[Knight] The day is shining and new

Apr 10, 2022 5:22 pm

As a member of the Shield Terilith Jolar is the citadels peacekeeper. Much of their work is patrolling the streets being seen. For this reason, shields and helmets are polished to a mirror finish, and the tabard with the orders heraldry is always clean and easy to identify.
[ +- ] Patroling here
You and your partner is walking through the market place and people are making way for the Shields. A few give the tiefling an extra glance, but that is nothing new. Especially the Gith can be stubborn and condescending, but they respect the Shields.

There are always some street urchins and gutter runners that try to grab any unattended item.
A breif introduction of your characters looks and your patrol partner. Rase, sidekick class
Apr 12, 2022 7:36 am
Terilith was a bit bored.

He joined the Shields because it was the right thing to do, because he thought that would be best for his life purposes, because having nobody in the whole damn world made your transition to Shields easier, because... The list goes on. He wasn't particularly an energetic, "have-to-do-things-all-the-time-or-I'll-get-mad" type of person but still, in a city with so much glory and luxury, with so much richness there is not much thing to do in the long-run for a Shield. He turns to Kaez, his trusty partner as he thinks how he has noone left. Yeah, she can be counted as one. They met during duty, she was his first partner. Probably what drew them close was the fact that both of them were loners. Their reaction to that loneliness lied on opposite sides, though. Terilith was a quiet, calm person who thinks his was through things and he rarely showed extreme emotional changes. Kaez, on the other hand, just LOVED talking. She constantly talks, sometimes complaining sometimes just expressing her opinions. At first her attitude made Terilith distance himself from her but in time she grow on him, in fact now he found her behaviors very sincere, intimate. Another common line was their passion for martial arts. When they first figured that out, for days and days they sparred on the field, practicing their fighting skills, whenever they found the time from duty. There was a bit of distance lately, between them, though he was too clumsy for such a communicative act, meaning asking her "How the hell are you?".

"Look at them. This city's liveliness never wears out." says Kaez as she was looking around. "All in all, I guess there is nowhere I'd like to be." Terilith agreed with that, showing his approval with a slight nod, a gesture Kaez has gotten used to by now. Once you're in, you're never out. "Let's continue down this road before turning back." he says as he deflects a few unwanted glances.
Apr 12, 2022 3:44 pm
You hear a yell of alarm from one of the stalls. Some gutter runner apparently snatched something of a stall.
This is your job. Clad in armour and a heavy shield, you are to catch a thieving kobolt on quick legs.
What kind of man are you? One who gives chase? One who don't care? Something else?
Apr 12, 2022 4:33 pm
Terilith observes the little runner for a moment, like frozen in time. He and Kaez share a look, they already know what to do. As Kaez starts running towards the thief at full speed, Terilith prepares himself for a quick spell. He takes a deep breath, positions himself so that he can see where the thief is headed and executes the spell. An ominous, god-like voice saying "STOP!" originates from right in front of the kobold, attempting the knock his balance so that Kaez can catch up.
Terilith is the heavy guy. He casted thaumaturgy to scare the kobold.



Apr 12, 2022 6:38 pm
The thieving kobolt scampers away, while Terilith earns himself a smack from a huge creature (loxodon) with sensitive ears. To loud! he complains.
Yea, do something about the thief, instead of yelling about it Someone say in the stillness.
Go keep the peace, but shutting up! A third one calls back, and laughter breaks out. The market returns to its normal hustle and bustle
[ +- ] Loxodon
That went well Kaez comments when they are both together again, standing at the cornor, failing to spot a little kobolt in a sea of colourfull people.


Street urchin


Apr 13, 2022 11:11 am
A young human boy around 12 years old tugs at your cloak. Are you one of those shield beares? The one that protects us here in the Radiant Citadel?

I found something spooky down the sewers and my momma says that if I find something spooky I should tell the Shield beares. Now I have. He turns to walk down the street again.
Street urchin
Apr 13, 2022 4:48 pm
"Damn, that used to work. Have we started to age?" Terilith asks Kaez. Then he listens to the kid as he explains what he found in the sewers. When the urchin tries to walk down the street, he grabs his arm. "Easy, mister. Here's a lesson from this city's protectors. You don't just point out something bad and run away. Show us the way and explain a bit more on the road. What exactly did you see?"

Street urchin


Apr 16, 2022 3:18 pm
Okey okey. Down the sewers, there are these gates the water streams through you know. I got through one to check out a new section of the sewers. One of the pipes was almost clogged with skulls - and there was weird writing on the walls.
He leads you to a manhole cover and slips down.

Are you coming?

Street urchin
Apr 16, 2022 5:04 pm
"Yes, we're coming." says Terilith to the boy as he follows him down to the sewers. He gives a quick look to Kaez, their familiar look when they meant to say that "be on the lookout, this seems fishy". He starts sliding down, followed by Kaez. Wall writing are one thing but pipes filleed with skulls? He is a bit lost in his thoughts as he follows the boy.

Street urchin


Apr 16, 2022 6:35 pm
Start this cound clip while reading
You drop down into a tunnel with shallow water. Constant dripping can be heard, and the occational rat flees this giant creature that has entered its domain. All this was expected. But the smell was not. The sickly sweet smell of rotting biological matter fills your nose and won't let go.
The boy leads you to a barred opening, where he slips through the bars.
Its just around the corner here... He points to an opening you can hardly see.
Squising through the bards is a Dex DC 12 for a small creature, DC 22 for a medium, disadvantage if wearing armor. But it is not the only way through. How would you get into the room where the boy is waiting for you? Find another way around? Use some clever magics? Something else?
Street urchin
Apr 17, 2022 8:48 am
Both Terilith and Kaez wear armor so squishing through is not going to happen probably.
Terilith observes the bars. "Well, unless you can turn into a little squirrel, we're not likely to pass through those." he says. He knows Kaez too well that she doesn't have such a talent. "Hey, kiddo. Are there any other way through there that you know?" he asks to the urchin. He then turns to Kaez. "Well, we do have torches, right? Let's heat one of the bars to make our job easies, then smash it with our swords. If we double opening, we can get through."
What check you want me to do for this? You can very well roll it yourself and describe the results.

Street urchin


Apr 17, 2022 9:37 am
You are properly not carrying a torch as you 1) can see in the dark and 2) were on a simple patrol
Besides torches could at most heat the bars, but in no way make them payable. Its takes a lot more concentrated heat to turn the iron red
If you do down to the left there, then right, past the junction then right, and right again, then you could come out there. He points to an open tunnel.

Street urchin
Apr 17, 2022 9:57 am
Yeah, I know it takes a lot of heat to burn an iron but that was my puny excuse for a help action. Still, glad that some other way turned out.
Shields follow the boy's directions, although a bit complicated and the ugly smell of the sewers definitely not helping them. They eventually find their way and reach the boy, who leads them to the even stinkier part of the sewer. As they get close to the scene Terilith taps into his divine sense, checking the surroundings for any signs of fiddly things.



Apr 17, 2022 12:59 pm
You are walking through the sewers tunnels and are now starting feel the water seeping through your boots.

Kaez steps into a puddle, like hundreds before, but this "water" continues to flow up her leg and she is quickly engulfed. She is standing and covered in water clearly struggling to breathe.
It had it surprise action, but I'll let you win the initiative against this ooze. I'm close to killing off your sidekick allready


Stealth - (1d20+8)

(14) + 8 = 22

Target: 1:Kaez 2=Terilith - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Kaez: Dex - Save - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Life Leech - (3d10)

(756) = 18

Apr 17, 2022 4:20 pm
Yes I can see it.
Terilith was just about to shout when the ooze quickly engulfed her, squeezing her. He hears Kaez’s scream, it pains him that his companion is suffering. As he draws his greatsword, carefully carrying it two-handed, he attacks the creature, attempting to loosen its grip on Kaez.
So I’m using Divine Smite and Inspiring Smite as a bonus action.

Oh, f**! Everything kind of depended on that attack. Will Kaez make a saving throw to get out of the ooze?


Attack roll - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Greatsword damage - (2d6+2)

(55) + 2 = 12

Divine Smite extra damage if hits - (2d8)

(46) = 10

Amount of hp Kaez gains if Terilith hits (Inspiring Smite) - (2d8+3)

(48) + 3 = 15



Apr 17, 2022 7:30 pm
Kaez forces herself out of the ooze, taking a huge gulp of air.

The clear ooze throws itself at Terilith trying to engulf him. He sees it coming and dodges away. The ooze hits the water with a spash.
Your turn.
And please control and roll for Kaez, she is your sidekick ;)


Kaez: Athletics: excape grable - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Kaez: Second Wind - (1d10+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Dex - Save - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Apr 18, 2022 4:00 pm
Terilith will go first and try the same thing without Inspiring Smite since Kaez is good enough.
Terilith was really bummed that he couldn't hit the ugly, slimy monster. Good thing that Kaez was able to free herself and get a little bit better. Terilith understood this from the flickering of air around her. Without thinking much he attacks the creature again with his greatsword, this time with more rage. He's still not able to hit though, ooze was more agile than he thought. It was dodging every move of himself.

In the meantime Kaez was preparing herself with her longsword. She shouts and attacks the creature, rushing through it. Her feet slips on the way, completely knocking her balance and causing her to almost hit Terilith instead of the ooze. She barely holds onto her sword, preventing Terilith from hurting.
Damn this nice!


Attack roll - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Attack roll (Kaez) - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4



Apr 18, 2022 6:19 pm
[ +- ] monster stat block
The ooze surrounds Terilith from head to toe. Unable to move, unable to breathe.
To breake grable the DC is 13


attacking 1=Terlilith 2= Kaez - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Terilith Jolar: Dexterity save - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Apr 19, 2022 5:22 am
If I’m not mistaken Terilith is supposed to take 3d10 damage before attempting to escape. Let’s roll these first. He was supposed to roll with disadvantage but already failed the first roll, so not adding that.
Terilith feels the sudden cover of the creature around his body, grappling him all the way around. He doesn’t even bother to try breathing as he quickly understood it’s not going to work. He tries to break free but the creature must tighten its grip after Kaez’s escape. He fees the world around him spinning for a while but manages to stand.

Kaez was a bit frightened by the scene but seeing Terilith helpless like that she charges to the creature. Although it’s hard to hit it while Terilith was right in the middle, she tries. He manages to damage the creature but Terilith also seems to feel the effects of the damage. After that Kaez moves away from the creature for 10 feet, hoping that it might have to drop Terilith before charging at her.


Damage dice - (3d10)

(229) = 13

Escape the grapple - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Kaez attack - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Kaez damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Apr 19, 2022 11:54 am
Don' tieflins have a hellish rebuke that deals firedamage? I have 2 half-finished character sheets for Terilith, so I must ask.
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