[Knight] The day is shining and new

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Apr 27, 2022 6:00 am
Captain Cenemoy

Archivist Lackshmist
What is it you want to know? Says the withered clark in the archive. Reports of sewer disturbances? How fare back? A month? Anything particular you are looking for?
He gives you a short smile. I heard the Captain approve of this endeavour, all the station did, but if that is all, I'll get to work.
Apr 28, 2022 7:36 am
"Hello, Archiver Lackshmist. We'd like to take a look at your reports dating at least months back. Two things we're looking for: were there any reports of tieflings gone awol? Not necessarily related to sewers, just missing person reports. Second, were there any dead bodies found in the sewers? We've located a pile of skulls, presumably intentionally murdered and collected there." says Terilith. "Oh, I was about to forget. Do we have blueprints for the sewers in the archive?"

Archivist Lackshmist


Apr 29, 2022 7:45 am
People goes missing all the time, unfortunately. Mostly they step off to another world and some step on. Tieflings, halfbreads and others without roots are particularly prone to move on. But I can see what we have on reported missing Tieflings.

Dead bodies in the sewers, I recall something. Give me some time

Plans of the sewers are not something we have here. Talk to the officials in the council halls for those.
Its going to take him some time to pull that information together. He is not, unfortunately, a computer ;)
He does not have any special information about the sewers (the roll)
Archivist Lackshmist


Archivist Lackshmist Int check - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Apr 29, 2022 8:08 am
"Alright, sir. Thanks for your information. We'll come back tomorrow to check on you." says Terilith and him and Kaez leave the office, nodding to the Captain as they do. When they're out in the street again, Kaez says "Next possible course of action is to the council halls, I believe."

Terilith agrees. "Yeah, otherwise we'd just have to wait and I can't just stop and wait while those things are there, sitting like a testiment to the evilness of this city." They walk towards the halls as they chat on the way.
Would there be a magical communication device used by Shields to inform each other? Like police dispatch? Terilith and Kaez have both been out of duty for some time now and their patrolling area should not be left alone. Otherwise they will just tell the first Shield duo they see on their way.
Apr 29, 2022 9:42 am
ireneofunyes says:
Would there be a magical communication device used by Shields to inform each other? Like police dispatch? Terilith and Kaez have both been out of duty for some time now and their patrolling area should not be left alone. Otherwise they will just tell the first Shield duo they see on their way.
Well they could have some sort of sending stones setup. But that is a kind of in-emergency-only thing only as it is a one pr day item. But generally, I'm against it as it quickly escalates to magic items everywhere. But there could be a creature that can establish mental communication to all the shields if need be. Its very convenient, but nobody really likes it. (The truth is that there is a mindflayer brain or something like it, that can touch the minds of all the shields. If it does it voluntarily is altogether a different story)
Apr 29, 2022 11:20 am
Okay, even if we go with that creature mentally linking Shields things it would not be o daily usage. Than Terilith and Kaez will inform the Shields on their way to widen their patrol area so as to cover theirs as well, and then head to the Council Hall.
Apr 30, 2022 8:43 am
You make your way to the council halls, where you are introduced to the finer ways of bureaucracy. But after a few hours you learned the following:

1) There are 4 active portalt to the elemental plane of water. From there flows the cities watersupply. There is no rain in the Radiant Citadel
2) 1 of these portalts provides water current to move the sewer water
3) There are 3 posible chambers between the skull chamber and the portal room (going upstream) , where the bones could have come from
May 1, 2022 8:17 am
Is there a way to access those chambers from inside the sewers or should they have to take another route, maybe following the chamber connecting to the portal?
May 2, 2022 6:15 am
The citadel is not big enough for a fully connected walkable sewer. You have to walk on the surface, but the chambers should be acceable through manholes and/or other walkable sewer systems.
In otherwords, the sewer is not a maga dungeon, but many smaller ones :)
May 2, 2022 7:29 am
When they leave the council hall with all the information, Terilith and Kaez stop for a few minutes to discuss their next course of action. After some fierce debate they decide that their best shot is to get as close as they can to their destination above the ground, then find a manhole to get inside. As they walk around the city, Terilith tries to construct a mental map of the area so as to properly find their way.


Survival - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

May 2, 2022 8:16 am
Mechanically you have had a short rest and can roll hit dices for you and your sidekick
You are standing in a residential neighbourhood above the first chamber upstream from the skull chamber. When you a manhole cover, you brace yourself for the pungent order, but you smell wood smoke and the smell of prepared food - among the smell of sewer.
May 2, 2022 8:25 am
I guess i copied your sidekick stats for Kaez. I don’t remember her hit dice. Which monster stat did you use?
"Careful." says Terilith. "I smell food. Somethings living down here." He then carefully approaches the origin of the smell.


Terilith hit dice - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Terilith Stealth - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Kaex Stealth if needed - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

May 4, 2022 7:19 am
I need you to fill out your charactersheet. At this moment there are 2 that is half filled out. Pick one and finish it, please. I assume that you are wearing chain mail, which means that you have a disadvantage on your stealth rolls, but I can't tell from your character sheet
Terilith and Kaez makes their way down the manhole, and through the first tunnel. They hear the sound of fast-flowing water and someone talking. As they turn a corner they see a sign claiming this to be "Down Below", but just as you have read the sign, someone calls "Shields!" and all the inhabitants of Down Below scampers away, through tunnels and manholes. Within 20 seconds the champer is empty of people.

The circular chamber is 10 meters in diameter, and it contains a dozen sheads. All this is built upon grates in the floor, where you can see water flowing in from one pipe and out another. This is an overflow tank, if there is a build-up in water pressure, this room is designed to flood, but it doesn't look like it has ever done so.

The village down below the streets has been evaluated in some haist, but there is still a fire going with a pot of some stew simmering over it.

What do you do?


Terilith Stealth dis - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Kaex Stealth dis - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

May 4, 2022 9:28 am
I'm sorry. It has slipped my mind. I've updated it now (the custom sheet you've created for me). It should be complete but if there's anything you'd want me to add (or something I've overlooked) please tell me. And yes, Terilith had chain mail so he has disadvantage on stealth.
"What the--" says Terilith with surprise. Although they've already been caught, he was still whispering. "You think you know a city when you've wandered its streets for years. What is this?" He goes and investigates the remaining food. He didn't get a good look of the residents but they seemed like intelligent creatures. What were they eating?

In the meantime Kaez listenst to the sewers. There were a lot of people when they got here, all of them cannot act that stealthy under these circumstances. She thinks se should have hear some things, murmurs or whispers.


Terilith Investigation - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Kaez Perception - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

May 6, 2022 8:35 am
Kaez finds that the feeling people are not quiet, but they are quick. She follows a few girls who squeeze them selfs through a bared opening, and perhaps Kaez could slither through but it would not be easy. She returns to Terilith who is investigating the cooking site. They were eating rats
May 7, 2022 10:52 am
After a quick sharing of information, two Shields discuss what to do next, whispering. "Rats?" says Kaez with utter disgust in her face. "I remember them clearly shouting 'Shields!' as they noticed us. I assume they are intellectual people, not some savages living under here. Then, this begs the question. Why the hell were they eating rats?"

"I don't know." says Terilith. "But we're not here for some secret, fiddly business. We need to make sure that we are not hostile. Come." As he was about to finish his words he starts walking in the direction Kaez went earlier. When he reaches the barred opening, he raises his voice. "Hello! I know you can hear me. I'm Terilith and this here is my friend Kaez. We're not here to investigate you by any means. Though we're curious of your presence, we came here to investigate a pile of skulls clogging the way, just ahead of this stream. We only want information on this, nothing else. If you will be of help to us, we won't even mention this to anyone."

Kaez adds. "Yes, in fact we would like to help if we can. We are not only the brute force in this city, making sure everybody is comfortable and well-off."
I intended Kaez's addition to be a help action for Terilith, so I'm adding the role but feel free to ignore it if you think it's not applicable.


Persuasion - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Persuasion (advantage) - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

May 9, 2022 12:58 pm
That is the voice of the haves but no one speaks for the haves-not! We don't want you here. The voice sounds distorted as if it is coming through a narrow pipe, and it most likely is.
We are not dropping skulls into the pool. Now go away! Terilith looks down into the pool under this camp. It is very possible that they have no clue what passe under their floorboards
May 10, 2022 5:45 pm
I didn't get the last sentence. Did Terilith realized the ooze? Is that what you mean by pool under their camp?
May 11, 2022 7:44 am
Here is a sketch of what is going on. They have made a camp over a flood pool. If the water pressure gets too high, then the pool will flood by design. They have no idea of what skulls and bones have passed under them with the water current.
Does it make sense now?
May 11, 2022 8:02 am
Yeah, actually it makes great sense now :D Thank you for the visual aid.
Terilith turns and whispers his realization about the pools to Kaez. Then turns back, raises his voice. "I understand. We did not meant to accuse you of anything. We just wanted to know if you have any information on the issue. Do not antagonize us. Did you notice any unusual activity in the sewers lately? You may not know anything about the thing we mentioned but as the residents of this place you absolutely would have some info on what's going around this place. Please, this is really important. It may be something that eventually will affect you as well." As he talks to residents Terilith also checks the surrounding on how to observe the stream leading to the skulls.


Terilith Perception - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

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