Chapter 2

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May 19, 2022 11:23 pm
GreyWord says:

I need you to describe action rather fhan desired result and do roll. RAW player describe what they do and DM may decide that need a roll.
I ignore your roll
Sorry you were saying it was magic so i just assumed that would be arcana. I just didnt want to go to bed waiting for a description and wake up to falling damage again. After that was thinking the only way to prevent that was to take a more proactive role.
Ha'aroo shouts out to Jim "I got some rope but not pitons. We do have the swords from the skeletons though"
May 20, 2022 12:59 am
Jim gets his hammer out as Bestie is too hard to drive piton when your hanging. It will take me quite a bit but I will work my way to all of you. That way we can get up here by traveling along the ropes. Jim starts the tedious process of piton'ing the wall so you can hang on the room and cross over the blades area and then he will continue to make a rope crossing over the pit on the wall after that. This should take quite a while to do. Others there can probably get a short rest. :)
Jim has 10 piton and 2x50' of rope. So he is prepared for this but it is going to use up most of his supplies.
Last edited May 20, 2022 1:01 am
May 20, 2022 4:12 am
hammering single piton with the right tool shouldtake no more than a minute and no checks required.
But could you please elaborate Jim's plan? Is he hammering single piton and fixing rope into it . Then throwing the other end of rope for others to catch? Anything else?
May 20, 2022 4:33 am
I'm not really keen on how spelunkers or mountain climbers do it. I just know the put pitons in and get across stuff. Since Jim has this stuff for that purpose then I would assume he knows.
May 20, 2022 5:53 am
Neither do I know how spelunkers or mountain climbers do it. I did imagine hammering a new piton every feet of 10 feet wide wall would be a possibility and with "Climber's Kit" it wouldn't even require ability check. Anyway, rope+piton is something I do understand and can easy narrate.
Jim hammers a piton into the wall, fix one end of the rope and throw the other end to Haaroo, it falls into the pit first time, but on repeated attempt Haaroo catch it. Haaroo, Nebula and Shara hold the other end of the rope, while Jim makes it down the rope.
However. When he is in the air just above blade trap, blades come out of the wall, cutting the ropes. Jim, trying to escape as much as he can ends just next to the open pit. There is also a few foots space for him where he think blades will not get him.

Haaroo, Nebula and Shara all fall prone as they did not expect rope to bet cut.
You know what Jim have to do - dex save with advantage and take half of half if pass or half of the damage rolled due to his feat
It is obvious for Jim and evident for others that blades triggered when Jim was in the middle of the trap. Jim recall that it is exactly the same position (except for vertical dimension) when trap triggered. He is 100% sure he did not touch anything to trigger the trap.
Jim - your 50 feet rope is now a 40 feet long. And single piton still there, but you are on this side of the blades trap
[ +- ] Illustration


Blade trap damage - (4d8)

(4375) = 19

May 20, 2022 6:05 am
Undril hearing what is going on say You know what, this ancient shrine is closest to city and well known. I bet many adventurers have tried passing the traps. Best to my knowledge none succeeded at least for the duration while our order where here in this camp.
She try to say that this is both good and bad news. Good - it is possible that none have been inside just yet and you could find something valuable in there. Bad - whoever have built this shire did extremely good job to protect it against unexpected intruders.

She will also suggest to cast cure wound on Jim once he get's out of the shrine.
what do you do next? Hint: you may be lacking some key things needed to break into the shrine and your PC lvl is hardly sufficient to do brute force. Though with Jim's feat it is possible maybe.
May 20, 2022 9:56 am
"I have some extra rope, but no pitons" Nebula calls up.
She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her curled up weasel familiar. "I can send out Wilbur if you'd like, though.. if he dies it's quite expensive to get him back."

"But better than you dying up there!"
May 20, 2022 10:38 am
Jim DC(13) DEX save. Jim saves and takes 5 hp of damage. Jim calls over as he hangs on. I don't think we have the means to getting past that magical trap. Take me a few moments to get where you are. Jim proceeds to put a piton in the wall land will cross the pit are that way.
Last edited May 20, 2022 10:42 am


DEX Save with advantage - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (18) + 3 = 21

1d20+3 : (9) + 3 = 12

May 20, 2022 10:50 am
using piton I will not ask for acrobatic check, but you will have to leave your second piton in the shrine

Anyhow, does anyone want to do anything in the shrine or abandoned settlement? If no I will have you back on march toward camp vengence with tomorrow's post
Undril cure wounds


Cure wound on Jim - (1d8+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

May 20, 2022 1:08 pm
So with the trap not going off until the middle is reached we wouldnt be able to jam a sword or piton in the place the blade comes out of before the trap is sprung? Also does only Jim see the area where the blades dont reach in that room?
May 20, 2022 1:34 pm
I would prefer to simply say no you can not jam the magical mechanism that release blades, you could only try to break the non magical blades triggered by magic.
Wouldn't you agree that ancient magic of the shire that that has been stopping adventurers for years are stronger than a sword.
As for blind spots of the blades: to make it easier to move story forward, let's say you figure out a blind spot sufficient for two PCs to stand there safe.
May 20, 2022 8:23 pm
GreyWord says:
I would prefer to simply say no you can not jam the magical mechanism that release blades, you could only try to break the non magical blades triggered by magic.
Wouldn't you agree that ancient magic of the shire that that has been stopping adventurers for years are stronger than a sword.
As for blind spots of the blades: to make it easier to move story forward, let's say you figure out a blind spot sufficient for two PCs to stand there safe.
So are you saying only the mechanism is magical and not the blades themselves? So the blades can be then bent or broken with enough force?
May 21, 2022 3:34 am
After Jim is back and healed. I would say we leave this place for a later date. Like when we can blow away or demagicize that trap or fly over it. Then still there is the door afterwards that has some kind of trick to get open as well. Perhaps some research might lead to a way to open it easily. If we are leaving then he will reload up his backpack and wooden box.
How much rope and pitons does Jim have to leave behind? For inventory sakes.
Last edited May 21, 2022 3:36 am
May 21, 2022 3:49 am
the mechanism is magical and not the blades themselves? So the blades can be then bent or broken with enough force?
How much rope and pitons does Jim have to leave behind?
I believe you used two pitons and one of your 50 feet rope has changed into a 40 feet rope
May 21, 2022 6:24 am
"Right. Better that we live to see the rest of our journey than die trying to get to the center of what could be an empty tomb" Nebula agrees.
May 21, 2022 6:34 am
Jim does eye the newly discovered weasel familiar of Nebula. Being a familiar weasel, Jim doesn't elect to pet/hold. He knows it really isn't a real weasel. He just takes note of its existence. Jim really isn't an animal lover at all and doesn't care for his mule either.
Last edited May 21, 2022 6:36 am
May 21, 2022 7:09 am
this is DM on behalf of player with arcana and history proficiency
Ha'aroo educates you:
Temple of such a size without infrastructure around should mean this temple were not well protected by worshipers against intrusion. Everything in this corridor is designed to prevent creatures who do not know how to avoid traps from entering the temple. There should however be a way for worshipers to safely enter the temple. Learning more about the particular deity and worshipers may be of a help.
The key to safe passage should have been passed from generation to generation and may have left some evidence.
May 21, 2022 7:20 am
A fine thought Ha'aroo. I could spend some time hunting for a worshipers way to bypass those traps, but then again it might have been only easily passable with a priest who can temporary disable the traps. Being that is really by looks like a magical trap, I would go with the thought that a priest's skill is needed. Jim adds his thoughts.
Last edited May 21, 2022 7:21 am
May 22, 2022 1:25 am
"Before we leave, I would like to investigate the rest of these ruins," Shara suggests to the others. She heads toward the burnt-out building (area 3), going alone but not stopping anyone from following her. This place gave her chills, but they might not get a chance to come back after this, and she wanted to be thorough in their investigation.
May 22, 2022 4:39 am
Nebula thinks about what Ha'aroo said.

"If we were worshipping here..." She looks around. "worshipping this... crocodile humanoid... Maybe... If smoke could come out her ears it might have. "like a crocodile... they might slide on their bellies?"

Nebula sighed, that didn't seem like it would work at all, and she didn't have enough faith in the idea to risk her head.
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