📰 A Friend in Need

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Apr 25, 2022 2:08 am
Fynn, still a bit dejected after Volo's icy reception, lags a step or two behind the others, but is re-energized by the intriguing situation. "Ah yes, I encountered a lycanthrope or two on my way to Waterdeep." they say quietly (and unconvincingly) to one of the others. As the outlander insists his innocence, Fynn watches the man, trying to sense if he is telling the truth. Perhaps Fynn would know a thing or two about this, given the old axiom about bullshit and bullshitters...
Roll Insight to see if the outlander is telling the truth.


Fynnhorn: Insight - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Apr 25, 2022 10:42 am
"I'm sure this can all be worked out over some tea and some questioning" Patience offers a furry muscly arm to the man to get him to his feet - but it's clear from his grip that he's got no intent on letting him go.
Apr 25, 2022 4:02 pm
"You think this mans an Were Creature?" Vincent says astonished, then realizes most people do think the Lycanthropes are uncivilized, "Look while I appreciate the consideration your squadron may have for the conservation of risk in the greater Waterdeep area I don't believe this is the malefactor which you are pursuing without substantial evidence you would be discarding the possibility of catching the true perpetrator, explain please what evidence you have to convict this individual."

Talking like this is what first got Vincent into the Wazoo and often how he got the most information as people who think you are intelligent are less hesitant to share information yet it didn't always work especially in situations where those he was talking to we're corrupt.
Apr 26, 2022 4:58 am
With a 6, Fynnhorn has no idea.
Civilar Stellpence
The watch squad pushes through. Civilar (captain) Stellpence leads the way. She's a dwarf from the Dock Ward, her civilar's badge has that blue glassy sheen that they get when the senior officers are scrying through it. Today, her truncated right arm hand ends in a prosthetic silver-banded truncheon, and she holds silver manacles in the other. She's flanked by two nervous constables, each holding silver-banded truncheons, and wearing nervous expressions.

"No bugger cares that thee believes, Vinnie, tha' daft nib. Out way."

Young Armar (Sergeant) Dagsohn gives you all a salute, Stellpence gives him a frown. Dagsohn was one of those watch officers still young enough to believe in community relations, protecting and serving, and all those other myths.

Vinnie had met him before. Waterdeep taxes weapons over one foot according to their length. Dagsohn was accompanying the tax inspector who'd been sent to see Vinnie. Dagsohn, always looking for a peaceful resolution, had managed to convince the tax office that Vinnie's lance wasn't an eight-foot weapon, but a dagger with a very very very long handle. Dagsohn was also known in the Firbolg community for arresting a corrupt Watch office who'd been extorting the Firbolg merchants into paying "law tax".

"What befalls, Vinnie? Citizen Patience? Oh, Citizen Jodelle, The Copper Cup has dwarven funk karaoke nights now. They are very good, I am sure your readers would like to read about it."

Dagsohn looks over at his squad placing the literal silver bracelets on the barbarian, and turns back to Vinnie.

"I do not think there is a doubt that Citizen Beorne is a lycanthrope, Vinnie. And half of Fishgut Alley say him, well.. gut, Sniffing Jimmy.

But if you think there is a newspaper story then we are taking him to Snail Street."

Civilar Stellpence
Stellpence starts reading Beorne his rights as her colleagues breathe a sigh of relief. It looks like the barbarian lychanthrope is coming quietly.

"Thee has right to remain silent, not have thoughts read, nor be compelled to tell truth. Thee has right to ask for aid of advocate. Thee ken these rights?

Cos' thee's nicked."
Apr 26, 2022 11:14 am
"Fair Enough," Vincent says still doubtful if this man is actually a lycanthrope but seeing he's in the hands of Dagsohn reassures him Dagsohn certainly hadn't fallen into the corruption most members of the guard did abusing power was easy for them and they did it often.

"Is the a Event that requires the extra investigation of a journey to Snail Street?" he asks the rest of them though not really sure what he expects them to say they all answer questions write reviews or make up silly stories all in all not news, when you work at a newspaper your your job should be news.
Apr 26, 2022 6:29 pm
Murder? and Lycanthropes? That beats any of the leads that Volo had passed out at the Wazoo. Tagging along towards Snail Street would give him a captive audience for some questions. Sounds good for a story. I'm going in

Vilnus trots up to the Civilar, Peace be upon you, Civilar Stellpence. We've heard reports that the Watch has determined the identity of the infamous Black Viper. Can you comment on that?
Apr 26, 2022 9:25 pm
Dwarves doing karaoke? That she had to see. Jodelle was getting quite a list of places to review and made a mental note to check out the Copper Cup next karaoke night.

"I didn't know I had fans among the watch, sergeant." she says with a smile.

As she hears her colleagues discussing the Snail Street she gives a little head not. Lycantrophes would certainly make a good story.

She could already see a headline: Best fish at the docks. Even the werewolves agree love it.

Then she looked up at Daghson again. "Wait... a lycantrophe is the same as a werewolf, isn't it?"
Apr 26, 2022 10:57 pm
"not necessarily it's not every lycanthrope is a werewolf but every werewolf is a lycanthrope lycanthrope is a category and werewolf is one of the items that would be assigned to that catagory"
Apr 27, 2022 6:46 am
Jodelle scratches the back of her head.

"Uhmmm.... yeah.... sure.... I get it..... right?

She looks at the barbarian lycantrophe.

"So what sort of werebeastie are you, that gets you into so much trouble?"
Apr 27, 2022 8:54 am
WarDomo says:
Peace be upon you, Civilar Stellpence. We've heard reports that the Watch has determined the identity of the infamous Black Viper. Can you comment on that?
Civilar Stellpence
"No." Stellpence's reply is no surprise. She's not known for being chatty, but at the suggestion that everyone descends on Snail Street watchhouse she becomes positively loquacious.

"..and if I find any of thee hangin' about the watchhouse, I'll arrest ye for loiterin'. Let us do our job, and when we have owt to say then we'll make statement.

...or thee can go t' Flounder and ply a blabby officer with drink like the rest o' thee gutterpress."

"Mine's a pint of mild." suggests Constable Notts despite Stellpence's glare.

The Friendly Flounder is the usual haunt for off-duty watch officers. The beer wasn't great, but it served the fried food that all watch officers craved after a long shift.
Armar Dagsohn
"We're actually supposed to say 'lycanthropes' or 'people with lycanthropy' now. Official vocab guidelines state that 'werewolf' is too bestial." Interjects Dagsohn. Nobody contradicts him. It's possible that Dagsohn is the only officer ever to have read the official vocab guidelines.

"But Beorne has ursine lycanthropy." says Dagsohn.

"Werebear" coughs Constable Notts, which Dagsohn ignores.

"Murderin' Zhent werebear" adds Stellpence, which prompts Dagsohn to start quoting the law that states that gang membership isn't, in itself, a crime.

Your little knot continues south along the busy High Road, dodging drays, ignoring street sellers, and avoiding the stinkiest of horse apples.
Inspector Glor
At the watchhouse, a black maria watch wagon arrives. Officers get down to open the barred door and remove three suspects - suspects who are covered in blood and Zhentarim gang tattoos. After the wagon, an open-backed cart arrives, driven by goblin Inspector Glor. The back is piled with corpses, many also bearing gang tattoos.

Stellpence mutters something about more paperwork, raises a warning finger for you not to follow her, and then takes her suspect into the Snail Street Watch.

The bloody suspects are also taken into the watchhouse as the goblin starts making notes in his notebook.

Apr 27, 2022 11:17 am
"Telling people that Werewolves aren't evil whilst getting them to capture and arrest the bears what logic is there to that?" Vincent mutters unhappily "I'm following and getting the truth out of this story and if I'm stuck in a cell so be it,"

"Inspector, perchance are these Incidents Connected in any matter?"
Apr 27, 2022 2:10 pm
"Certainly" Patience bows respectfully to Civilar, and gives a friendly wink to Notts. "And a good helping of fried food too!"

"If you're straight with them, I'm sure they'll treat you fairly" Patience says kindly to the manacled barbarian.
Apr 27, 2022 10:50 pm
Insight check on the Civilar's response?
Apr 28, 2022 3:05 am
Fynnhorn surveys the corpses in the wagon, looking for clues as to what kind of incident they might have died in, but also trying not to get too close to make it obvious that they're snooping.


Fynnhorn: Perception - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Apr 28, 2022 8:49 am
Jodelle smiles at the suggestion given.

"I think it is time to start writing on the Friendly Flounder. We could go in on the excuse of a review and then lets see what these guards have to say."

Inspector Glor


Apr 28, 2022 10:00 am
KoldikSteelskin says:
"Telling people that Werewolves aren't evil whilst getting them to capture and arrest the bears what logic is there to that?" Vincent mutters unhappily "I'm following and getting the truth out of this story and if I'm stuck in a cell so be it,"

"Inspector, perchance are these Incidents Connected in any matter?"
Inspector Glor
The goblin looks up from his notebook.

"Connected... yeah... no.... maybe.... Do you think they're connected?" He taps his notebook with his pencil.

"Xanathar gang and Zhentarim gangs judging by the tattoos. You don't have any clues, do you? I could really do with some clues."
WarDomo says:
Insight check on the Civilar's response?
Assuming this is a roll. Rolling for Vilnus below.

4? Sheesh!
Perhaps Vilnus has been hanging around with Vinnie too long, but perhaps that Civilar is up to something.... What are they hiding? Perhaps it's a false flag operation? Maybe Stellpence is really a lizard person? And what about Thundertree Village? Everyone knows that dragon breath can't melt wizard's towers!
No. Vilnus gets no special insight.
rujasu says:
Fynnhorn surveys the corpses in the wagon, looking for clues as to what kind of incident they might have died in, but also trying not to get too close to make it obvious that they're snooping.
The inspector is right. There are a lot of gang tattoos in evidence in the wagon.
Cettish says:
Jodelle smiles at the suggestion given.

"I think it is time to start writing on the Friendly Flounder. We could go in on the excuse of a review and then lets see what these guards have to say."
Flounder? Is that the consensus? Or perhaps someone wants to create a player poll to decide where to go next?
Waterdeep is a big sandbox for our hero-journalists to explore.

You should all have access to a 'WDH -Player Handouts' sheet at the bottom of this page. I'll try and keep it updated.

On that map there are pins. I'll pin locations as they're mentioned and try to include links to the pin's source.


Vilnus: Insight - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Apr 28, 2022 12:14 pm
"from the officer of the watch I've gleaned that our uncouth lycanthrope assaulted some individuals, the you came in with a heap of the deceased, I assumed he'd made the kill."

for a moment Vincent is disappointed this means that if the Ursine Lycanthrope did kill people perhaps they weren't gang members and this wasn't a sign that the City Watch was protecting the gang.

"Hmm, Flounder?" Vincent looks at Jodelle hearing what seems to be a good suggestion, "Yes, I believe we have discovered all that is to be found from here." however he waits a few second for Inspector Glors response before heading off

Inspector Glor


Apr 28, 2022 12:57 pm
"Yeah... no... Beorne is Zhentarim. And it looks like Beorne was on Fishgut when he killed Sniffing Jimmy, who is..." Glor rifles through his notebook "...Zhentarim too.

Bit of puzzler that.

Bit. Of. A. Puzzler."

Glor gestures at the cart of corpses.

"This lot was the corner of Curtains and Book. Xanathar and Zhentarim."

The goblin looks up at Vinnie, his eyes brimming with hope.

"Any ideas? Any clues? I could do with a clue."

Just wandering around and asking everyone for answers wasn't a traditional investigative strategy, but it seemed to be the only one that Inspector Glor had.

Inspector Glor
Apr 28, 2022 1:10 pm
"A Zhentarim were...lycantrophe killed a Zhentarim?" Jodelle asks. She claps her hands together as if slapping of dirt from them. "Good riddance, I'd say. Why all this efforts then, inspector? Bad people kill bad people, that's good as long as no innocents get hurt. Right?"

Inspector Glor


Apr 28, 2022 1:23 pm
"Yeah... no... maybe... I suppose it depends on who you ask." answers Glor making sure every base is covered.

"The Code Legal has different punishments according to whether the murder was justified, but it doesn't say it's okay to kill bad people.

And so the Robes will want to know if it was justified.
And Beorne ran away claiming he was set up.
And I don't know what to tell the Robes.
And Civilar Staget will shout at me and call me stupid.
So... no... yeah... there's that."

He goes back to staring at his notebook, then staring at the corpses and hoping some clue will announce itself.

Inspector Glor
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