Elder Ushru explains that he and Elder Colbu Kaz will choose two teams from among the festival’s most successful contestants and invite them to engage in a race through a submerged grotto to retrieve a jeweled icon that has symbolized the competitive spirit of Jigow for generations: the Emerald Eye. The winners of the race receive 100 gp and are hailed as the city’s Champions of Merit for the next year.
Elder Colbu Kaz joins Elder Ushru on the platform, where they consult briefly, pointing at figures in the crowd and whispering to each other. The crowd grows excited, waiting for every second to pass as countless groups recount the collective medallions. Finally, they seem to come to a conclusion and face the crowd again. Elder Ushru speaks up, "We have decided upon this year's Grand Finale competitors. First up, we have a team led by a Jigow native... the team with the second most known medallions... Ayo, Dermot, Maggie, Irvan, and Galsa..." the final couple names are hard to hear as the crowd erupts in cheer and drums bang on. Not far off from the group, the five people the party had met throughout the festival are all standing together, smiling and showing off all of their hard-earned medallions. Dermot the small goblin is close to Ayo, the water genasi's, side as Maggie towers above them with Irvan, the human, and Galsariad, the drow, on her shoulders.

The crowd dies down and the Elder speaks once again,"And for our second competing team... we have chosen a team that is certainly new to this town, but whose contributions to our city have not gone unnoticed... we have chosen... the team of... the Elder really milks that suspense, "Ardeth, Calla, Faelen, Kailani, and Tereze!" The crowd cheers once again, but mostly looks around unknowingly, waiting for someone to claim the name.