Chapter 2

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Jun 7, 2022 11:04 am
UnfortunatelyTravers (@balgan144) failed to show up as per game rules, so I'm taking over his PC and will try to narrate how PC is removed from the game
Travers takes few steps (10 feets) to have better shot at the allosaurus and throws handaxe at the Allosaurs1


Travers: Handaxe to hit - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Travers: Handaxe damage - (1d6+3)

(3) + 3 = 6



Jun 7, 2022 11:15 am

Allosaurus are roaring so threatening that Ha'aroo, Pacan and Shara is scared and does nothing dodge
Meanwhile Allosaurs' are attracted by tallest of PCs - Travers. Both of them make a loop - start running away, but then change back toward Travers.
They pounce onto Travers at full speed but Travers manage to avoid both attacks


Allosaurs1 pounce to hit - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Allosaurs2 pounce to hit - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Jun 7, 2022 11:25 am
Jim could choose one allosaurs and roll attack of opportunity
Travers and Allosaurs are within 5 feet.

Jim, Ha'aroo, Pacan, Shara and two mules - within 30 feet (details not important at the moment)
Nebula is already some 70 feet away from Allosaurs.
It is now all PLAYERS' TURN
Jun 7, 2022 1:26 pm
Pacan backs up as far as she can manage while pulling the moonbeam back, hoping to pull it on top of either of the allosaurs.
[ +- ] Vitals/Actions


Moonbeam Damage - (2d10)

(17) = 8

Jun 7, 2022 1:54 pm
Both Allosaurs are close, Pacan manage to target both of them while keeping other PCs out of range. I will roll con save for them at the start of their turn as per spell description. Technically it would affect Jim's ability to engage in melee with them should he want to, but let's ignore that for this TotM encounter.
Jun 8, 2022 12:09 am
AOO: Jim hits the retreating ones with a 23 for 10 points of slashing damage.
Jim goes on a chase with them as they seem to be ignoring him. He gives it his all to try to take them down. He slashes away for 17 more damage.
Action Surge. Two attacks for 18 and 18. Both hits. 17 points of slashing damage. I rerolled previous damage due to the wrong dice used.
Last edited June 8, 2022 12:16 am


Longsword, Damage - (1d20+4, 1d10+4)

1d20+4 : (19) + 4 = 23

1d10+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

Longsword, Damage, Action surge, Longsword, Damage, redo previous damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+4, 1d20+4, 1d8+4, 1d8+4)

1d20+4 : (14) + 4 = 18

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

1d20+4 : (14) + 4 = 18

1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

Jun 8, 2022 12:58 am
Shara stretches out an outstretched palm and casts ray of frost on the same creature (Allosaurus 1). She then backs up ten feet.
[ +- ] Ray of Frost (Int)
Rolling attack and damage below . . .


Ray of Frost attack roll - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Ray of Frost damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Jun 8, 2022 6:29 am
Nebula continues running and throws another firey mote at the beasts behind her.
[ +- ] Fire Bolt
Last edited June 8, 2022 6:31 am


Fire Bolt - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Fire Damage - (1d10)

(5) = 5



Jun 8, 2022 11:52 am

Allosourus hit by both frost and fire don't seem to even notice it (attack failed due to natural armor), but Jim slash his longsword and find a spot previously hit by magic... the wound is deep and Jim is soon covered in the blood of Allosaurus that falls right next to him. Jim, inspired by the kill cuts second allosaurus and it cries. Moonbeam reaches it and it decided to just run away from you
You could do one more turn : Jim could do attack of opportunity, everyone - one ranged attack before fast running beast is our of reach you may manage to kill it before it runs away.
Allosaurus1 id dead anyway and we will be moving forward with the story in 20-24 hours from now, but I want to give you opportunity to roleplay end of combat or anything you may want to do with the dead Allosaurus


Con save moonbeam - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Jun 8, 2022 12:15 pm
AOO: Jim slashes it with a 20 for 5 points of damage.
Last edited June 8, 2022 12:16 pm


Longsword, Damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+4)

1d20+4 : (16) + 4 = 20

1d8+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Jun 8, 2022 7:47 pm
Since the beast is fleeing, Shara uses a simple ray of frost on it.
[ +- ] Ray of Frost (Int)


Ray of Frost attack roll - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Ray of Frost damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Jun 8, 2022 8:33 pm
Jim has been showing off his dear combat prowess and his bravery. Jim doesn't mind risking his life as he believes that he will get some benefit from it in the end. That and looks like he is going to need to clean up after this battle as he is well cover in blood. By the way, get a fire and we have Steak to eat instead of ration. Jim has some salt to make some jerky for traveling too.
Jun 9, 2022 6:52 am
Nebula leaves the fleeing dino alone and moves to help prepare the carcass of the other with Jim.
Jun 9, 2022 10:23 am
Tribal warrior

You watch how wounded beast runs into the jungle when several dark skinned humans appear from jungles and finishes it off throwing their spears
[ +- ] They look like this
Humans cry you something in the language you don't know.


They look uncivilised and aggressive, but then a women, dressed civilised steps out of woods and cry: Who are you? Could we have a conversation?

But a few moments later you hear the familiar voice of Undril and can relax. She introduce you to the scouting/hunting party from port Vengeance. Tribal warriors teach you how to properly cook allosourus (it takes at least 3 hours to make sure meat is soft enough).

She also shares that the man in charge of camp Vengeance appeared to be not flexible, but otherwise good man and he is now sorry for his behaviour towards the party. Situation is still poor and she had to accompany hunting party to ensure their safety.
Anyhow you gather as much meat as you could manage to eat before it spoils and the Tribal people take the rest and you have to say good-buy again.

Suddenly Travers announce that he will join camp Vengenace and help Undril with all the problems... It is obvious half-orc have feeling and you can't do anything about it, so you will have to continue your journey without Travers. You also learn that you have been making circle around the camp and are close to the camp right now.
I would like to let you do any role-play or social interaction with the NPCs by next story progress post after about 24 hours, when you will continue your travel toward Mbala.
Jun 9, 2022 9:03 pm
As Travers talks about wanting to go back to Camp Vengeance Ha'aroo debates on what has been pulling at his heart for the past week or so. The question of what if we just walked right past the place that had the soulmonger and continued on without destroying it? It had undead nearby like Syndra said, it was a ruin like Syndra said, and it was unexplored so who knows if there was anything needed deep within the House of the Man and Crocodile temple that they left behind. "I think I am going to go back also." Ha'aroo stammered out. "I could not live with myself if Lasme died just because I got too tired of figuring out the traps that protected the soulmonger." He looks down at his feet. "I just wouldnt be able to live with myself"

He walks over to his mule and puts in the bow and arrows and takes out the warhammer and waterskins as well as a few personal items. "If you dont mind I would really like to take the warhammer to see if I can either crack down those traps or at least make a hole in the back of the temple and get inside from the back. Ill leave you with the rest of the stuff as I bought some of this stuff for the group and other stuff was taken to be divided by the group."
On the mule is a chest, and inside the chest is 15 insect repellants (the kind that protect an area and not just an individual), 1 2 person tent, 1 rain catcher; 9 shortswords, 4 shortbows and 12 arrows.
Ha'aroo hangs about until the group is ready to press on to Mbala and then he heads back to the Man and Crocodile house to see what he can find and hopefully end this curse.
Last edited June 9, 2022 9:14 pm
Jun 10, 2022 3:09 am
When Travers announced his departure, Shara's heart was heavy. Now Ha'aroo was leaving, and there was a very real chance she wouldn't see either again. Even if Ha'aroo promised that he would return, the jungle had proven itself to be unpredictably dangerous. Though she'd only known them for a month, she was heartbroken to see her friends go.

"Travers," she says, "take care. Ha'aroo, may our paths cross again. Please stay safe, both of you."

After that, she turns her attention to the conversation with the scouts. Unlike with her friends, she takes no charge in this conversation, simply listening and speaking when spoken to.

After the respite ends, she says her final goodbyes to the departing companions.
Last edited June 10, 2022 3:10 am
Jun 10, 2022 3:36 am
Jim seems less than happen that Ha'aroo is leaving. Although he is understanding it, it still doesn't set well with him. Well friend. Our paths will cross again. Do good. Jim is simple about it knowing really he can't change his mind.
Jun 10, 2022 5:45 am
Nebula cries at the announcements, and it takes some time to comfort her into a state where she can speak clearly again.
"You have to make sure to be safe! Okay?! We're all going to see each other again, when we have a big party back at the port!"
She wipes her eyes and waves goodbye, sad but accepting of their decisions.
Jun 10, 2022 5:46 am
I've decided to use game rule 1. You are not 100% in control of your PC and Narrate PC actions that will lead to meaningful result
When Ha'aroo remind of "what Syndra has said" Shara recall that she suggested to seek temples of life and death related deities.
Her high intelligence allow here to deduce Tribal warriors being natives should have some intel on the man and Crocodile shrine
It turns out aborigines have vague knowledge. Nevertheless they do all remember a story. Based on that story Pacan figure out that it was some sort of druidic shrine devoted to beast and humanoid coexistence in harmony.
[ +- ] Story told by aborigines

Jim have a gut feeling that the story - being the only but so well rooted in natives - could somehow be a key to disable the traps. Or at least a hint.

Undril suggest to accompany Ha'aroo to the camp Righteous. If you don't mind make a stop and camp Vengenace I will ensure we are sent on a mission to check undead at the camp Righteous. The scout (name Santa) is a child if jungles she will help to make it safe there and back.
Jun 13, 2022 12:33 pm
To Move Onward with the Story:

Jim's view is to either move on now or spend some time with the natives. And the latter is the choice as it does include have STEAK. So, a bit of a party with the natives and cooking of the meat makes a good time. Jim will hand out a one-pound bag of his trinkets. For encouragement of knowledge and such. As well as to show we are good friends. Perhaps even talk Nebula into dancing for bit. Entertainment is nice. Jim intends to make a party of it.

I know Nebula likes to dance, but unsure about Shara & Pacan. Jim really doesn't know them well at all. Jim misses the fact of a good drink during the party. At least while Ha'aroo is here, Jim is sure he will dance too. Be the last perhaps the two are together. Jim himself isn't very active during parties. He is more the one to sit back and drink and chat, but drinking is on the min this time.

With quick math, Jim now figures he is going to be heading back with just Nebula, Shara, and Pacan.

What does Jim learn during the tribal party?
Last edited June 13, 2022 12:41 pm

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