πŸ“° A Friend in Need



Apr 17, 2022 7:18 am
Volothamp Geddarm was a great boss in that he was usually too drunk or hungover to care what you did. He'd bought the Wazoo from Gaxly Rudderbust a couple of years ago, mainly to advertise his many guidebooks.

Volo made two changes that together made the Wazoo a Waterdhavian success story:

Firstly, he dramatically increased the number of stories, so the newspaper didn't simply look like a set of adverts for his guides. Volo calls any content that doesn't mention his guidebooks 'padding'. Under Gaxly, the paper's motto had been "All the news that's fit to print"; under Volo, it became "All the news that fits, we print".

Secondly, Volo struck a deal with a wizard who knew the fabricate spell. Each day, the wizard turned cubic feet of timber into paper - soft, strong, and absorbent paper. Not every Waterdhavian could read, but they all wanted cheap paper.

Volo isn't a great businessman, but he is lucky, although maybe they're the same thing, eh?
As you arrive at his office, Volo looks up with bloodshot eyes - there's nothing newsworthy there. But today, he also has angry bloodshot cheeks, and he's waving Vinnie's copy.

"Vinnie! I can't print this! Sources, dear boy! Sources! Libel, dear boy! Libel!

Remeber that time you said healing potions containing tiny scrying stones? Or that time you wrote that Lady Tesper was a lizard person?

Anyway, dragonborns and lizard people are two different things, dear boy."

Volo screws the paper into a ball and throws it into an overflowing bin, where it creates a little journalistic avalanche. He picks up another sheet.

"Patience! Great copy, dear boy. Great copy. Although the next time someone mentions heroes, don't forget to plug Volo's Guide to Monsters. And for the dating letter, you should have mentioned Volo's Guide to Good Waterdhavian Eats. But good copy."

He reaches into his desk and pulls out five pouches of silver - your day's pay and expenses. Twelve shards a day was enough for you to live modestly, but you needed to break the big stories to get bonuses.

"News! Get me news! Lots of fresh news!

Item: Blood In The Streets - Dock Ward Gang War! Someone look into that.

Item: Floon Blagmaar Kidnapped? Local bard and beauty last seen at Skewered Dragon. That's an important story. Get on that.

Item: Local author's new guide to spirits sure to be a best-seller! Now available for pre-order.

Item: No candles on Candle Lane. Funny story, all the lanterns are smashed on Candle Lane. Get art.

Item: Black Viper Identity Revealed! Please prove that she's the twin sister of Ammalia Cassalanter. Please! But not you Vinnie, dear boy. Not you."

Floon was a drinking buddy of Volo. It probably wasn't a big story, but you might be able to squeeze a bonus out of it anyway.

That the notorious Black Viper was a disguised noble Cassalanter was an article of faith at the Wazoo that never managed to become a news article with proof. Nobody really believed it was true, except Volo (and maybe Vinnie).
The newspaper pays 12 silver pieces per day (with bonuses for big stories).

You have a press card, but most people don't care.

You have various contacts and sources (e.g. in the Watch, in taverns, etc). Make checks to see if you have contacts at adv.

I will update the map in player handouts below with locations mentioned.
About Waterdeep
Currency: Copper pieces are called "nibs", silver are "shards" and gold are "dragons".
Transport: Waterdeep has a public transport system, double-decker horse-drawn wagons, called drays. A day ticket costs four nibs.
Nobles are special: Waterdeep's code legal has special sections giving nobles additional rights. They're like 'made guys' in mafia movies. That's not to say that they're immune to the law, but they are treated differently.

The north of the city are the Sea Ward and North Ward. Wealthy nobles.
The centre of the city are the Castle Ward and Trades Ward. Military, administration and merchants.
The south are Southern Ward and Dock Ward. Poor and working-class.
East is the City of the Dead. Despite its name it's a pleasant public park, with mausoleums and monuments in green fields. Occasional undead.
Very far north. Field Ward - slums.

Watch vs Guard
Throughout most of FaerΓ»n the city watch and guard are one and the same. Waterdeep is closer to our world in that it has separate military and police forces.

The guard are like the military. They guard the walls, gates, and some buildings in the Castle Ward. The guards on the wall aren't as well trained as the watch. The watch are the police. They are highly trained and professional. They proudly see themselves as a definitely not the military. As they spend their time regularly patrolling the streets dealing with crime (rather than standing by a wall) they tend to be better fighters too.

To give you an idea of the difference using numbers from the book. Guards are CR1/8+. Watch members are CR3+. THIS ISN'T A DUNGEON, THERE ARE LAWS!
Apr 17, 2022 12:50 pm
A short, flame-haired half-elf girl enters Volo's office. For a moment, observing the situation. Mr. Volo clearly is in one of his bad moods.
In her hand, just her praise to the Pampered Traveller.
[ +- ] Jodelle's Tavern & Inn Reviews: Get Pampered as a Traveler
"My article, mr. Volo" she says calmly, looking a bit worried at the articles of Vinnie ending in the bin, still feeling happy that she at least mentioned one of Volo's books in her article.

She listens to his list of news Volo seems to want.

"I could do a review of the Skewered Dragon as a pretence to investigate for mr. Blagmaar. Even though the Sleeping Snake was up." she sounds a little unsure. The pampering sure had been nice, but she was up for a bit of a party now. And the Snake sure had a reputation.



Apr 17, 2022 3:05 pm
Volo reaches for his red pencil as he scans the review eagerly.

"Marvellous, dear lady. Marvellous."

Good high-end reviews were a ready source of revenue. Once the tavern noticed the increase in trade from the review, it was a simple matter for Jimmy-Full-Page to sell them follow-up advertising.

Volo begins hit editing by making the review more quotable.

"Hmm.. 'worthy of your money' good, good. 'friendly', 'relaxing', excellent. 'posh people of Waterdeep'? Oh no, dear lady, oh no. 'Waterdeep's finest'? 'Waterdhavian nobles'? 'Waterdeep's elegantia'? Yes. I think that's a word. It is now anyway. It's in the paper."

Volo looks up with a smile.

"First class copy, dear lady. First class.

We shall have to see about getting you some theatre tickets. Good bonuses for theatre reviews that result in adverts."

Ker-ching. Jodelle is fairly confident that her next pay packet will be a little heavier.

Apr 17, 2022 5:06 pm
Vincent's eyes are bloodshot however it's not because he was drinking or working in fact he was outside waterdeep with a few of his loyal followers avoiding the fire that never came.

"I suppose I'll have to write an apology..." Vincent says with a sigh, as he hears the sound of another paper falling into the trash, he's not listening to Volo but that's rather standard unless Volo mentions a 'hot topic' finally he turns as he hears about Candle Lane he mutters a few word under his breath and write furtively on a peice of paper then he stands tall holding up the sheet, "All Recent Thefts Like That On Candle Lane Collect Ingredients For Leathal Toxin Which Will Be Used By..." at this Vincent stops "I suppose I need to do a little more research on who bit I'm relitivly certain it's a certain Viper but this will be the name of my next article."

'Perfect! Now I can Investigate the Black Viper in peace, plus it's likely that's two stories I can cover anyway.'

Just like Volo Vincent has his own Ideas of who the Viper is and though he once Included the Cassalanter twins and still considered that a possibility it was Ammalia he'd always suspected.
Apr 18, 2022 2:37 pm
"Right, right" Patience nods, making mental notes. Of course, Always Be Selling.

"Perhaps I might take the lead on this new book of spirits, should pair well with the culinary guide" He pauses, reconsidering. "Or.. maybe the monster guide. I suppose it quite depends on what spirits they mean. Either way, I'm sure we have a perfect accompaniment!"
Apr 19, 2022 3:04 am
An undersized half-elven bard of ambiguous gender strides in nonchalantly. A few glances in their direction indicate that they are not a familiar face in the office, but this does not seem to deter their confidence. They pull out a jumbled mess of papers and hand the pile to Volo.

"Ahem. I realize my first article may be a day late, but I assure you, it is worthy of a spot on the front page!"

The pages are strewn and out of order, but parts of a few pages are visible...
Fynnhorn's Adventures
by Fynn Fynnhorn

Greetings, dear readers! My name is Sylvia Fynehorne. I'm an adventurer, an entertainer, and a journalist! I sing and act, I play the fiddle, the flute, and the bagpipes. I've crossed swords with goblins, pirates, and rival lovers!

You may be wondering how I came to be a writer, and it all started with a daring foray into the Cave of Nightmares, after I had heard a tale of wondrous treasures and lost secrets...
In that tense moment, as I gripped the Jeweled Dagger of Fyrebyrne, I knew that I, Richard Feynhorn, was the only one who could save Princess Aquafina and her subjects from the onslaught of the Demon Kobold Horde.
...and with that, the four princesses of Iceshallow rejoiced, and after a fortnight of celebrations, I decided it was time to journey to Waterdeep and become a writer. Every word of this tale is true, or my name isn't Larry Finehorn!
After a brief pause, and little amusement from Volo, Fynn gathers themself and stammers, "Right then. I know some people in Dock Ward. I'll get on that story right away, sir."
Apr 20, 2022 4:39 pm
Vilnus enters the front door of the Wazoo and loosens the cloak from around his lean 6ft tall frame. He lowers the hood away from his slightly, pointed ears, bright purple eyes, and long, thick, blue-violet hair that he keeps in a neat top knot. A scarf is wrapped neatly around his neck below his bearded face.

He approaches Volo respectfully and hands him his copy:
[ +- ] City of Brass: Hottest Market in the Inner Planes
Last edited April 20, 2022 4:39 pm



Apr 21, 2022 6:29 am
That's the introductions done. Everyone has inspiration.
Volo starts sharpening his red pencil before taking Fynnhorn's story. By the time all Fynnhorn's fluff and self-aggrandisement had been removed, the paper would be as crimson as a murder scene.

Volo slams a finger onto Vilnus's story.

"Now that's a story that sells papers, and guidebooks, dear boy, and guidebooks."

He puts his pencil down.

"The murder hobos will love this stuff. I think we'll make this a regular feature, dear boy, a regular feature. 'Plane Dealing', something like that. Don't the dwarves call money 'Brass'? Find out, dear boy, find out!"

Volo loses himself in speculating on publishing for speculators. "Perhaps even a whole new guide? Volo's guide to these financial ages? A new paper? The Immar Street Journal?"

He looks up.

"Go on! Get out! Get me news!"
The streets of the North Ward are wide, quiet and shaded with well-tended trees. An elegantly dressed couple promenade with their entourage of servants.

Freja of 'Toq's Cafe and Cakes' is arranging tables and chairs on the sidewalk for anyone prepared to brave the spring weather. She gives a cheery wave.

Considering that the news is a business that lives on life, the Wazoo's North Ward location is deader than mandocello.

Time to swap The Clean Streets for The Mean Streets. It's a long walk to the Dock Ward, or you can stroll to The High Road and catch the dray. Then, of course, there's always the private carriage, but who has shards for that?

Apr 21, 2022 12:05 pm
Vincent isn't the fastest of Travelers as he tend to avoid the High Road for fear of one conspiracy or another, he does decide that it's probably best to make at least a stop at Candle Lane before looking for signs that Ammalia Cassalanter is the Black Viper after all Volo will at least print the picture he'll ask some random artist to sketch, their bound to all be there anyway no reason why he can't buy one that looks half decent before he goes on his way.

And at the moment it's probably to early to catch Ammalia anyways so after that he could just join some of the others down by the dock, both things sound like they could be in some way caused by the same person who's looking after these poisonings after all they are vary smart so smart that only people like Vincent himself will notice, 'If anyone pays attention my next article' Vincent thinks 'I'll get a medal or something'
Apr 21, 2022 12:49 pm
Are we all kinda doing our own thing or should we have some semblance of a group?
Apr 21, 2022 1:02 pm
A party splitting on the first page would be a new record for me.
Apr 21, 2022 2:08 pm
Lets all just go at least to the same area I guess
Jodelle heads out, with her colleagues. Following Vincent and intending to head west for the docks. Of all the stories, she could go to the Skewered Dragon and look into the story of the bard.

And if all fails, she could just go review the Sleeping Snake as intended or give some of her friends a helping hand.
Apr 21, 2022 4:53 pm
It seemed that an establishment such as a tavern would bea great place to start on the trail for the recent book of spirits, and there were taverns everywhere - it was worth tagging along with the others and picking a place nearby. Patience thought he heard Jodelle mention the Skewered Dragon. Sounded perfect!
Apr 22, 2022 9:34 am
As our heroes make their way south, the city starts coming alive. More people, more noise, but there's something else too... something that rises from the streets; something in the air; an excitement woven from the threads of hustle.

The Trades Ward hits you like a tornado.

Florists, bakers, funeral parlours, salons, restaurants, cafes, and bookstores fill the buildings, then overflow into the street as makeshift stalls. Smells, sounds, and vivid colours stage a relentless assault with deep reinforcements from the streets beyond.

Bustle. Hustle. Trade. Pay and get paid. Play or get played. There's nowhere in Faerun like it; Frenzied mercantilism, gold in tooth and claw, survival of the wittest.

The people of Waterdeep are known to be amongst the friendliest on the Sword Coast - but that's not what people mean when they say that Waterdeep has a heart of gold. The Trades Ward is the golden heart of the City of Splendours; the citizen her corpuscles of enterprise.

This ward pumps goods, services, labour and capital around the Sword Coast. Gold is the economic nutrient; watch officers provide homeostasis; guilds its immune system; and entrepreneurs as the stem cells of future empires. In many ways, the Trades Ward is Waterdeep, and the other wards are just the bones that stop it from collapsing into a self-consuming capitalist fever.

Cutting through the fractal din of hawking comes urgent cries.

"Call the watch!"

Pushing through the crowd is a massive, muscular, shaggy-looking human. He wears the furs of northern barbarian. His eyes are wild and frightened as he looks left and right for somewhere to run.

Apr 22, 2022 12:29 pm
"I told you nothing good would come of taking the high road..." Vincent mutters stepping out in front of the man, after all maybe he has something to do with the Black Viper, murders tend to know things. "HEY" he yells at the Dude trying to stick out his lance in such a way that a tall man Ok someone taller than he was would trip and fall.


Unmodified Roll - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Apr 22, 2022 12:36 pm
The halfling is wandering around with a LANCE?! That's too funny.

I've going to treat this as a contested shove attack - making the DC20 (18 + 2 for your STR)
The rock gnomish philosopher Archie Mediumish once wrote "Give me but one firm spot on which to stand and I will move Toril" - but he was high on underdark mushrooms when he wrote it. However, Vinnie doesn't need to move Toril - just this hairy dude.

Using a barrel of apples as a fulcrum the halfling clatters the fleeing miscreant.

"I day do nuffink! I wuz set up!" the outlander shouts from the ground as the mob warily approach.


Physics DC20 - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Apr 22, 2022 12:40 pm
It's like the only big weapon that's doesn't have the Heavy Property so I took it, not that I ever plan to be mounted in combat 🀣
Apr 22, 2022 12:52 pm
"Look, if you did murder someone it my responsibility a a citizen to aid in your arrest if not..." Vincent doesn't want to think about all the problems within the Waterdeep law system, "What occurred?" he asks looking at everyone around, he never realized how easy it is to slip into a position of power, "Don't even consider a bluff, because after all if he is a murderer like you say I'm not the one taking preventative measures to create a situation in which this primitive northerner cannot recrate the same situation

The Watch


Apr 22, 2022 1:34 pm
Before the barbarian can reply, you hear Watch officers calling as they push their way through the crowd.

"Lycanthrope squad coming through. Clear the way. Silver squad coming through."
@KoldikSteelskin - I want to give the others time to chime in before you eat all the meat from the encounter's bones.
The Watch
Apr 22, 2022 6:01 pm
Jodelle looks up sharply as the watchmen announce their presence. She gives them a puzzling look.

"Wait, what?" she asks in confusion. "Waterdeep has a squad of lycantrophes in their guard?"

She takes a step back and watches what happens with a keen eye. No matter what, this will be a story that mr. Volo will love! A unit of lycantrophe guardsmen arresting an out-of-towner...
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