Heist in The Heights [OOC]

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May 31, 2022 2:47 pm
CESN says:
... Definitively want it to be Effect-ive ...
At Effect level 2 your would need a Crit to finish this with one shot.

You can choose to up both Effect and Threat to 3, which will let you finish this on a 6. (Purely as an example, you could delay the shot till it is point-blank. This will increase your Effectiveness but also the Threat level if it gets a signal out with more details due to proximity, but also gives yourselves less time to react after the event.)

Or you could Push for extra Effect and assure a clean kill on a 4-5, but that is unwise in your current state.

Or you could try to set something up quickly to give yourself and Edge, but time may not allow that, or, at any rate, there would be risks (and dice).
May 31, 2022 3:36 pm
ahah no push thank you. almost dead already and we haven't even left the first location 😅 Though I would like to one shot it, and D. would probably be the sort of guy to patiently wait for the opportunity for a clean shot.

You mentioned the camouflage, being magnetic... would that be an edge, or I still have to push it?
Last edited May 31, 2022 3:36 pm
May 31, 2022 3:47 pm
CESN says:
You mentioned the camouflage, being magnetic... would that be an edge, or I still have to push it?
By the rules you need to Push to 'use' your Cyberware for anything other just routine stuff. The Cyberware (or any gear) provides the fictional justification for being able to Push, but does not 'power' it.

If you want it to have direct mechanical effects, that requires a Push; general fictional use and flavour can do a lot too, though, so make your case.

Note that: When you Push to activate your Cyberware you also get the benefit of a normal Push on top of whatever the Cyberware does. Judging from Blades, there may be times when the normal Push benefits don't apply in the scene, but normally it is a twofer.
May 31, 2022 4:50 pm
yeah, let's see what I can do. Not entirely sure how to get edges yet, so I can't really think of any way at the moment. Probably ask for help if that... well, helps
May 31, 2022 5:21 pm
CESN says:
... Not entirely sure how to get edges yet ...
In the fiction.

Easiest way might be to do a setup action, but that will be its own action and would take time and probably need a roll.

Having a clever plan would often count as well. As can finding a weakness (by asking an expert).
May 31, 2022 5:23 pm
CESN says:
(in RP)... surprise effect if I manage to not be noticed ...
Are you taking the sort of action to stay hidden that necessitates a roll, before the shot? Using your camouflage as part of a roll does not need a Push, but is also just fictional positioning, the roll will carry the weight.

A miss could make things worse, but a good success could definitely provide an Edge. This is sorta like a Fortune Roll from Blades, so no real direct risk to this action, but it might put you in a worse position by giving the enemy an Edge.
May 31, 2022 5:32 pm
yeah so... this was a while ago, but the way I'm seeing the situation is that I look through the opening and then got back behind the door/barrier. So presumably I'm fully hidden at the moment. I'll take the bullet and the advice and they try to tell where the bot is from the sound.

Then I'll expose myself, but with the camouflage on. D. would think this can buy him a few seconds to actually aim properly instead of shooting "in the dark". I guess this is where the hide roll will came into, basically to check if I can stay undetected long enough to aim? And then yes, just shot the thing regularly.

I like the fortune roll idea for the effect of the camouflage. so that would be a Caution + 🤔 not really anything there... survival? observation? and then the Aggression + Ranged Combat roll right?
Jun 1, 2022 4:12 am
CESN says:
... presumably I'm fully hidden at the moment ...
Sure. Let's say it knows there is something happening with the door, but has not seen you guys yet.
CESN says:
... I'll take the bullet ...
Bullets. It is now thing you have in your inventory till the fiction says it runs out.
CESN says:
... with the camouflage on. D. would think this can buy him a few seconds ...
That sounds a bit like more than just 'fiction'. If you want it to keep you invisible for long enough to do things it really should require a Push. But that seems mean here.

While not setting a precedent for the future, let's say it buys you just enough time to act. How much will depend on the roll.
Critical: Exceptional result / Great, extreme effect.
• 6: Good result / Standard, full effect.
• 4/5: Mixed result / Limited, partial effect.
• 1-3: Bad result / Poor, little effect.
• So a Crit would make you more Effective and lower its Threat.
• A 6 would increase your Effect.
• 4-5 would increase your Effect but also increase the Threat (sorta the same as if you choose to shift both up).
• 1-3 is bad and it sees you before you can act, increasing the Threat.

All of these can be on top of --and separate from-- your choice to shift the Effect and Threat in either direction.

You can describe and roll that, then describe and roll the shot based on the outcome.
CESN says:
... so that would be a Caution + ? ...
Mobility, I would assume?

Possibly you want to add your Glitchy Chemoregulator (if I understand its function) to help keep your heartrate and temperature under control? That will double your dice, but is a risk.

Someone may be able to Assist you in this action?
Jun 1, 2022 4:13 am
nezzeraj says:
(in RP)"The circuitry is housed in the base between the treads. Aim there."
For this advice to have any mechanical effect it will need to be backed up by mechanics.

Does Winston know much about drones?

Maybe a roll of Smartness and Science? There will be risk since he will need to look out there to study the thing and may be spotted.
Jun 1, 2022 7:46 am
So I'll wait for Winston's roll first then do Caution + Mobility. I like the dice effects, D. thinks he will get some extra time, but he may be totally wrong and they may make him overconfident putting him at risk.
vagueGM says:
Possibly you want to add your Glitchy Chemoregulator (if I understand its function) to help keep your heartrate and temperature under control? That will double your dice, but is a risk.
That's a nice idea... but risk you mean... increased threat and so more likely Stress?
Jun 1, 2022 8:03 am
CESN says:
... but risk you mean... increased threat and so more likely Stress?
No matter the outcome, and without affecting the outcome: If the specific Glitch Die comes up 1-3 (50% chance) then there will be a related consequence. As with all consequence, you can choose to Resist it, but you are not in a condition to be Resisting too much.

So you can succeed and still have to pay a price. This would also add an extra consequence to those you get on 4-5 or a miss.

Before we risk it, we should discuss the possible consequences. Given the internal nature of this Cyberware, it would be something internal.
Jun 1, 2022 8:07 am
@nezzeraj: Your sheet looks a little out of date. You only have 1 Stress marked but you did a few things that cost Stress: Flashback, Push, and Resist.
Jun 1, 2022 8:11 am
Since our main active characters are high on Stress, I am tempted to engineer a reprieve, some way for them to reset and start again so we can keep playing. This is a test.

Maybe we wait till Blank has had a chance to do some stressful stuff as well and reset everyone, or maybe we allow a free reset (forced Crit on a free Breather) after the first Overload?
Jun 1, 2022 8:23 am
vagueGM says:
Before we risk it, we should discuss the possible consequences. Given the internal nature of this Cyberware, it would be something internal.
I guess so. Doesn't have to be physical as contaminants could trigger some psychosis or things like that. I guess for slowing heart beat, strictly speaking, you'd most likely overdose and faint though
Jun 1, 2022 8:33 am
CESN says:
... Doesn't have to be physical ...
Indeed not. The consequences can even be metaphysical or to loved ones, but that latter type requires more knowledge about --and investment in-- the characters and their history, families, or surrounds than this oneshot really offers.
CESN says:
... trigger some psychosis ...
If we think we can find an interesting way for something like that to manifest without breaking the game, the trust, or taking the character out of it.

Addiction is a common side-effect for such things in long-term games.
CESN says:
... I guess for slowing heart beat ... faint ...
Or become fuzzy-headed and miss something important.

Sometimes I offer players the opportunity to roleplay their character making bad decisions as a potential consequence. But that depends a lot on the player and the game.
Jun 2, 2022 7:21 am
Dunko says:
(in RP)Blank is trying to figure out how much use the teens can be, as watchdogs, runners, etc. Only then he'lltry to come up with bargain if needed.
Dunko says:
He's a social, empathetic person, often running interference between the clinic and the gangs in the territory.
Did Blank introduce himself? We can assume it happened offscreen, but if you choose not to have done so, that will affect the power dynamic. :)

You don't have time for much of an interrogation, and need to keep your voices down in case the bot has audio pickups, so you will not get much from them in this situation or by just asking.

We can treat this like a superficial Gather Information, which can also lay the groundwork for later chats.

As you say, Blank is an Empathetic guy, so rolling with that Approach makes sense.

Depending on how you are doing it, you might also be including: Streetwise (to help you parse their slang, as well as evaluate their streetworthyness); or Observation if you are focusing on picking up on more than what they are saying; or Influence if you are tying to impress them with your own street-cred; or something else or some other interpretation of those, as you see fit.

None of those are really backed up by the fiction so far, but you can add another post that shows us your Skill use, and roll there.

You can, of course, Push yourself for the usual effects.
I don't think there is likely to be an Assistance on this one, but could be wrong.
You might have some Gear that helps.
Jun 2, 2022 7:56 am
So I'll go overconfident with the camouflage first. 1d6 it is ! this is going to be fun...
Last edited June 2, 2022 7:56 am
Jun 2, 2022 8:13 am
@CESN: Do you want to narrate the bot getting an inkling that there is danger and upping its alert level (Threat 3, Effect 2) just before you (realise and) fire?

You still have the potential to turn this around, if you score well enough that the Threat does not factor (6 or more) it does not matter what level it was.

You still have all the options available to you that you did before, this Fortune roll does not take them away, just makes them more risky.
Jun 2, 2022 8:27 am
CESN says:
I guess one of the risk is a stupid teenager just going WWWWWOOOOOOWWWWW to my camouflage 🤣
Yeah I think I'll raise Threat and Effective. Let' s get one of the kids killed :D
Last edited June 2, 2022 8:29 am
Jun 2, 2022 9:48 am
CESN says:
Yeah I think I'll raise Threat and Effective.
You gonna up the Threat to 4? That will fully set off an alarm (not an audible one), someone will be alerted... and might respond eventually.

Effect 3 means you will end the bot straight out with any success. A 6 will be an end to it with no alert getting out, and a Crit will give you something extra that we can discuss if it happens.

All in all, that seems like a good idea.

Narrate and roll it.
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