Heist in The Heights [OOC]

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Apr 28, 2022 11:57 am
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... I think this is a good spot to use an item and check how that works... ...
Indeed. Get the experimenting done before things get hairy. :)
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... I have Magnetic camouflage 1d6, presumably this will twist the light for a Predator-like ability. ...

A few points that I should have picked up on earlier (though I don't recall where it was talked about):
• Cyberware does not have 1d6 (unless it is Glitchy and adds a Glitch die). I included the 0d6 on the sheet else it does not allow us to add it to the dice roller's Reason.
• It is meant to be Cyberware, not Cyberwear. It it not meant to be stuff you wear, as much as stuff you have 'implanted' (prosthetics and interfaces). But we can talk about other options. An invisibility cloak could count at Special Armor against being seen, but will cost stress to use every time after the Special Armor box is ticked.
• If it is a suit you are wearing, it probably counts as Load (at least 1), just like other armor.
• (we can assume it makes sense for magnets to bend light, or that could just be what they call it because the real terms are too technical for us:)
CESN says:
(in RP)... group of amateurs was on the move nearby. Clearly trying not to be noticed but too inexperienced to move silently ...
Definitely an accurate assessment of their abilities. :)
CESN says:
(in RP)... Being from outside, its easier to look lost ...
Debatable, since there are very few (you had thought 'no') outsiders inside The Heights, so that will make you stand out. We can throw dice to see how it goes, but that seems like Empathy and Influence, so zero dice and low chances. (roll 2 keep the lowest)

But I don't get to say which dice you thrown, that is up to the player. I just get to say --before they are thrown-- how effective it could be, and that could be 'no effect' if some insane combination is proposed.
CESN says:
(in RP)... has to be sure of the group's intentions ...
How do you go about working out their intentions?
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... Is anyone close enough to me ...
Winston is fairly close since you are guarding him. You can decide how far afield you have wondered.
Blank might be close to Winston or by you. You guys can decide.
I implied that Solovei was slightly removed so that sniping could be an option, but they can decide to be as close as you guys want.
Apr 28, 2022 12:13 pm
vagueGM says:
It is meant to be Cyberware, not Cyberwear.
damn, I need to rethink that one the. I thought cyber arms and such worked as well :(
maybe... well, since I have chemicals already, maybe some hormone/poison to pacify trouble makers? seems very useful when you're a bouncer at a gang's hangout place :D
vagueGM says:
Debatable, since there are very few (you had thought 'no') outsiders inside The Heights, so that will make you stand out. We can throw dice to see how it goes, but that seems like Empathy and Influence, so zero dice and low chances. (roll 2 keep the lowest)
that sounds like the worse possible :D though, maybe they are easy to notice, but nothing like, "I got lost on the way to the toilet" to get the conversation going. Nothing strange about that... except I'll miss the roll.
vagueGM says:
How do you go about working out their intentions?
A simple look at them. Are they fully armed with the fingers on the trigger? Or are they just wondering about? Do they look agressive or are them all smiles to each other like teenager about to pull a stupid prank?
vagueGM says:
Winston is fairly close since you are guarding him. You can decide how far afield you have wondered.
Blank might be close to Winston or by you. You guys can decide.
I implied that Solovei was slightly removed so that sniping could be an option, but they can decide to be as close as you guys want.
Winston has to finish his job, though he can get a message to be on alert. Solovei sniping could be an option, if he noticed things going very wrong. Blank could move closer and be on wait even if he is next to Winston I guess. It's just that this looks like the sort of trouble that will need some fists meeting some faces, so being on my own is not optimal :D
Apr 28, 2022 12:31 pm
Damn, suddenly this sounds like a college level course on logic lol. Looking for door controls sounds nice, and Winston is too old to be cautious. I think a straight smartness and hacking roll sounds good. I'll add it to my post.
Apr 28, 2022 12:37 pm
For my part, I picture Blank near Winston--watching him hack while also watching the duct feed from Miles.
Apr 28, 2022 12:44 pm
CESN says:
... I thought cyber arms and such worked as well ...
Cyberarms are a classic example. They are definitely 'implanted' and 'prosthetics'. They definitely work.
CESN says:
... since I have chemicals already, maybe some hormone/poison to pacify trouble makers? ...
That could also be considered an 'extra feature' on the existing 'chemicals' Cyberware. It adds up to much the same mechanically.
CESN says:
... pacify trouble makers ... seems very useful when you're a bouncer ...
That does sound like it could be useful.
CESN says:
... get the conversation going. Nothing strange about that ... except I'll miss the roll ...
And except that the established fiction already makes that a weak approach. So the Effect will be low and the Threat will be high to start off with. D. will know this, he is a professional.
CESN says:
... maybe they are easy to notice ...
You can definitely notice them before they notice you. Solovei too has the drop on them.
CESN says:
... A simple look at them. Are they fully armed ...
You won't be able to actually see them till they are right on top of you. If you want to act before that happens, you have the opportunity.
CESN says:
... like teenager about to pull a stupid prank? ...
That is a possibility. People do live here. Going guns-ablazing before you know for sure has that risk... if you care.
CESN says:
... Solovei sniping could be an option, if he noticed things going very wrong ...
We can assume, if he is still in an overwatch position, that he can notice and react.
CESN says:
... Blank could move closer and be on wait ...
Yep. You would have to call him over though, he does not know about these goings-on.
CESN says:
... being on my own is not optimal ...
It never is. That is why we have a team to back us up. :)
Apr 28, 2022 12:45 pm
nezzeraj says:
... I think a straight smartness and hacking roll sounds good. I'll add it to my post.
Remember to discuss any of the adjustments (Edge, Threat and Effect, software, ...) mentioned above before you roll.
Apr 28, 2022 12:50 pm
vagueGM says:

Remember to discuss any of the adjustments (Edge, Threat and Effect, software, ...) mentioned
Whoops lol. Um, straight roll then? normal effect, no edge.
Apr 28, 2022 1:49 pm
nikos says:
(OOC in the RP)Do I need to roll for this action?
It won't always be that easy, but, given the descriptions both of you gave, I don't see a roll as being needed. It sounds like you have it under control.

If Blank gets called away and the dice turn against them, then we may revisit this as a complication and you may have to roll to deal with that on your own.
nikos says:
(OOC in the RP)... Is the soda considered a third item that I had in my light loadout?
It does not feel like it should be, right? It is not on the list, but also does not quite fit with assumed items like mirrorshades or clothing. This is definitely part of the chemicals provided, and we did not mark that as an item (it would have been Blank's anyway), so I think we can skip it.

Do we all agree?
Apr 28, 2022 1:50 pm
nezzeraj says:
Whoops lol. Um, straight roll then? normal effect, no edge.
No worries. Defaulting to defaults is fine sometimes. :)
Apr 28, 2022 3:23 pm
Bananabread says:
(ooc in RP)I recall there being "Special Ammo" on the character sheet, so if things get hairy, maybe I can use tranqs or something to keep things quiet/non-lethal?
Tranqs sound like a feasible interpretation of Special Ammo. They can definitely help with the less lethal part, if you choose to go that route. Don't mark them yet.
Apr 29, 2022 1:38 pm
ok. so the pacifying chemicals are already included in the mix I have then... maybe I can develop on that cyber arm ...
My first though would be to have it spawn a force shield or something, but can also work as a stun weapon, probably with limited ranged used (the glitch being that it probably kills the target... Should be useful for bodyguards as well :D

I'm trying to avoid the unavoidable super-strength xD
Apr 29, 2022 2:15 pm
CESN says:
... so the pacifying chemicals are already included in the mix I have then ...
That would probably count as an Extra Feature to the internal chemicals. Extra Features cost same as Extra Cyberware.

This 'probably' is based on the described function of regulation of your blood chemistry, but you could also change that description (and possibly the name?) to be focused on releasing chemicals (possibly supplied by, or despised by Blank?) internally and externally. That might broaden what it applies to at the cost of being less potent at regulation your internals. That might be better, since I expressed concern about how the purely internal regulation would come into play in exciting ways. But it is up to you, it is your cyberware.
CESN says:
... spawn a force shield ... work as a stun weapon ...
CESN says:
... trying to avoid the unavoidable super-strength ...
If you want to go with super-strength, that is fine. Remember that to do anything out of the ordinary requires you to Push yourself which costs 2 Stress each time. So cyberarms mainly operate as the arms they replace, cyberware can also add --non-mechanically-- to the fictional options you have in a scene.

Spawning a shield or stun weapon, or boosting to super strength would be a Push.

You could also have a stun weapon as part of your Gear, that would cost Load and possibly Ammo rather than Stress. That might give you more utility?
CESN says:
... glitch being that it probably kills the target ...
Not all of your cyberware needs to have a Glitch, only the extra ones after the 'first'. And it does not have to be a Glitch on the cyberware, the cost could also be Hunted status or a Glitchy Approach.
May 2, 2022 7:47 am
vagueGM says:
to be focused on releasing chemicals (possibly supplied by, or despised by Blank?) internally and externally. That might broaden what it applies to at the cost of being less potent at regulation your internals. That might be better, since I expressed concern about how the purely internal regulation would come into play in exciting ways. But it is up to you, it is your cyberware.
Yeah, I think that one ends up covering most things... I was thinking faster reflexes or something but then again, inject something and that's sorted. It does work for everything.
vagueGM says:
If you want to go with super-strength, that is fine. Remember that to do anything out of the ordinary requires you to Push yourself which costs 2 Stress each time. So cyberarms mainly operate as the arms they replace, cyberware can also add --non-mechanically-- to the fictional options you have in a scene.
Ok, let's go with that and then see what happens. It's a test game so let's see what happens :D
vagueGM says:
Spawning a shield or stun weapon, or boosting to super strength would be a Push.
I need to read the rules again 😅 But if a cyberarm is that flexible at the price of a push, then I can have the chemoregulator as the second piece and have that one Glitched. Just curious about the glitching mechanics. Again, test run :D It also compensates for the flexibility, like having too many chemicals stores in such a small space is dangerous.
May 2, 2022 8:35 am
CESN says:
... if a cyberarm is that flexible ...
No, you need to choose what the arm does, it might be superstrength or spawn an energy field that could be used as a shield or a weapon (or anything that an energy field could feasibly do). While both of those could be in an arm, they are not the same thing.

If you want the one prosthetic to do both functions you would need to buy them both as functions, and only one is free.
CESN says:
... curious about the glitching mechanics ...
The nature of the Glitch would depend a lot on the nature of the thing that is Glitchy as well as the use it is being put to.

As with all things in FitD, we discuss it before it happens and all have to agree. I don't think we will discuss all the details about a possible Glitch before every roll, but for the first few would should probably go through the mental exercise of working out what could happen.
CESN says:
... having too many chemicals stores in such a small space ...
They could run out, but that takes away a major part of the character. We would need to have some way of refreshing them if we go that route. Maybe they take some time to recharge, or maybe Blank has to manufacture and inject new stock, this way we add to the story instead of taking away features.
CESN says:
... inject something and that's sorted. It does work for everything. ...
The more general purpose it is the less effective it is. And injecting chemicals could easily lead to addiction and or withdrawal, other interesting character developments --though in a oneshot, addiction is less interesting.
May 2, 2022 8:36 am
CESN says:
(in RP) ... Let's try to solve this as quietly as possible then ... Let's see what trouble we can raise ...

What do you do?
May 2, 2022 9:23 am
vagueGM says:
you need to choose what the arm does, it might be superstrength or spawn an energy field that could be used as a shield or a weapon (or anything that an energy field could feasibly do).
energy it is then.
vagueGM says:


What do you do?
I have no reason to shoot first and, since I can't have a good look at them before then see me, hiding is far too suspicious. I'll just walk up to them like I'm lost. Ready to crash some skulls if need be of course :D
May 2, 2022 10:23 am
CESN says:
... I'll just walk up to them like I'm lost. Ready to crash some skulls if need be of course
Do it. (The walking while lost bit, not the skull crushing bit.:)
May 2, 2022 10:24 am
nezzeraj says:
(in RP)I think it'd be impossible to guess a password to a place like this, so would need be a good time to use the flashback mechanic about how I got an old password or something like that?
That sounds like a reasonable sort of thing you would have done in preparation, so it is a 1 Stress Flashback ("A standard activity, likely to have occurred.").

Mark the stress and show us how you arranged to have the needed passwords (maybe the manufacturer's defaults, after you got the manufacturer from the blueprints?).

Maybe preface the post with "earlier that day..." or some thing to show it is a flashback.
May 2, 2022 3:36 pm
@nezzeraj: Please Don't Edit. Till Dunko posted and I happened to glance up and see it, the front page, game page and, everything were still showing the latest post as 5 hours ago, so there was no indication that you made significant changes and needed a response. Instead, just add a new post with the new stuff, that way the notification and update systems all work.
May 2, 2022 3:38 pm
nezzeraj says:
(in RP)... One bit of trickery was impersonating a new member of the security company ...
That tricky bit necessitates a roll. Social Engineering should probably be Empathy and Influence for best Effect, right?

But you get to decide what you roll with. The less 'appropriate' the Approach and Skill are the less Effect they have, which, in this case, affects the Quality of the Asset (both of those are Blades terms, but make sense here). The Quality of the passcodes will influence the amount of progress you can make with them.

Rolling a 6 means you get an Asset of the Quality 2 (the default), or less if either the Approach or Skill are not-ideally-appropriate. A Crit bumps up the Quality.

Rolling a 4-5 reduces the Quality of the Asset you get, or costs you something. You can choose to Resist the negative outcome.

Rolling a 1-3 gets you nothing, or lower Quality Asset at a significant cost (Resistable (x2)).

Getting a zero Quality Asset will mean you have to try another approach.
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