3:11 pm
vagueGM says:
Focus more on the 'would like to with' than the 'need' we will build the mission(s) based on what the characters are good at. There is a reason that they are the ones who were hired to do this job.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
Mar 26, 2022 4:02 pm
Don't feel that you have to use one of the Angles listed on the sheet. Make up your own.

Either way you get to tell us what it means.
Mar 26, 2022 4:11 pm
I know, I was just a little undecided and preferred to expand on it during the game, but that's the base where I'll build upon.

I'll add a couple details later, anyway, but putting down that is helping me ground Kamisori's angle.
Mar 26, 2022 5:04 pm
Ok how about something like that:

+ Influence
++ Mobility
++ Ranged combat
++ Rigging
+ Streetwise

Cyberware: Mechanical leg joints - Faster movement, jumping higher (2m), landing either silently or with reduced damage depending the height.

He's probably the stealthy character type.
Mar 26, 2022 5:46 pm
nikos says:
... He's probably the stealthy character type.
That looks fine.

Did you have any thoughts about your Approaches?

Approaches: How you do things. Assign 2, 1, 1 and 0.
Aggression: Force/Intimidation/Destruction (Glitchy: Hesitant)
Smartness: Creativity/Cunning/Perception (Glitchy: Disoriented)
Empathy: Charisma/Leadership/Diplomacy (Glitchy: Cold)
Caution: Discretion/Precaution/Accuracy (Glitchy: Reckless)
Mar 26, 2022 5:49 pm
the_cava, while there is no harm to it, you don't need to pick Load now, you only need to tell us at the start of a job. You can change it each time (if we do more than one job as part of the /run).
Mar 26, 2022 6:03 pm
vagueGM says:
Did you have any thoughts about your Approaches?
Oh yeah sorry forgot to include it:

0 Aggression
1 Smartness
1 Empathy
2 Caution

+ Influence
++ Mobility
++ Ranged combat
++ Rigging
+ Streetwise

Cyberware: Mechanical leg joints - Faster movement, jumping higher (2m), landing either silently or with reduced damage depending the height.
Mar 26, 2022 6:09 pm
nikos says:
0 Aggression
1 Smartness
1 Empathy
2 Caution
That is what I expected. I did not want to suggest Caution and steer you from any other ideas you might have had.
Mar 26, 2022 6:12 pm
It has been bugging me, and I finally checked. Updating the template:

Mar 26, 2022 6:57 pm
vagueGM says:
the_cava, while there is no harm to it, you don't need to pick Load now, you only need to tell us at the start of a job. You can change it each time (if we do more than one job as part of the /run).
Understood, but I'd rather leave it for now, mostly because I feel the character usually lugs around a bag or backpack with tools and toys. It might change when the /run begins, but that reflects how she usually is between them.
Mar 26, 2022 8:14 pm
the_cava says:
... It might change when the /run begins, but that reflects how she usually is between them.
No problem. Listing defaults is fine.
the_cava says:
... lugs around a bag or backpack with tools and toys ...
Those sorts of details can also go in the character description, background, and biography. Which can probably go below the tables?
Mar 27, 2022 5:39 am
Alright, I've been reading the .pdf & am going through the character creation process. I submitted a character sheet to the game too but probably still have things to edit/tweak. No doubt I'm doing something wrong. Lol.

My Runner's handle is "Solovei." I envision him as a Gunner who specializes in long-range weapons. So probably good for providing cover/overwatch/what have you.

For approach I have:
Aggression - 2d6
Smartness - 1d6
Empathy - 1d6
Caution - 0d6

My skills are:
Influence - 1d6
Mobility - 1d6
Observation - 2d6
Ranged Combat (expertise) - 3d6
Streetwise - 1d6

And I've taken Cyberware:

Which marks me as Hunted.

I'm not entirely surely if there's a list I should be consulting for Cyberware or if we're given free-reign. For Cybereyes I was thinking something that helps with perception - like Thermal. And for Cyberarm, something that helps with Strength.

Happy to tweak whatever, that's just what I have so far.
Mar 27, 2022 10:21 am
Bananabread says:
... No doubt I'm doing something wrong ...
You, sir, are a punk and a criminal! So you are definitely did something wrong!...

Oh, wait, that is the character, not the player (so far as I know:).
Bananabread says:
... Ranged Combat (expertise) - 3d6 ...
The wording is confusing --talking about a third die-- but 'Expertise' is actually a separate thing (on its own line). From the sound of it --with the 'specialising in long-range, overwatch'-- your Expertise may be 'Sniper'? Maybe go with the general term of 'Sniper' instead of 'Sniper Rifle' so it can apply to anything related to sniping (a Skill like 'Ranged Combat' is not all about guns, it is also about the combat and ranges).

If you like 'Sniper', the table would look like:
Piloting 0d6
Ranged Combat 2d6
^Sniper 1d6
Rigging 0d6

You have the choice --each time you use Ranged Combat-- whether you want to treat it like a 3 dice Skill, or a 2 dice Skill and an Edge. So Expertise adds flexibility to your actions.

We can go into hypothetical examples of how this would work, and can discuss which is best during play, as it comes up.

(Also: Remove the example ^Knives and ^Choppers)
Bananabread says:
... marks me as Hunted ...
Do you have ideas about who you screwed over to get the arms (or was it the eyes?), and under what circumstances?
Any ideas are welcome, and we don't need to nail them down now. We can wait and see if others are Hunted and think about common connections, but the GM can connect stuff behind the scenes as well, as we like.
Bananabread says:
... Empathy (Glitched) ...
Remove the (Glitched) from your list, that was just an example of how we could represent it.
I thought about a checkbox, but it is a long-term thing and not something we check and uncheck regularly, and adding it to the text makes it appear in the dice roller, so we know to treat one of its dice as a Glitch die.

It is really interesting that your long range gunner has Empathy and Influence. That adds so much flavor to the character.
Bananabread says:
... Cybereyes/Cyberarm ... ultra-capitalist vibe around the Corps and Cybernetics ...
Do you want to tell us about your Cyberware?

I have never been good at the whole corporatization part of Cyberpunk, or specifically the 'name all items' part, so if the players want Disney™ branded firearms (or cyberarms) they will have to add them themselves. :)

We can build a lexicon of major corporations to draw from. We can do that as we build characters and brand Gear, or start a new thread to hold all of that.
Bananabread says:
... list I should be consulting for Cyberware ...
No list, make up whatever you want. We can chat and brainstorm ideas, and this sort of thing is also an important part of the setting, so any cyberware we have tells us about the world... any Cyberware we don't have tells us stuff too, like 'why not?'
Bananabread says:
... Cybereyes ... helps with perception - like Thermal ... Cyberarm ... helps with Strength ...
It is good to know what sorts of things we are expecting from Cyberware --arms could be meant for strength or for dexterity, or fine motor control, or something completely else-- and we will assume someone with Cybereyes, for instance, can see better in most situations just as part of the fiction.

But there is also the Push mechanic where you can use it --spur of the moment, during an Action-- to do something exceptional and gain an extra dice or Resist a consequence. We don't want to define all its functions, that way we leave ourselves open to improvising based on the situation.
Bananabread says:
... ✅Armor ...
It is fine to use the checkboxes during character creation to test how much Gear we plan to use, but, when the /run starts, remember to clear them.

You don't check the items till you need them on a job. That way you don't carry armor into a job where it is never needed (unless you do, which changes the fiction in interesting ways). We can assume the characters are professionals who know what they are doing, and have access to in-world information the players don't have, so they might know to not take armor that would not be needed.

There is some subtle decision making with "saving 1 Load in case we need Armor" and such, but, by the time that sort of decision is being made, we should know more about the type of job.
Mar 27, 2022 10:27 am
Bananabread says:
Push 0d6
Assistance 0d6
zero dice 0d6l1
Leave the Push and Assistance dice at 1d6, you can then click them to add the dice you get from a Push or an Assist.

Leave the 'zero dice' as 2d6l1, that way, if you end up rolling with zero dice, you can click that and it fills in the dice code to 'roll two dice and keep the lowest'.
Mar 27, 2022 5:48 pm
Lol thanks so much for the help & thorough explanations. I edited the Expertise & fixed the other things you point out (empathy, push die, ect..)
vagueGM says:
Do you want to tell us about your Cyberware?
Sure. Right now I have both Cyberware listed as being from "Vystar Industries." I imagine them being focused on biomedical tech & body modifications. They are part of a larger Corporate umbrella (Unifrontier) that absorbs a lot of other small companies. Sometimes in shady ways & through hostile takeover & then asset stripping.
vagueGM says:
Do you have ideas about who you screwed over to get the arms (or was it the eyes?), and under what circumstances?
I was thinking my character screwed over former co-workers (essentially a gang) and by extension Vystar Industries. They were outside contractors (read: muscle & hired goons) that would lean on whoever/whatever Unifrontier & its subsidiaries needed, acquire industry info, that sort of thing. They were pretty reliable. The gang itself were pretty close-knit too, having been together even before linking up with the Corp.

During one run, my guy was badly injured. The Corp covered medical expenses & outfitted him with the cyberarms, under the caveat that he would continue to work for them to pay off the debt (which would take an unreasonably long time & he'd likely wind up dead before he ever paid it off.) He was too out of it to really consent but they had him sign anyway. He did a few more increasingly risky jobs, trying to at least entertain the idea of holding up his end of the deal, then said "screw this" and went AWOL.

Now his old gang is feeling really sore & betrayed, especially being left with his medical tab. They & Unifrontier want to repo his arms (which would be as about as pleasant as it sounds) to settle things. So he's Running to get some cash and get outta dodge ASAP.
Mar 27, 2022 5:59 pm
Bananabread says:
... screwed over former co-workers (essentially a gang) and by extension Vystar Industries ...
Nice. There is good stuff in there that we can definitely make use of.
Mar 27, 2022 6:01 pm
I am not sure we need to mention '(expertise)' on the Ranged combat, but, unless things get too long for dice roller, it is probably fine...

...testing... .urgh. It spills over onto two lines after some number of characters. Maybe remove that extra text.

The long names in the Cyberware will be an issue as well if they get added to the dice roller, until they do (for Glitches) it probably does not matter, but you can skip them and summarise the Vystar involvement and branding in the biographical portion of the sheet.
Mar 27, 2022 6:19 pm
Ooh, I see. Removed it, hopefully it's good now.

I'm a newb, sorry, didn't know longer text would bork the dice roller.
Mar 27, 2022 6:41 pm
Bananabread says:
I'm a newb, sorry, didn't know longer text would bork the dice roller.
Me neither, this is a new feature that we are testing out.

But you had to pick the longest Skill name to add your text to, that is all your fault. :)
Actually it is good that it was a long name, else we might not have noticed it till later when we were playing. It is not all that bad if it spills over to two lines, so if it happens we will roll with it.
Mar 27, 2022 6:46 pm
It is also complicated by the fact that, when the GM adds the rolls from player's sheets, it prepends the character's name for each one, making it longer.

This probably means we are unlikely to run into this problem.
Mar 28, 2022 8:28 am
Ok. so, first draft id done. Going for a "background" silent type of character do I don't hold up the action :D
[ +- ] D.
Mar 28, 2022 8:54 am
CESN says:
... I don't hold up the action
Do we want to try for two separate teams, one slow and one fast?
The slow team would only be two characters, which can work, but is a bit tricky.

I suggest we start as one team of five, and maybe split off into two, if timing becomes a problem.
Mar 28, 2022 8:55 am
CESN says:
... first draft id done. Going for a "background" silent type of character...
Sounds good.

You appear to have stolen a couple extra Approach points. :)
You should have 2, 1, 1, 0, but you have 3, 2, 1, 0.

Why is your Cyberware Glitchy? The first one is free, and free from defect, though you are welcome to add a Glitch if you want, or just include something in the fiction.

What the heck is a 'Chemoregulator'? :)
Mar 29, 2022 7:44 am
ah right! probably assumed 3,2,1,0 would make sense by the time I got to actually look at the sheet :(
and completely missed the "extra feature" part of the glitch descriptor.

So let's have two cyberwares then. I just looked at a random name generator thing for Chemoregulator and thought of it as something that regulates your blood biochemistry (nowadays insulin pumps and such). Probably works like an "adrenaline rush" or helps keeping the cool in stressful situations. For the second one maybe some sort of "truth detector" like pheromone sniffer or a neural-attachment to the visual cortex that automatic looks fro "body signs" maybe?
Mar 29, 2022 11:41 am
CESN says:
... just looked at a random name generator thing for Chemoregulator ...
Random generators can be such a useful tool. :)
CESN says:
... thought of it as something that ...
It is your Cyberware, so it is up to you what it does, and names don't always make sense. That sounds reasonable, if a little underwhelming.

Make sure you can see some theoretically interesting ways for it to be fun in the story, if you can't think of any, then maybe pick something else. You don't need to list them, and they are not restrictions, it is just that if you can not see any now, it may never become interesting later.

I can see some ways that such a thing could come into play, but they would need a bit of massaging of the situation. If such massage is needed, we can do it, it is the players' responsibility to keep their character's features in mind, the GM will do their best but is not looking at their sheets as often.

• Advocate for your character and look for --and push for-- ways they can shine.
CESN says:
... "truth detector" ...
I am not against the idea, but truth detection can be tricky to keep interesting in a story (and in life, ask Paul Ekman).

Either any lies are a non-entity in the story, or they never come up since they are pointless. I will try to work such things into the events, but you may be better served by something more active for one of them? Again, though, if you can see interesting ways that this will come up, and are willing to make such situations happen, go for it.
Mar 29, 2022 12:03 pm
@nikos: Do you need any help creating or adding your character sheet?

Is there anything more you need to chat about before you make your character?
Mar 29, 2022 1:39 pm
So I decided on making an old man hacker, probably literally his last run even if he does survive or something lol. He's a grouchy dude with not much to live for and wants to take a final stand to stick it to the man.

For cyberwear, I think I'm gonna go with Hanwoo Acoustic Amplifiers, which allow hearing in subsonic and supersonic ranges.
Mar 29, 2022 1:41 pm
vagueGM says:
@nikos: Do you need any help creating or adding your character sheet?

Is there anything more you need to chat about before you make your character?
Oh sorry, I was waiting to see a "submit character" button, I didn't know I have to create a character first in order for the button to appear. Could you take a look if I filled everything right? Here are my abilities from my previous message:
0 Aggression
1 Smartness
1 Empathy
2 Caution

+ Influence
++ Mobility
++ Ranged combat
++ Rigging
+ Streetwise

Cyberware: Mechanical leg joints - Faster movement, jumping higher (2m), landing either silently or with reduced damage depending the height.
Mar 29, 2022 1:51 pm
nikos says:
... was waiting to see a "submit character" button, I didn't know I have to create a character first ...
Hehe, yeah. That happens, new site and tools and all. No worries.
nikos says:
... take a look if I filled everything right ...
From a cursory glance, it looks mostly right.

Remove the example (Glitchy) from Empathy, and turn that 1d6+1d6 into just 1d6 and.

You seem to have stolen a couple extra Skills, I count 10 and memory says you should have 8? Looks like there is some leftover Piloting code in your neural matrix, might be interesting to explore... but is probably just a glitch. :)
nikos says:
... abilities from my previous ...
Thanks for transposing them here, it saves a bit of effort having to go look for them. :)
Mar 29, 2022 2:05 pm
vagueGM says:
You seem to have stolen a couple extra Skills, I count 10 and memory says you should have 8? Looks like there is some leftover Piloting code in your neural matrix, might be interesting to explore... but is probably just a glitch. :)
You are right! I missed that one, I think I have everything ready now. Thanks!
Mar 29, 2022 2:17 pm
nikos says:
... I think I have everything ready now ...

Remove (or [ spoiler]) the sheets instructions and tell us a bit about who Miles is.

If you want, we can chat about the characters as people --as opposed to as sheets-- before you fill out the biographical or background stuff.

I really must run through this thread again, gather what was said and start a discussion about what sorts of things we want to see in the world and in our story. That discussion will be informed by, but may also inform the descriptions of the characters, so this might still be the right thread for it.
Mar 29, 2022 2:49 pm
vagueGM says:
That sounds reasonable, if a little underwhelming.
I guess the advantage would be in the flexibility of the chemical balance giving many possible temporary effects (no pain, resist fear, push harder, regenerate faster, no fatigue, etc)
vagueGM says:
Either any lies are a non-entity in the story, or they never come up since they are pointless
Fair, it depends a lot on the type of game we'll play. I was thinking having this one gliched so it could feed false information. But maybe I need something else :)
Could be some sort of optical camouflage? Protecting the target from the shadows sort of bodyguard? though feels a a lot like infiltration ...
Last edited March 29, 2022 2:49 pm
Mar 29, 2022 3:04 pm
CESN says:
... advantage would be in the flexibility ...
Indeed. If you like it, stick with it. We can change it later if we find it is not working out.
CESN says:
... (no pain, resist fear, push harder, regenerate faster, no fatigue, etc) ...
Remember that your Resist rolls might already do a lot of that without taking up one of your Cyberwares. There is a chance that the existence of such Cyberware would mean you don't have to make Resist rolls in some situations where others would, though.
CESN says:
... it depends a lot on the type of game we'll play ...
The type of game we'll play depends a lot on the options the players pick... are we stuck in a loop? :)
CESN says:
... was thinking having this one gliched so it could feed false information ...
That was my first thought at well. :)
It can be problematic having 'truth detection' lie to us. But, since the players know the Glitch Die came up 1-3, we can play with the knowledge that the character is getting things wrong, this can make for very interesting gameplay if it works.
CESN says:
... though feels a a lot like infiltration ...
If we have an infiltrator in the party, it does not hurt to have some overlap so others (especially a bodyguard) can accompany them when needed. Only take this is you want to play that bit, though.
Mar 29, 2022 6:24 pm
vagueGM says:
tell us a bit about who Miles is.

If you want, we can chat about the characters as people --as opposed to as sheets-- before you fill out the biographical or background stuff.
Ok, how about something like this:

Miles is in his 30's, he has dark, medium-length hair, he is usually a bit unshaven. He wears dark streetwear, he has no visible tattoos, extreme piercings or anything that could draw much attention on him. His character is discreet and cautious. He grew up in a huge megastructure building controlled by a Corp, he learned to drive and fight at an early age and many times got into trouble, but his family was there to care for him. His family mysteriously vanished, and Miles is the only remaining member. He loves tinkering with machines and rigging tools and gadgets, and he has been earning his living working in scouting and surveillance. His mechanical leg joints help him move fast and acculturate, jump and climb more easily.
Mar 29, 2022 6:36 pm
nikos says:
... Ok, how about something like this: ...
nikos says:
... family mysteriously vanished, and Miles is the only remaining member ...
I am not going to comment on 'orphans'. :)
For a oneshot that is fine.

Is this missing family related to your Angle?
Mar 29, 2022 7:45 pm
vagueGM says:

I am not going to comment on 'orphans'. :)
For a oneshot that is fine.

Is this missing family related to your Angle?
Oh right! Yes I think "Learn the truth" becomes the obvious choice, although if a different angle matches better with the rest of the group for a common purpose, it doesn't have to be related with the missing family.
Mar 29, 2022 8:38 pm
nikos says:
... it doesn't have to be related with the missing family.
It does not. In which case, this might not come up in a oneshot, but that is fine too, it just adds flavor.

We con't have to stick to the Angles in the book, make up anything that you like, using the book's ones as examples.
Mar 31, 2022 10:42 pm
I've submitted my character: Blank

His angle is: Bleeding edge bio-chem (he's a science type)

He's a street chemist whose been running as a means of expanding his drug network--the more creds and influence he gets, the more people he can push to, thus pushing himself to create "better" product.

But, just when he thought he was on the top of his game--that he couldn't get any higher--he sold a bad batch to the wrong person's kid. When the kid OD'd Blank went off the grid. Now he needs to work his way, or pay his way, out of this situation.

Edit I may swap out a skill and make Science | Chemistry an expertise.
Last edited March 31, 2022 11:41 pm
Mar 31, 2022 10:52 pm
Hello Dunko.

Let's just make sure everyone is OK with having essentially a drug dealer in the party.

I need everyone to actively say they are OK with this.

If it gets the go-ahead, we will need to work out why someone would want to hire you (in your down-and-out situation) for whatever job we have coming up.
Mar 31, 2022 11:25 pm
Ah! I hope I did not step on any toes, and that makes perfect sense. And if anyone isn't ok with it, I can swap it out for some sort of former corporate scientist or some other ideas!
Mar 31, 2022 11:29 pm
Actually, I'll just swap it out for something else! I'm going to edit what I posted--stand-by.
Mar 31, 2022 11:32 pm
Dunko says:
... I hope I did not step on any toes ...
No worries.

It is best to talk with the other players before going ahead and making a character. You've played Traveller, you know how awesome cooperative character creation is. :)
Dunko says:
Actually, I'll just swap it out for something else! I'm going to edit what I posted--stand-by.
Cool, thanks.

Do note the rule about editing, though. Add a new post so everyone can see the full conversation.
Mar 31, 2022 11:43 pm
I've submitted my character: Blank, and this is their updated bio!

I noticed there were some gunner, hacker, and pilot ideas, so I thought I'd lean into a science / medic type!

His angle is: Bleeding edge bio-chem (he's a science type)

He's a street chemist, operating under the name Blank, whose been running as a mean of getting his hands on trade secrets from corporate labs. With the creds and data he obtains, he uses his own work to destabilize corporations that profit off medications and gene therapy. He even works out of a clinic in the slums on downtime.

But, just when he thought he was on the top of his game--that his work couldn't get any better--he ran a job that seems to have crossed the wrong corporation. His fault or not, the Corp is on his trail and now he need a job to work off or pay off the people closing in on him.

Edit I may swap out a skill and make Science | Chemistry an expertise.
Mar 31, 2022 11:59 pm
Dunko says:
... noticed there were some gunner, hacker, and pilot ideas, so I thought I'd lean into a science / medic ...
Cool, though we do have three characters with some level of Science. That could a connecting common factor that brought this particular team together.

We should also decide if we have worked together before.
Dunko says:
... Bleeding edge bio-chem ...
Technically not actually an 'Angle'. Angle is the reason you run, it plays into your motivation, but also has mechanical effects when you can bring it into the fiction. But there is plenty in your bio that can serve that purpose.

Dunko says:
... getting his hands on trade secrets ... destabilize corporations ... work off or pay off the people closing in ...
or even something about the clinic you work at.

It does not have to be one of the items on the list, but several of the fit them above ideas.
Dunko says:
... crossed the wrong corporation ...
Are you Hunted? You can use this as the reason for being Hunted and not link it directly to the any second Cyberware you take. The Cyberware connection is a mechanical balance issue, and does not have to bleed into the fiction if we don't want it to or have better reasons.
Dunko says:
... make Science | Chemistry an expertise ...
Interesting that it is Chemistry and not Medicine. What does that tell us about Blank?
Apr 1, 2022 12:13 am
Table moved to the place I originally reserved for it.
Apr 1, 2022 12:48 am
vagueGM says:
Are you Hunted? You can use this as the reason for being Hunted and not link it directly to the any second Cyberware you take.
I'd like to be hunted yes, and I'll take you up on adding the second cyberwear connection.

I'll update the angle too!
Apr 1, 2022 12:55 am
For my character, since Winston is an old man, I think he came out of retirement for this job. Maybe he has some incurable disease and wants one last run to stick it to the man to make his mark on the world. Since he is probably taking medications maybe that's his tie to Blank? Blank got him some cheaper generic versions when the megacorps try to monopolize life-saving medicines or something like that.
Apr 1, 2022 1:01 am
nezzeraj says:
....maybe that's his tie to Blank? Blank got him some cheaper generic versions when the megacorps try to monopolize life-saving medicines or something like that.
I'm on board for this connection, with a slight tweak: that Blank makes those meds for Winston, from the data he's aquired!
Apr 1, 2022 1:02 am
If you come to the clinic he'll hook you up when he can...but he needs a contact who can get him the ingredients he needs...
Apr 1, 2022 1:13 am
Dunko says:
... Blank makes those meds ...
Hence: 'Chemist' and not 'medic', I guess. :)
Apr 1, 2022 2:20 am
OK sounds good! Maybe the heist is about stealing some new medicinal patent that one company has a monopoly over.
Apr 1, 2022 8:44 am
Sorry lost a bit track of the threads these last days. I'm thinking my character might either own another player and has been working to keep them safe or could have been suggested (thought street connections) as a bodyguard. If the heist is medical related and given Dunko is a street chemist, I could even have been assigned by the same... employer
Apr 1, 2022 9:54 am
CESN says:
... own another player ...
'Owe', surely?
CESN says:
... could even have been assigned by the same... employer ...
We don't have to have preexisting interparty connections. There a certain tensions if some of the party know each other (especially if they are a 'package deal'), or if there is one (or a minority) outsider. Issues of trust come, heavily, into the story. We can avoid or lean into these as we like.

By the book there is a fixer called 'Operator' who gives you your assignment, but we don't have to keep that if the group has a common goal and it makes sense for them to come together organically and put together their own job.
CESN says:
... as a bodyguard ...
Such a 'bodyguard' type character could be hired on specifically to deal with all physical aspects. No one else has any points in the 'tough' Skills, like Close Combat, or Endurance.

We are also a highly Cautious, and very Smart team... with almost no Empathy. That tells us a lot right there. :)
Apr 1, 2022 6:36 pm
Those backgrounds sound cool so far, fun to read.

As for my character background/bio stuff, to reiterate slightly, Solovei worked for a crew that was contracted out by a Biomedical Corp. He's a runaway and has been in that crew since he was 15. So not really an orphan per se. The gang he's fleeing for Hunted is ironically a psuedo familial connection. He's close with the core members. The leader is a sort of matriarchal figure who rules a small neighbourhood, and her 2 sons act as enforcers & lieutenants (& are closest to Solovei in age, and sort of like Solovei's brothers.) I envision the work for the Corp was sort of a new, supplementary thing in addition to loansharking, et cetera.

He's in his mid - late 20s & heavily tattooed. You can see ink up his chest and neck. He's Kazakh American. Like 5'7", not really a huge guy, kind of slim. Dark, neat hair; clean shaven; well-dressed; overall, looks put together, like he's always ready for a job interview. He is somewhat vain about his appearance. Preens a lot and talks a lot. His reputation as a Runner is trustworthy & dependable, even if he can be kind of a show-off/brash sometimes. I don't intend anything disruptive. Just run-of-the-mill youthful arrogance type of thing.

His role in the Run is being a good marksman, mostly. I'm not sure how the other PCs might know him, if at all. But if anything jumps out to any of you lmk. Otherwise he might just be additional hired muscle for y'all.

GM, I also wonder if I can/should put my 1 Streetwise skill into Mobility (or Sniper) instead?
Apr 1, 2022 7:45 pm
Bananabread says:
... psuedo familial ...
Most gangs are like that. Your story is quite familiar.

That is all really good stuff. Toss a final version (or summary, with a link to the posts with the details) in the character sheet so we can refer to it when needed.

Your character sheet is not visible to the other players, here are instructions on how to allow them to see it.
Bananabread says:
... reputation as a Runner is trustworthy & dependable, even if he can be kind of a show-off/brash ...

Maybe we can all add a mention of what our reputations say about us, and a flaw or weakness that might be fun to play out (non-mechanically).
Bananabread says:
... not sure how the other PCs might know him, if at all ...
Decide if you want to know them or be known by them. Else the Operator can just bring you all together, Reservoir Dogs style (but don't get hung up on the ending:).
Bananabread says:
... GM, I also wonder if I can/should put my 1 Streetwise skill into Mobility (or Sniper) instead? ...
We have a lot of Streetwise, but that makes sense for such characters and is not a problem.
If you want to move a point to Mobility, that is fine. ^Sniper is an Expertise, so it can only be 1d6 as it is part of the 3d6 Ranged Combat.
Apr 1, 2022 7:47 pm
@nezzeraj and @nikos, your character sheets are not visible to the other players, here are instructions on how to allow them to see them.
Apr 1, 2022 7:49 pm
One of your approaches needs to come down from 2 to 1.

Remember, you don't need to list your Gear till you need it on a job.

`^ Underground 1d6` should be ` ^ Underground | 1d6`
Apr 1, 2022 8:33 pm
vagueGM says:
@nezzeraj and @nikos, your character sheets are not visible to the other players, here are instructions on how to allow them to see them.
Sorry I missed that, I think it's ok now.
Apr 1, 2022 8:46 pm
nikos says:
... I think it's ok now.
Looks good. Add a little bit of background/biographical (reminder) information to the sheet once the character is sufficiently formulated.
Apr 2, 2022 11:38 am
ok. I think that's corrected now. busy week sorry :(

So Bananabread mentions a gang. I could have been a bouncer on some important place (since its the last run) for the matriarch. Maybe personal security even. Then she got her eyes on Dunko's and his knowledge of the "secret patent" and we got involved (maybe even convinced him ... nicely, to do the run?). Key point, I'd earn enough to retire. Likely my Angle: Look after them would be to keep Dunko alive or something?

trying to tie things together :D
Apr 2, 2022 12:07 pm
CESN says:
... I think that's corrected now ...
Looks good.

Your Cyberware does not give dice, I listed them as 0d6 so they could still be clicked and added to the Reason Field of the dice roll (as a reminder that it was being used in the action).
CESN says:
... Angle: Look after them would be to keep Dunko alive or something ...
I worry that having the Angle connected to another character in the party might have mechanical implications. I can think of a few situations (that don't bare mentioning) where you could be denied access to the Angle Dice when you need them, because of this tie.

I think the intent would be for it to be a motivation for you to do the run, something outside the current situation that brings you strength and encouragement when you need it most.

I am not saying 'no'. If you want to try it, be warned that it might break (and then we can change it).

@Dunko, It is up to you if you want or like any of this proposed backstory-connection / convincing.
Apr 2, 2022 2:11 pm
What about if the clinic was in the territory of this gang (I think Solovei is supposed to be on the run from them). So, we could say the clinic paid protection money to this gang, which is how Blank has gotten to know the folk who worked in different capacities for the gang?!
Apr 2, 2022 2:21 pm
Dunko says:
... clinic was in the territory of this gang (I think Solovei is supposed to be on the run from them ...
Might Solovei have hidden out at (or requested asylum from) the clinic? Would the clinic risk its status by taking sides?
Apr 2, 2022 2:25 pm
Just want to make sure we don't end up with a save the cheerleader thing with Blank :D
Apr 2, 2022 2:35 pm
Oh the clinic absolutely would have hid any gang members on the run. Their first priority is the people of the slum. They pay protection because they have to, but any chance to stick it to the gangs is something they'd take.
Apr 2, 2022 2:51 pm
Dunko says:
Just want to make sure we don't end up with a save the cheerleader thing with Blank :D
Yeah. It is a danger.

The most recently introduced character can also get a lot of attention for a while, we might not want to commit to that for the whole run.

Adding some element of needing to protect certain party members is cool, too, though. Maybe the job really needs the chemist, so we need to keep Blank alive up until the point we have 'gotten the product'; and maybe we need the pilot to survive till the end to get us out, or some such. But the loss of any of them (not saying I am expecting people to die, and that is largely in your hands) should not break the continued story, though it will change the plan.
Apr 3, 2022 6:21 am
I'm down for the taking refuge at the clinic thing, sounds really cool.

Also CESN I am also open to your idea about Solovei knowing your character from a club/some kind of racket the gang had going... though if your character is still on good terms with the gang, might be tricky, since they do want Solovei dead (& by association might be cranky at your character for not turning him over.) How you'd handle that kind of dynamic is up to you, just kinda spitballing. Maybe you could plead ignorance if it comes up. Lol

also heads up I've been feeling pretty under the weather this weekend so might not be around much. Very blah rn. Feels like I'm getting sick with something. I'll try to edit the bio thing into my character sheet on Sunday if I can
Apr 3, 2022 8:40 am
Bananabread says:
... been feeling pretty under the weather ...
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Don't stress about updating the character sheet (or anything else for the game), especially if what has been discussed is still true.
Do let us know if you want us to wait for you or think we should start playing and have Solovei appear later.
Apr 4, 2022 7:41 am
Bananabread says:
IAlso CESN I am also open to your idea about Solovei knowing your character from a club/some kind of racket the gang had going... though if your character is still on good terms with the gang, might be tricky, since they do want Solovei dead (& by association might be cranky at your character for not turning him over.)
yeah, most likely I would need to kill you. nice ending touch though LD

I was thinking about a character well connected with the "underworld". So mayne not working for the gang, but this may be changed to me having a some connections in the right (and some street status/rep) which is what is keeping the clinic under the gangs' radar. Doing some shady jobs and deals have kept the clinic neutral?

just brainstorming something that ties in (but I'm a bit busy and lost with the backgrounds now sorry)
Apr 4, 2022 11:37 am
CESN says:
... lost with the backgrounds now sorry
Indeed. It would be useful if everyone could provide a current-state summary of their character idea and background/biographical/relationship(interparty or extraparty) information. Even if it is just restating what came before.

Include what you are definite about, as well as anything that we have chatted about but not nailed down yet, marked clearly in each case.

Links to previous conversations are nice but much better is an --in-place-- rewrite. This both saves on back and forth (for both the writer and the reader) but also lets us all see how things shape up in your head (and can be copy/pasted into the character sheet).

If you have put such information on your character sheet --first, thanks-- let us know if it changes, we have not way -at all-- of knowing about changes, additions, or updates to the character sheets.

If any of your numbers have changed from what we have in the table, let us know.

I will look through these summaries and put up the introduction to an appropriate mission. We can still change character stuff, and the mission will be adaptable based on player answers.
Apr 4, 2022 11:46 am
vagueGM says:
Let's just make sure everyone is OK with having essentially a drug dealer in the party.

I need everyone to actively say they are OK with this.
Sorry I missed this message, yes I'm ok.
Apr 4, 2022 11:50 am
So, Miles is in his 30's, his character is discreet and cautious. He grew up in a huge megastructure building controlled by a Corp, he learned to drive and fight at an early age and many times got into trouble, but his family was there to care for him. His family mysteriously vanished, and Miles is the only remaining member. His angle is to learn the truth behind the disappearance of his family. He loves tinkering with machines and rigging tools and gadgets, and he has been earning his living working in scouting and surveillance.

I'm ok with any way you want Miles to relate with the group, we can either know each other from a previous mission, or just drop us together for this heist.
Apr 4, 2022 1:03 pm
From childhood, he wanted nothing more than to be employed at the biggest pharma-corp, working on the latest and greatest advancements in biochem. But then Blank learned how these corps really operated, and he learned how this affected folk who don't live at exclusive addresses.

So, he became a runner, under the operative name Blank--a chem whiz whose goal is the steal, study, and replicate formulas for meds and gene-therapy, and give them away on the street. If the job destabilizes a corp's profits, he'll take it.

During the day, he works out of a clinic in the slums where he's made friends with Winston, a man to whom he provides needed meds he couldn't afford elsewhere.

The clinic is on the turf of a pretty rough gang that he and the docs undermine when they can, including giving shelter to Solovei when he needed it.
So that's 3 connections, maybe four, around the clinic and gang, so maybe expanding the web in other directions will round it all out?! Things around how others are connected?
Edited for clarity.
Last edited April 4, 2022 1:05 pm
Apr 4, 2022 9:32 pm
I updated my Character Sheet so all the Biography stuff is there. I didn't wind up changing any Stats, I'll let you know if I decide to do so (before the game starts.)

Also no worries about waiting to start the game on my account. Feeling better today & am on the mend. Covid test was negative. Seems I just have a nasty head cold. 0/10 do not recommend.

Bio summary: Solovei is a Runner who is in a lot of medical debt to a Corp. They continually extorted him into increasingly risky jobs to work off the debt. He recently went AWOL after yet another near fatal Run. This is when he sought sanctuary at Blank's clinic (& was treated for injuries there.)

Solovei was a street kid who was taken in by a gang at age 15. The friend who took him in was one of the criminal matriarch's 2 sons. Solovei was unofficially adopted by her. When he became older Solovei was inducted into the family's inner circle. He was loyal and always felt he had more to prove, as he wasn't a blood relation.

The Corp is using the ex-gang to Hunt him down, under threat of saddling them with his debt/siccing Corp lawyers on them. He is currently Running so he can get enough money to leave the city and Get Out. The Corp wants to repossess his prosthetics and make an example of him.
Apr 4, 2022 10:20 pm
just a quick question before I settle some details... It's ok if we all met each other before right? since this is our last run, maybe we did one or two before, know each other by reputation or bought some services from someone else? Not a "party" but the world is small ;) Reading any background just trigger my "need to tie ttRPG instincts" 🤣
Apr 4, 2022 10:30 pm
CESN says:
... It's ok if we all met each other before right? ... maybe we did one or two before, know each other by reputation or bought some services from someone else? ... the world is small ...

It looks like there are already some strong links between some PCs, enough that it might be best if we all have links to each other. Maybe you have worked together as a team before and came to this job as a package deal, or maybe you found each other for this job? You don't all have to know everyone else, but having someone to vouch for you helps with trusting each other (i.e. we can remove interparty distrust and backstabbing from the table.)

We don't need details about these relationships (we can learn more as they come up in play), just saying "we all know each other" is enough, or "I don't know Bob, but Alice vouches for them, so they are OK by me", or whatever.
Apr 5, 2022 12:41 am
Oh, I forgot to reiterate that Blank had a recent run that ended badly--maybe he left something at the scene, maybe someone ratted, or he left a digital footprint. In any event, words gotten to him that someone's closing in on him, but he doesn't have the particulars!
Apr 5, 2022 8:39 am
D. is the sort of guy that doesn't need to talk to let you know you are not welcome somewhere. Growing up in the slums of the megacity he quickly learned what "selection" means, and made sure he would get his share. Initially working odd jobs for the local gangs, D. managed to climb up to corporate security until "change of priorities" and "restructuring" put him back on the streets. Now turned mercenary and doing all sorts of jobs for the pay, D. connections and reputation seem to pay off, mostly when it comes to "settle a deal".
Ok, so tying to each other but as individual connections so major shared runs
D. met Miles during a run to "extract" a valuable corporate target. Something that had the need for speed and, all else failing, muscles and some crushed bones. Since then, Miles "workshop" is the place to go for any gadget or special surveillance services.

Kamisori is an hacker right? Probably the one D goes to when he finds some "doors" that "won't open" but you still need to get in.

Though not directly hired by Blank, D. has recently started working as the clinic's body guard, mostly since it provides a good opportunity to get some meds on the streets (and cash in his pockets). While Blank is trying to destabilize the megacorps, D. makes sure there are some unaccounted meds that can be claimed by his less savory friends, a deal that nod only keeps the clinic funded, it also makes it a well known neutral place for the local gangs. Not a win-win deal, but a good compromise has been reached.

I'm not entirely sure of Wiston yet, is he getting the meds from Blank or the other way around? Anyway, he could have stolen important formulas for Blank and D. make the necessary arrangements to see he disappeared underground, keeping him safe and informed ?

Blank's last run is potentially going to disturb the delicate balanced. If someone is closing in on him, then the pressure is up! This is probably related to Solovei, a local gangster that became nothing but a megacorp's pawn due to his ever growing medical debts. The boy sought sanctuary at Blank's while he is recovering from his nearly fatal run. Which, if you ask me, means trouble, Solovei since pissed both a megacorp and a local gang. But maybe he knows something, maybe he has some important inside knowledge that will help Blank (maybe the new medical formula for the heist? or just his cutting-edge prosthetics? could be the inciting event). Maybe the streets can find a use for it...
updated sheet :D
Last edited April 5, 2022 8:46 am
Apr 7, 2022 12:24 pm
Winston was a hacker in his early days, but settled down once he hit middle age as the survival rate drastically declined after 40. He went into consulting, working with the companies he had opposed before. But trying to keep a little of his rebelliousness, he often worked with direct competitors, nullifying any advantage he gave one company by giving another advantage to a rival. At age 60 he was diagnosed with a rare disorder that can only be treated by a single drug. The company that has a direct monopoly on it has blackmailed him into working for them exclusively. On his last assignment he stole the formula and leaked it to a local street chemist named Blank.
Apr 7, 2022 12:50 pm
CESN says:
D. is the sort of guy that doesn't need to talk to let you know you are not welcome somewhere. Growing up in the slums of the megacity he quickly learned what "selection" means, and made sure he would get his share. Initially working odd jobs for the local gangs, D. managed to climb up to corporate security until "change of priorities" and "restructuring" put him back on the streets. Now turned mercenary and doing all sorts of jobs for the pay, D. connections and reputation seem to pay off, mostly when it comes to "settle a deal".

Kamisori is an hacker right? Probably the one D goes to when he finds some "doors" that "won't open" but you still need to get in.
Not quite, she has more of a hands-on approach, and deals directly with the wiring and machinery, so she could have helped with that, just through more mechanical than electronic means, if that makes any sense.
She'd be the girl to go to for gear maintenance and customisation, though.
Apr 7, 2022 1:03 pm
the_cava says:
CESN says:
Kamisori is an hacker right? Probably the one D goes to when he finds some "doors" that "won't open" but you still need to get in.
... She'd be the girl to go to for gear maintenance and customisation, though.
Winston is our 'Hacker' --though maybe too 'retired' to be the go to for such doors, Kamisori is our drone pilot (and 'aircraft pilot' too?).
The other players don't have to take what is said here as 'truth', this is all the character's opinion.
Apr 7, 2022 2:09 pm
Kamisori grew up in a Sprawl neighbourhood that took its defence in its own hands, and became a gang of sorts. She spent most of her childhood exploring abandoned factories and warehouses in the area, scavenging for broken, discarded and forgotten tech, to dismantle, repair and modify it, getting a knack for machines. She went scavenging with a few others, and found a sister in Lunette, who was ever the daredevil, scrounging where no one else dared go... And often bruising herself. That's when Kamisori started meddling with drones, so she could keep her big sis safe.
vagueGM says:
I did have some questions from the blurb on your sheet, but was waiting to see if anything had changed.
• Who is Lunette?
• Describe the 'things' you are hoping to 'get up and running' with the proceeds of this run.
• Describe your preferred drones' visuals and functions.
Lunette got into merc work before Kamisori, though she tweaked her gear since the beginning of her career. Trying to keep her safe from the dangers of scavenging only pushed her to find other dangers to tackle, and Kamisori soon got involved in merc work, too, mostly thanks to Lunette's advertising of her skill. They rarely worked together, though, as neither likes seeing the other in danger. Lunette has a knack for creative uses of gear and tech, more than how it works, and is rather athletic. Her keen instincts made her quite a good bodyguard and infiltrator, and her "tactics" are usually less than lethal, and that happened to be good publicity in her line of work.

Kamisori wants to get her workshop finally up and running, and she needs a little more money for machinery and supplies. She hopes to involve Lunette in her business mostly as driver and for PR, partly to see her in a safer environment, but also because she's better with people than she thinks. And definitely better than Kamisori, who'd rather talk to machines than people.

Drones in Kamisori's hands usually look like hybrids of other drones, and are often just that, when they're not kitbashed from scratch. She prefers scouting and sabotage drones, often in the form of arachnid or light flying frames.
Apr 7, 2022 2:15 pm
Moving this down to keep all the character blurbs together on one page.
vagueGM says:
@the_cava: Could you check your bio is up to date and transcribe here so we have them all in one place.

From what is on the sheet I have a few questions (add a 'can you ....?' to the ones that don't end in question marks:)

• Who is Lunette, whose footsteps you follow in?
• Briefly describe the 'things' you are hoping to 'get up and running' with the proceeds of this run.
• Describe your preferred drones' visuals and functions.
• Is your Piloting Skill only for Drones? Do you fly aircraft as well?
Apr 7, 2022 2:19 pm
Thank you everyone. That is good stuff.

I will put together a mission using what I can from this.

I see at least two potential individual side missions, and another that might apply to the whole group (minus one).
• Do we want to keep this simple or should be include individual or group alternate objectives?

There will be chances to flesh out characters during the mission briefing.
Apr 7, 2022 2:20 pm
vagueGM says:
Kamisori is our drone pilot (and 'aircraft pilot' too?).
The other players don't have to take what is said here as 'truth', this is all the character's opinion.
Aren't drones just smaller aircrafts? Or is it the other way around?
Apr 7, 2022 2:25 pm
the_cava says:
Aren't drones just smaller aircrafts? Or is it the other way around?
Drone can be anything you want, really.

Aricraft are 'craft' (vehicles), so you ride in (or on) them. Anyone can fly a plane or chopper or whatever, your drone experience even mean you don't have to do it with Zero Dice. :)

Have you flow such things before? Are you any good?
Apr 7, 2022 2:30 pm
Kamisori does not seem to have any connections to the rest of the group. That is fine, I can see a Lunette connection to link them to the mission. Or you can know the others, Winston might make sense to already know.
Apr 7, 2022 2:31 pm
How do we want to get the mission?

So far it looks like a 'medical tech heist'.

Should I have a fixer approach you guys with an offer, or is it something you came up with as a group? The answer can be different for some of you.
Apr 7, 2022 2:37 pm

Who is 'Luden' on the character sheet tab title and Game Details page?

What do people call you to your face? Winston? Fossil?

Have you been active in the scene recently? Or are you freshly 'out of retirement'?
Apr 7, 2022 2:41 pm
Luden was just the name I thought up before I had a solid character idea lol. But I'll say that was my old hacker handle before I retired. Fossil is my new alias that I have recently come out of retirement. I'd say this is my first out of retirement gig. Anyone who knows me before now calls me Winston. Anyone I don't want to know me I tell them Fossil.
Apr 7, 2022 3:00 pm
vagueGM says:
How do we want to get the mission?

So far it looks like a 'medical tech heist'.

Should I have a fixer approach you guys with an offer, or is it something you came up with as a group? The answer can be different for some of you.
I think having a fixer who would give us a specific brief would be best. And it could explain putting together any characters that don't know each other yet.
Apr 8, 2022 12:27 pm
vagueGM says:
Kamisori does not seem to have any connections to the rest of the group. That is fine, I can see a Lunette connection to link them to the mission. Or you can know the others, Winston might make sense to already know.
Copy/pasting response to D.: Not quite, she has more of a hands-on approach, and deals directly with the wiring and machinery, so she could have helped with that, just through more mechanical than electronic means, if that makes any sense.
She'd be the girl to go to for gear maintenance and customisation, though.

I see some parallels between Kamisori and Solovei, they might have crossed paths in the past, or just instinctively develop an unspoken kinship for fellow street spawns. Also, snipers work best when paired with a spotter, and Kamisori is a rather good one, making previous collaborations more likely, in my opinion.

Walking a path very similar to Miles', I can see them getting on good terms, or at least developing a friendly rivalry, but they probably wouldn't have met until then.

If Blank's lab could be anywhere near Kamisori's turf, it's very likely she already bought his services, more likely for Lunette than for herself, though.

Let me know, and I'll update my sheet accordingly.

Lastly, about Piloting skills, Kamisori is a drone pilot first and foremost, but she spent enough time on simulators to know how fly the real thing as well. She probably did already a couple times to flee a scene, or mess with a target's resources, but nothing more than a few stunts.
Last edited April 8, 2022 12:27 pm
Apr 8, 2022 12:39 pm
Sounds good.

We are all connected enough that we don't need special/separate recruiting for the job.

@the_cava: Would you like to have Lunette involved in the job? Even if you only find out later?
Apr 8, 2022 6:11 pm
She's all yours, if you have something interesting in mind.
Kamisori won't probably like it, but, as a player, that only makes it more entertaining.
Apr 8, 2022 6:40 pm
Oneshots don't give much time to incorporate background NPCs, but if they are named on the sheet I like to try.

I won't use her as the introduction vector for Kami, since we all know each other somewhat, but might bring her into the situation as we play.
Apr 11, 2022 8:43 am
@Dunko: You still have Smartness listed as Glitchy on your sheet. I don't think it should be, you took Hunted as your price for the second Cyberware?

Could you add the biographical/background information to the sheet, no need to keep the instructions in the Description section once you are done with them.
Apr 11, 2022 1:31 pm
On it!
Apr 11, 2022 2:31 pm
Dunko says:
On it!
Looks good.

You still have 4 of your possible 5 Gear choice pre-made, which does not leave you with a lot of adaptability, but, if you want to do it that way, no problem. It is a radical departure from the way most other games do it.
Apr 11, 2022 5:12 pm
vagueGM says:

You still have 4 of your possible 5 Gear choice pre-made, which does not leave you with a lot of adaptability, but, if you want to do it that way, no problem. It is a radical departure from the way most other games do it.
Lol, that was a result of updating on my phone and I don't think it registered my tapping. I updated w/ none selected to start.
Apr 11, 2022 5:28 pm
Dunko says:
...updating on my phone and I don't think it registered my tapping ...
If that problem persists, let us know. It should (as in 'is supposed to') work on mobile.
Apr 13, 2022 4:52 am
@nezzeraj: You still have Caution listed as Glitchy on your sheet.
I see no reason for it to be, this is probably just left over from the examples in the template?

Do you have a reason to keep the sheet Label as 'Luden'? If so, no worries, else, can you change it to reflect the character?
Apr 13, 2022 5:49 am
All this time I didn't know you could edit the label haha. OK everything is updated now!

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