Apr 23, 2022 6:46 am

Grandfather Zitembe
Rumours? These are no rumours! Souls are not returning to their bodies throughout the world! That is strange - you are no Chultians, are you ? If you truly seek what is happening to the souls of dead - why did you came to Chult? Aren't you to plunder the jungles?
While Ha'aroo heel offended he understand that the priest is testing you by accusing.
This is an example of how I prefer players to do action that require Insight roll. A failure would mean that NPC will feel offended by PC. For NPC insight I'm not rolling I will let player to decide the outcome
Omala understand your sentiment and suggest that since prince wanted them "to speak of the deed to no one" it would only be of a benefit if Shago disappears and his body is to never be found.
assuming you talk outside of villa and assuming you agreed to take care of Shago