[OOC] The Out of Character Lounge

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May 17, 2022 6:14 am
Harrigan says:
Planning to cast a spell that will create a watchful guardian, something that will alert the group if anything dangerous approaches. I'm thinking of some kind of ghostly toad or raven, hard to spot. There would be lots of chanting and gesturing so perhaps a Flashy attempt to Create An Advantage, [b]Night Guardian
That sounds awesome. EDIT: Probably make that Fair (+2) target -- since you're taking the time to do the ritual.
May 17, 2022 6:53 am
sean_don4 says:
Hi All: Checking to see how the pace, duration, etc is for everyone with this 'one-shot.' I have a few encounters planned for the dark forest. Anyway, hope everyone's having a good week.
The pacing seems fine for me. No complaints ;)
May 18, 2022 6:37 am
@Harrigan I think that means you 'succeed with style'. Will look into that tomorrow after work.
May 18, 2022 11:31 pm
sean_don4 says:
@Harrigan I think that means you 'succeed with style'. Will look into that tomorrow after work.
Yup. Generally with CaA that would mean the resulting aspect has two free invokes.
May 23, 2022 8:05 am
Hi All: I'm enjoying reading today's posts. Looks fun. Had a pretty busy day, but I should be able catch up and post IC tomorrow.

@YullyBear I suspect that would be an Attack action since you're actively twisting the twig, so I believe I would roll an opposed roll for the tree's Defense, which I can do tomorrow.

@Harrigan I personally would call that Clever, as such I believe you have a "Master's Spellbook" stunt you could use if I'm reading it right.

@TheGenerator Sure, you could do a Flashy "intimidate" roll; perhaps this could Create an Advantage of 'Intimidated Sprites' -- as they realize that Innis has skilled friends nearby.
May 23, 2022 8:39 pm
I added my roll to my last post :)
May 23, 2022 8:56 pm
@sean_don4 : True attack is a better vision of the action
May 23, 2022 9:09 pm
TheGenerator says:
I added my roll to my last post :)
Cool. I just realized I forgot to give a difficulty (ladder, target number), but will come up with one later today. That's a pretty good roll.
May 24, 2022 5:53 am
Yes, I'm pretty happy with that roll :)
Succeed with style seems to be 3 or more shifts.
May 24, 2022 6:00 am
I think I can create a situation aspect now. Here's a suggestion:
"Misdirected Threat"; The pixies see Ivario as the most dangerous of the bunch and pay less attention to the others.

Let me know if that's ok, but also feel free to change it.
May 24, 2022 6:06 am
TheGenerator says:
I think I can create a situation aspect now. Here's a suggestion:
"Misdirected Threat"; The pixies see Ivario as the most dangerous of the bunch and pay less attention to the others.

Let me know if that's ok, but also feel free to change it.
I suspect that could work, as long as it works in the narrative. I've updated the 'spoiler' section with your aspect (abbreviated.)

EDIT: Signing out for tonight, but will be back tomorrow night.
May 24, 2022 3:40 pm
@sean_don4 should we describe our own successful/failed rolls, or is that something you'd rather do?

To everyone; there's one free invoke of the situation aspect. You're welcome to use it.
May 24, 2022 3:58 pm
You're welcome to narrarate PC actions/results according to success/failure. That's one of the fun things about fate I think. :) I'll continue to cover the Npc side. Btw i suspect you're right about the 1 free invoke. Thanks for that :)
May 24, 2022 10:12 pm
Happy to have Esther grab it as she tries to swat these two out of the air...
May 24, 2022 10:37 pm
sean_don4 says:
You're welcome to narrarate PC actions/results according to success/failure. That's one of the fun things about fate I think. :)
Awesome, let me know if I do anything that doesn't fit. I can always change or remove things.
Harrigan says:
Happy to have Esther grab it as she tries to swat these two out of the air...
Would that turn your 7 into a 9 to succeed with 2 styles? ;)
Those things won't know what hit em.
May 25, 2022 2:21 am
There's not usually any kind of succeed with style x 2 -- and in this case, we won't know if I succeed with style, or succeed at all, until the difficulty is set or the sprites make their roll.
May 25, 2022 2:31 am
Ah, and now I see they did make their roll... but I don't know that we have their final result. Esther's was 9!
May 25, 2022 6:24 am
TheGenerator says:
sean_don4 says:
You're welcome to [narrate] PC actions/results according to success/failure. That's one of the fun things about fate I think. :)
Awesome [snip]
Great IC descriptions all around. This is a fun scene (!) (enjoying this.)
Harrigan says:
Ah, and now I see they did make their roll... but I don't know that we have their final result. Esther's was 9!
I just re-read the part of FAE that talks about creating monsters/badguys (in this case: 'mooks'): so, if loosely base the Sprites on the 'Sky Shark' example, I figure perhaps the Sprites should get a +2 for being "Good at Flying" (giving them a total of +3) -- which is effectively negated after having been distracted by Ivario's orb :-) That's a shift 'Severity of damage' of 6 against the Sprites (Succeed with Style x 2?), but honestly the CaA + Attack combo has already totally blown away any Stress boxes they had (I gave them 2 stress boxes per sprite (3 total each?)), so perhaps this would take them out (I'll narrate this soon) -- assuming I'm handling their stress correctly, then truly they didn't know what hit them.

@Harrigan Please correct me if I'm wrong about how Stress works with the badguys in this case.
EDIT: Question: Would the 2nd stress box absorb 2 stress, and the 1st box absorb the remaining damage? Thx in advance. EDIT: FAE says "You can only check one stress box for any single hit..."

Looking forward to posting IC soon; I'll narrate what happens next with the sprites and the remaining fighting tree tomorrow night.
May 26, 2022 5:23 am
So to dial in the difficulty here, understand those those Sky Sharks in example are the toughest of the three mooks presented -- because of their stress boxes. Having two each, these are mooks than can take a hit or two if they are not hit with overwhelming force.

Mooks don't have Consequence slots like PCs or Major NPCs, so the only way they can avoid being Taken Out by shifts of harm is to use their stress boxes. But check this out, from the SRD:

What Is Stress?
If you get hit and don’t want to be taken out, you can choose to take stress.

Stress represents you getting tired or annoyed, taking a superficial wound, or some other condition that goes away quickly.

Your character sheet has a stress track, a row of three boxes. When you take a hit and check a stress box, the box absorbs a number of shifts equal to its number: one shift for Box 1, two for Box 2, or three for Box 3.

You can only check one stress box for any single hit, but you can check a stress box and take one or more consequences at the same time. You can’t check a stress box that already has a check mark in it!

So having two stress boxes means a sprite can absorb one shift into the first stress box, or two into the second. They cannot do both. Mechanically, this means a hit of three shifts of harm takes the out. They could put 2 against the second stress box, but the 1 remaining shift will do them in.

In this case, with two sprites, you can use the "Groups of Mooks: rule in FAE, or some folks just grab the rules from Core and say that each additional mook adds +1 stress box. So your two sprites, together, would have three stress boxes. Esther's result was 9 with the free invoke on the distracted so these guys are toast regardless unless they roll *big* on the dice. If they have Flying +1 and rolled +2, their result is 3, leaving 6 shifts of harm. Three can be absorbed by stress box #3, meaning the remaining harm knocks them out of the scene. Some GMs would just take them out outright, others might say each member of the mob then takes one shift to knock out. (So since there are two of them, one remaining shift would knock out one of them; two or more would knock them both out.)

Make sense?
Last edited May 26, 2022 5:24 am
May 26, 2022 7:39 am
Thank you @Harrigan! I think so. I'm stilling wrapping my head around it -- basically if it takes more than 3, it's taken out because the rest cannot spill into a consequence? Thanks again.
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