πŸ“° A Friend in Need

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Apr 29, 2022 11:35 am
"If the ursine lycanthrope requires a Lawyer I'd be overjoyed to assist" Vincent says to Glor, "Also how does Civilar Staget get away with calling you stupid?"
Apr 29, 2022 1:11 pm
Vilnus runs the scenario in his head, Zhentarim killing each other and Xanathar... Could Beorne have been working with the Xanathar like a mole or something? Sniffing Jimmy hears about it and gets killed. Whole thing kicks off a gang war?
Flounder is fine with me
Last edited April 29, 2022 1:12 pm
Apr 30, 2022 7:10 am
Moving on.
KoldikSteelskin says:
"Also how does Civilar Staget get away with calling you stupid?"
Inspector Glor
Glor taps his chin with his pencil, apparently deep in thought (although the depth of Glor's thought wouldn't come over most people's shoe soles).

"Yeah... Bit of a puzzler, that.

Bit. Of. A. Puzzler."

Glor writes.

Stewpid ?

...and underlines it twice.
WarDomo says:
Could Beorne have been working with the Xanathar like a mole or something? Sniffing Jimmy hears about it and gets killed.
Glor hastily scribbles that down in his notebook.

"No... yeah... I like that."

Pleased to have a hypothesis, any hypothesis, to offer his Guv, Glor beams at Vilnus.

"Cheers, mate!"
The Friendly Flounder
The west of the Dock Ward is where you'll find the taverns; whereas the east is home to the staggerhome takeaway. The early morning streetsweepers' guild nod at your passing as they clean up puddles of vomit and spilt kebab.

The places here don't have menus. There are so many takeaways that you've already made your selection by choosing a door.

The inside of The Flounder smells of hot crispy fat and fresh vinegar. Old Wazoos are piled high on the countertop, ready to receive their fried goodness. Citizens had raised concerns about the Wazoo's toxic inks coming into contact with food, although most people agreed that if you ate that many takeaways, then coronary heart disease would get you long before Volo's cheap ink.

'Today's news is tomorrow's chip wrapper'
It's a good job that our heroes aren't the introspective type, eh?

At a table chosen for wipedownability rather than comfort, a knot of night watch officers stare glumly at their empty greasy wrappers and vainly try to pull dregs from empty beakers. There's an elf, a dwarf, and a drow - like the start of a racist tavern joke.

A jolly halfling stands on a box behind the counter. He wears a hairnet to advertise that The Flounder Takes Hygiene Seriously. Methinks the hin doth protest too much.

"Mornin' chiefs. Takeout ~ 3 nibs. Eat-in ~ 5 nibs includes beaker of mild. Mild ~ 2 nibs."

The last part was included because the hin knew that nobody wanted advanced maths puzzles for breakfast.

Apr 30, 2022 8:35 am
The moment Jodelle stepped into the Flounder her professional senses of many seasons of tavern experience turned on. Especially her new reviewers sense. She looked around, not impressed really. Cheap, probably more filthy than a single halflingsized hairnet would suggest and... 5 nibs he asked? She made mental notes, this place wouldn't get a high score. Although she appreciated it a lot that he gave the answer to the mild math problem already.

"Let's have some of... whatever that is... at a table."

She eyed at a table were she could hope to overhear or get in conversation with the night watch. Maybe they had interesting rumors to share about nightly adventures of werelycantrophes.
-5 coppers
Last edited April 30, 2022 8:36 am

Constable Do'Gend


Apr 30, 2022 11:32 am
Jodelle is handed a parcel of wrapped newspaper and a beaker of mild ale. She makes her way to a table.

The simpler the fare, the more literal the description. The chips are chips of potato. The fish is fish. The mushy peas are peas that are, well... mushy. But with only one item on the menu, at least the fish was fresh. Fried food, salt, vinegar, and a mug of ale - the poor man's daily ration.
If Jodelle eats it, then she has sufficient calories for the day. Maybe tomorrow too.
Jodelle notices that the mushy peas are covering her review of Silavene's. Maybe some of her descriptions of Silavene's delightfully zesty spiced venison fillet with zzar truffle jus would rub off on them.

The elf and the dwarf are grumbling about having to do night duty, just because of their darkvision, and that it's discriminatory. The drow is trying to make sympathetic noises, but it's clear that he's quite happy to be away from the daylight. From what you can gather, the drow is new in town. That wasn't unusual - more and more male drow were escaping their hateful matriarchy to try their luck in the big city.

The drow tries to change the subject from general complaining and asks who the noble was.

"Renaer Neverember - the son of the previous Open Lord." mutters the dwarf "They reckon his old man nicked half a million dragons from the city taxes, and that's why the guv says I can't have new boots." The elf grumbles agreement. Any conspiracy theory that explained why watchmen can't have new boots was automatically accepted as true.

Again, the drow tries to lighten the conversation.
"It's good that the nobles spend time in the Dock Ward. You'd never find a Matron Mother visiting a place like the Skewered Dragon back in Menzoberranzan."

The dwarf scoffs.
"Just rubbin' our noses in it. Spoilt brat, and that ponce he was with."

The drow surrenders the field of conversation and goes back to staring into the bottom of his beaker.

Constable Do'Gend
Apr 30, 2022 1:52 pm
"Here's a shard, that means 5 nibs for me." Vincent takes no Issue with the math an figures he might as well give this man a hand, "Wait you know what if you've got a good story for the paper you can keep those." likely Vincent won't publish anything this man tells him but it might help build upon one theory or another might even prove the corruption among the gaurd though there was no way he could publish that no matter the evidence after all he wasn't stupid.
Apr 30, 2022 7:34 pm
Jodelle leans forward from her table for a moment as her pointy ear catch the word Skewered Dragon.

"Excuse me, sir," she asks politely, looking at the drow. "What can you tell me about the Skewered Dragon? I was just heading there. Apparently you find it not good enough for a Matron Mother? And... by chance, are you suggestion that lord Neverember has visited that place? It seems that nobles would be more interested in a place like the Pampered Traveler... you ought to read my review on that place. I expect it will be in your fish wrapper in the coming tenday."
Last edited April 30, 2022 8:03 pm

Constable Do'Gend


Apr 30, 2022 7:48 pm
"This is a private conversation." says the dwarf dismissively, "Anyhow it wasn't the lord, it was his kid."

The drow perks up. "Review?" he asks, his curiousity piqued "Like a culinary review?"

Constable Do'Gend

Friendly Flounder


Apr 30, 2022 8:01 pm
https://i.imgur.com/sQz1Req.png The halfling desperately tries making up reporting various stories for the 5 nibs.

"There's a necromancer digging up bodies in the City of the Dead?

Errrr.... Threestrings is alive and living with Kessell on SelΓ»ne?

Ummmm.... Brian the Smith faked his own death?

Ooo.... I know! A spelljammer crashed in the Spine of the World, but the Lords' Alliance hushed it up?"

Friendly Flounder
Apr 30, 2022 8:07 pm
"Lords, their kids... it all the same posh nobility..." Jodelle waves it away with her hand. "And yes, I happen to write culinary reviews of taverns and inns for the Wazoo. In fact, this is mine..."

She tosses her fish in a bin after a few bites and unfolds the greasy wrapper to show her article on Silavene's.
Last edited May 1, 2022 8:27 am
May 1, 2022 6:27 am
"Heard anything about that book that's coming out on spirits?" Patience asks, handing over a shard, signalling a similar deal. "Or where Brian is now, if he's not in the ground?"

"Might be a good advertising opportunity, selling those drinks. Specially if it was in the news" he adds.

Friendly Flounder


May 1, 2022 6:41 am
"Longsaddle" answers the halfling confidently.

"Ever wonder how the Surbrin Hills got their name? Surbrin? Sir Brin? Sir Brian?" The halfling taps his nose.

"The answers are in plain sight, but the sheeple don't notice them. They believe what they're told to believe."

The halfling's brain catches up with the conversation.

"Spirits, like the drinks; or spirits, like the ghosts?" asking the same question that Patience never got an answer to.

Friendly Flounder

Constable Do'Gend


May 1, 2022 6:43 am
The drow reaches inside his armour and fishes out a dogeared copy of Volo's Guide to Waterdeep bookmarked with a deck of Wazoo clippings.

"I read your reviews! I visited the Slaked Sylph last tenday and tried their black bread as you suggested. I agree. It was very good."

'Very good'? Jodelle had worked hard on her adjectives, but her readers replaced them with 'very good'.

"You should put page numbers from Volo's for the local attractions. Not that I could miss the House of Heroes, but..."

The dwarf groans. The Watch carefully cultivates their cynical, streetwise image, and this constable waving around Volo's Guide to Waterdeep somewhat devalues that brand.

"Citizens Neverember and Blagmaar were reported missing. We have to write a report as we saw them leaving The Skewered Dragon for Zastrow Street a couple of nights ago."

The dwarf sniggers, "Here, Do'Gend, you'll never guess what Zastrow used to be called."

The elf rolls her eyes, "Everyone knows what Zastrow Steet used to be called. Anyway, that word used to mean something different in the elder times."

"I do not know what they used to call Zastrow Street."

"I'll tell you later."

The dwarf pushes the drow up out of his seat.

"Anyhow! We should be getting our heads down. Long night tomorrow."

The dwarf hustles the drow out of the door, hissing that the constable needs to stop blabbing watch business to the citizens - especially journos. The elf follows them out, giving you a lazy salute.

Constable Do'Gend
May 1, 2022 8:44 am
Jodelle gives them a friendly wave and a smile.

"Thank you for reading," she says to the drow.

She stands up from her table, rejoining her friends. Making a mental note that the clientele in the Flounder is better than the fat fish. Blagmaar... she recalled her memory from earlier this day. She comes to the group and begins proudly:

"Gentlepeople, I have discovered an important clue about our missing bard. Apperntly someone with his same surname... like, it could be his sister or father....or" she snaps her fingers, her eyes go big as if realizing something "... maybe even him... has been seen leaving the Skewered Dragon with Renaer Neverember. Headed for the Zastrow Street.... also, anyone of you happen to know what that street used to be called?"

Jodelle digs into her memory as well.


Jodelle: History, seeing if she might know the nickname of Zastrow street - (1d20-1)

(13) - 1 = 12

May 1, 2022 6:20 pm
The chuckling over the name of the street is an in-joke, not a plot point.

It used to be called "Slut Street" before WotC released WDH. WotC took one look at that and did a "Hell, no!" and changed it to Zastrow Street. This was a good call IMO.

Greenwood claims that the original name used the British meaning of the word to mean a servant, drudge, or slovenly woman. He claimed it was creeping Americanism that had changed the word of the last fifteen years.

Yeah... no.... I'm a fifty-year-old Brit, and I whilst knew the old meaning of the word, it was still dodgy.
May 2, 2022 10:47 am
"No Tip," Vincent says taking his food, All of those sounded fake except the Lords Alliance one which I could have told you."

meanwhile Vincent writes in his notebook 'death faked'.

"We have another reason to leave so soon?" Vincent asks unlike the other halfling Vincent was entirely focused on the one conversation, "We'd better get that picture Volo wants on the way too no good not having a picture of the Lane."

The Warehouse on Candle Lane


May 4, 2022 7:26 am
@rujasu, are you still with us? It's been about a week since we heard from Fynnhorn, and I notice he doesn't have an avatar yet.
Our intrepid reporters make their way down gloomy, narrow Candle Lane. Nearly all the streetlamps are smashed, making the narrow alley as dark as a dungeon. Yeah, and it kinda stinks like a dungeon too.

You don't need to be streetwise to know this is a no-go area. But it's the intrepid reporters who brave danger zones that get the big stories (or small funerals).

The only light that pierces the darkness is a faint flickering from down the lane, like a distant candle. There's one streetlamp still intact on Candle Lane, and it shines on a ramshackle two-story warehouse.

The warehouse stands at the back of an outer yard behind a high fence. The busted off lock for the fence gate lies on the floor. Inside the yard are a front door, a wide warehouse loading door, and a painted-over window - all closed. The front door has a shut sliding peephole below a painted black-winged snake.
Let's get a map up.

The Warehouse on Candle Lane
May 4, 2022 11:18 am
"Why Would The Black Viper throw out such an obvious hint? unless maybe maybe the black Viper is actually multiple people" Vincent stares at the doors and rapidly writes something down in his book, then turning to the doors he looks at the others "Shall We?"
May 4, 2022 2:18 pm
Jodelle shrugs her shoulders.

"Who knows what the Viper is or are thinking. We'd best be careful though. I can imagine that in a 'hood like here, people don't like unexpected nosy reporters."

She gives the gate at the fence a little push, seeing if she can quietly open it.
Last edited May 4, 2022 7:14 pm
May 5, 2022 1:52 am
Still here. Sorry for my absence lately. Might still be a bit busy the next couple of days but I should be checking in more regularly next week.
Fynn keeps a lookout while Jodelle tries the gate. "I have a crowbar on me, if that gate gives us any trouble," they say in a hushed tone.
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