Terilith was a bit bored.
He joined the Shields because it was the right thing to do, because he thought that would be best for his life purposes, because having nobody in the whole damn world made your transition to Shields easier, because... The list goes on. He wasn't particularly an energetic, "have-to-do-things-all-the-time-or-I'll-get-mad" type of person but still, in a city with so much glory and luxury, with so much richness there is not much thing to do in the long-run for a Shield. He turns to Kaez, his trusty partner as he thinks how he has noone left. Yeah, she can be counted as one. They met during duty, she was his first partner. Probably what drew them close was the fact that both of them were loners. Their reaction to that loneliness lied on opposite sides, though. Terilith was a quiet, calm person who thinks his was through things and he rarely showed extreme emotional changes. Kaez, on the other hand, just LOVED talking. She constantly talks, sometimes complaining sometimes just expressing her opinions. At first her attitude made Terilith distance himself from her but in time she grow on him, in fact now he found her behaviors very sincere, intimate. Another common line was their passion for martial arts. When they first figured that out, for days and days they sparred on the field, practicing their fighting skills, whenever they found the time from duty. There was a bit of distance lately, between them, though he was too clumsy for such a communicative act, meaning asking her "How the hell are you?".
"Look at them. This city's liveliness never wears out." says Kaez as she was looking around. "All in all, I guess there is nowhere I'd like to be." Terilith agreed with that, showing his approval with a slight nod, a gesture Kaez has gotten used to by now. Once you're in, you're never out. "Let's continue down this road before turning back." he says as he deflects a few unwanted glances.