Shara is a bit disappointed that the party spent much of yesterday arguing, but nothing can be done about it without wasting precious time. She will have to hope the party was right about not needing a guide.
The dawn before they set off into the jungle, Shara sweeps the market one last time.
Some retroactive shopping:
Bedroll (1 gp)
Blanket (5 sp)
Clothes, traveler's (2 gp)
Healer's kit (5 gp)
Insect repellent (salve) (1 gp)
Kit, mess (2 sp)
Robes (1 gp)
Soap (2 cp)
Total price is 10 gp, 7 sp, and 2 cp. Shara bought her own bedroll and blanket, but still asks if she can bunk with Jim in his tent.
As they follow the coast, the land is mostly verdant, rocky plains and steep ridges, as shown on the map. The dark wall of jungle ahead swallows the party, and Shara is fascinated by the dense nets of leafy foliage and brilliant, exotic flowers, taking thorough notes on everything she sees as Jim slices through the green with his machete.
Just some flowery description. To answer those questions:
1. Shara applies 1 use of salve repellent
2. Happy to let Jim or any other volunteer navigate
3. Fast pace all the way. Shara is upset if the party goes slower, but doesn't argue.
4. Fully agree with Pacan. Crossing the river rather than staying to one bank may waste too much time.
5. Happy to let the others cast
create water.
With this first long rest, Shara will edit her list of prepared spells. Let me know if I should detail that list here.
As they rest, the others notice her studying her book intensely, talking, laughing, and joking as if enjoying a conversation. It never replies (out loud, at least), but the others notice genuine, unabashed joy on Shara's face, as if catching up with an old friend.