Ch. 2 - The Grand Finale

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Jun 1, 2022 7:35 pm
Kailani and Tereze blast and bite the giant shark thrashing before them, and though their attacks are certainly wounding it, the strong and hearty beast seems to barely notice the damage they've done to it.

Ayo, with a look of pure determination, moves quickly through the water towards the shark. "Again, you're free to go!" she calls out to Tereze, rather brusquely.

Galsariad the drow mage seems to come back to his senses somewhat at Kailani's questions. He immediately looks to Ayo, and sees her determination, and turns back to Kailani. "Unfortunately we've- I've got too much riding on this. We must see this through."

Ayo reaches the shark and makes another two stabs at the thick ropes around the monstrosity's neck. While one strike gets momentarily stuck in the shark's thick hide, the other pierces through a couple of the strands of the rope.

Enraged, the shark spins around and chomps at her again. This time when the shark releases her from its maw, she does not move, and begins slowly sinks into a crumpled pile on the cavern floor.

Irvan gasps and rushes over to her, taking a potion from his pack and immediately administering it to her, fighting fiercely to keep to potion from joining the blood clouding the water around the shark. Ayo jumps back awake terrified, but with even more purpose and anger in her resolve. She places a grateful hand on Irv's shoulder, and leaps off the cavern floor back towards the shark.

As all of that is going on, Maggie wordlessly decides (under the influence of magic) to simply nope out of this situation and swims back down the tunnel they emerged from.

With so many options around it to choose from, the shark bites indiscriminately. The first bite lands on nothing but bloody water, but the second one leaves Gal's motionless body thrown against the rocky wall behind him.

Big Dungeon Map

Room Map
Faelen to act, ropes have just 13 hit points left
[ +- ] Initiative
Damage Taken:
Ayo: 63 (then healed for 6)
Gal: 59 (down)
Tereze: 4
Ardeth: 8
Kailani: 8
Ropes: 7
[ +- ] Stats


Ayo Harpoon Attacks DC18 - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (15) + 4 = 19

1d20+4 : (12) + 4 = 16

Ayo Harpoon Damage - (1d8+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Moonshark Attack against Ayo DC15 - (2d20H1+9)

(913) + 9 = 22

Shark Damage to Ayo - (3d10+6)

(136) + 6 = 16

Healing Potion to Ayo - (2d4+2)

(22) + 2 = 6

Who Shark attacking (1: Ayo, 2: Irv, Dermot, Gal) - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Moonshark Attack against Gal DC15 - (2d20H1+9)

(55) + 9 = 14

Second Attack against Gal DC15 - (2d20H1+9)

(178) + 9 = 26

Damage to Gal - (3d10+6)

(273) + 6 = 18

Jun 2, 2022 4:05 pm
From the relatively safety of his position, Faelan sways his head at Ayo's stubbornness. This girl was raised by some specially obdurate dwarves, with lots of elder brothers as it seems.

This shark is no joke - but at least the other team is coming to the realization that hitting his team does not represent the solution to this challenge.

Looking at Kailani, the half drow winks and points unobtrusive with his chin at the shark. His dark eyes convey the message: be ready when it happens. As unseen as it has appeared a few heartbeats ago, the Shadow moves behind the stone and glides through the murky water with all the blooming blood clouds and viciously attacks the rope that is slung around the beasts head.

Underwater the rapier feels unhandy and out of place so a sharp dagger is the weapon of joice.
Free Action: Move the Echo to the Shark L5
StandardAttack & Unleash Incarnation 1 -
Action Surge: Attack AC: 18, DMG: 8
Last edited June 2, 2022 7:25 pm


Attack 1 DC13 - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

DMG - (1d4+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Attack 2 DC13 Manifest Echo - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

DMG - (1d4+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Action Surge Attack DC13 - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

DMG - (1d4+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Unleash Incarnation DC13 - (1d20+5)

DMG - (1d4+3)

Jun 3, 2022 12:36 am
Galsariad's unconscious body slumps to the bottom of the cavern floor, directly beneath the massive thrashing shark.

Feeling corners and surrounded in every which way, the shark simply continues to bite at the closest thing it can find in the moment, which this time happens to be the spritely young human Irvan.

Big Dungeon Map

Room Map
Kailani and Ardeth to act (any order), ropes have just 7 measly hit points left
[ +- ] Initiative
Damage Taken:
Ayo: 63 (then healed for 6)
Gal: 59 (down, 1 fail death save)
Irvan: 19
Tereze: 4
Ardeth: 8
Kailani: 8
Ropes: 13
[ +- ] Stats


Gal Death Save - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Shark Attack who? (Ter, Ayo, Irv, Fae, Echo, Der) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Shark attack against Irv DC15 - (1d20+9)

(13) + 9 = 22

Damage to Irvan - (3d10+6)

(346) + 6 = 19

Jun 5, 2022 10:26 pm
The changling grits their teeth as they see the shark rapidly take down two of their opponents. If someone else wanted ld to get close they could, but she was vehemently going to be 'not it'.

As Ardeth looks at Gal she hestitaes a moment, wanting their rivals out of the way, but also not wanting to leave the drow to die. Similar she may be able to do enough to Ayo to take the genasi out again, but this was a friendly competition, not a murderous one.

'Ayo, Irvan, if you don't flee you will get eaten!' She uses the same trick again even as she swims closer to Gal, ready to drag the unconscious drow out with their team if Dermot couldn't.
Command again, as I cannot damage the ropes, sorry gang. I have' Cutting words' as a reaction, that let's me remove a d4 from an opponents roll. I will use it as a reaction if it seems like it would stop a successful grab at the gem, or a successful shark bite on one of us.
Jun 6, 2022 5:49 pm
"Fools", Kailani mutters. They will not stop, not even if it costs them their lives. If she wants to protect her own people and maybe save one of theirs, she has no choice, but to act. Kailani feels for the power of the deep sea and distracts the massive shark by a lash from the tentacle shaped entity. Although it does not harm the predator, the tentacle opens up a small opportunity and Kailani dashes towards the rope with all her speed. She unleashes a smaller, more precise beam of energy to sever them and then grabs the prize while dashing back to a safer direction behind Faelan and her magic support.
Last edited June 6, 2022 5:57 pm


Agonizing Blast DC18 - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

dmg - (1d10+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Tentacle Strike DC18 - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

cold dmg + speed reduction to 10 - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Jun 9, 2022 2:42 pm
Ayo's eyes glaze over at Ardeth's words and for the first time since you've all met her, that extreme look of determination falls from her eyes. She dashes as quickly as she can towards the exit, following in Maggie's trail.

The second Kailani successfully removes the prize medal from the its neck, the magic shark’s form begins to fade. It lets out a deep earth-shattering roar that reverberates through the water in pulsing waves, displacing rocks and causing pillars and structures to shift to list. Somewhere near the entrance of the Grotto, the two elders of the city of Jigow feel the rumble under their feet and share a knowing smile. The thought of complete collapse enters your minds as you begin to worry about the structural integrity of the room.

In frenzied death throes, the shark dashes around the chamber before crashing into one of the pillars on the far side of the room. As the shark's magic form finishes disapparating, the pillar concealing the source of the light behind it slowly falls to the chamber floor.

After a moment, the rumbling of the waters calms, and the room is filled with a gleaming light emanating from the south end of the room. Where there was once the small sliver of light poking through, a gaping hole of pure brilliance now sits. There is something magic- no, something divine about it, and it calls out to you. In the stunned silence of the room, you swear you hear someone desperately trying to reach you, using every bit of effort they have to get your attention and call to you, you personally, for help.

Dermot, before even noticing the light show, rushes over the Galsariad's slumped body and cast a healing spell on him. Gal slowly blinks back awake, and immediately has to shield his sensitive drow eyes. The look on Dermot, Galsariad, and Irvan's faces all show deep curiosity and intrigue in the beaconing room, but with both Ayo and Maggie currently fleeing from the race, they look confused as to what to do, whether to follow the deserters, to grab the prize, or to answer this call for help.

Big Map
Out of initiative, everyone in the room is conscious


Wis Saves for Command: Ayo, then Irvan DC13 - (1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (9) + 1 = 10

1d20+1 : (16) + 1 = 17

Jun 9, 2022 4:14 pm
Swiftly, Faelan reaches out his inky dark fingers for the locket to keep it from sliding to the bottom of the suddenly brightly lit cave. His eyes, also sensitive, require a few heartbeats, but then the half drow can lower his left and no longer need to veil his eyes.

Risking a questioning look at his friends, the warrior breathes a sigh of relief. This competition had been harder and above all more dangerous than he had asumed.

Slowly, the nobleman moves in the direction of the call to perceive what it's all about.
Jun 10, 2022 5:56 am
Barely a moment to relish in Kailani's ingenuity, Tereze speaks up. "We must keep moving! Someone, or something is calling for our aid"

Tereze wades forward to the front of the group to direct them. Though, it's getting pretty tiring doing so much swimming with this heavy equipment.
Jun 10, 2022 6:43 am
As Kailani grabs the gem Ardeth let's out a cheer that is quickly silenced as the light appears.

At the sense that someone needs help Ardeth is immeadiatly moving, lacking the caution of Falen as she swims towards the light, falling in behind Tereze. Most thoughts of the battle had already left her mind but as she moves past their bewildered opponents she does call out to them.

'Ayo and Maggie should be back in a moment. We should help whoever this is first, then we can fight over the gem later.'
Jun 11, 2022 7:52 pm
Kailani quickly stuffs the medal down the tight front of her dress. If anybody wanted to steal it from her, they would have to get real close. Then she joins her people. She keeps a bit more distance to the source, though. She does not see a reason to get too cocky. Who knows what all this is about...they might not be out of danger just yet.

On her way, she unscrews the potion she found in the other room and drinks from it. She might need more strength to deal with what's coming - or at least a distraction from her injuries.


healing potion - (2d4+2)

(33) + 2 = 8

Jun 13, 2022 2:09 pm
The party funnels through the shining hole in the cavern wall. The watery environment gives way to a cavern dotted with trees and pools of water. The walls are covered in vines of green ivy interspersed with colorful flowers. Part of the cavern is open to the sky, where the moon shines brilliantly through.

In the middle of the cavern is a sphere of pale light surrounding a crystal pedestal, upon which rests a golden pendant attached to a fine golden chain. The object on the crystal pedestal glitters like the sunrise.

The rival party file in behind you guys, and are immediately shocked by what they see. They look incredulously at each other and then all focus on Ayo's reaction, but she seems unsure of what to do.

aquafina sent a note to soises
aquafina sent a note to LightOfMidnight
aquafina sent a note to Adrasthea
aquafina sent a note to Boop
This is a big moment, and I want everyone to have their own part of this. If your character decides to approach and interact with the pendant, please just describe you reaching out and touching it, rather than grabbing it or anything, so that everyone can do what they wish. :)
Jun 13, 2022 5:38 pm
Kailani immediately feels calm and safe. This feels right. The cave feels alive.

She trusts her instincts and touches Faelans arm lightly before she walks towards the pedestal. Kailani lets herself we guided by the deep humming magic that reverberates through her body. To her this cavern smells like sea and rain and stone with a hint of freshly cut parsley. An interesting sensation. The young woman goes to the light in a straight line and does not hesitate to reach out for it once she arrives at her destination.

They have come this way, they have met the challenges and now they will learn the secrets hidden.
Jun 14, 2022 7:11 am
Tereze's eyes linger on the sky, basking in the glow of the moon. The light reflects off her armour in a shimmer as she walks forward confidently after Kailani, placing her hand on the pendant, brushing Kailani's own hand.

Tereze closes her eyes, faithfully trusting what would happen next.
Jun 14, 2022 9:40 am
The changeling's eyes flick from side to side, uncertainty and confusion on there face as their form keeps shifting, as if trying, and failing to keep up with what they are seeing. Eventually the form settleson one the others would not have seen before. An incredibly pale humanoid with white hair and solid icy blue eyes.

They tilt their head listening, before slowly following after Kailani and Tereze, their hand also extending, eye full of curiosity.
Jun 14, 2022 11:08 am
Leading their small group to the pedestal, Faelan feels full of wonder in this cavern, filled with vines and flowers. Perhaps a monument to the Melora, the Wildmother?

Holding his hand back while he listens intently to the voice in his head, all the women rest their hands on the golden pendant. So the noble is the last one to lay his dark, caloused hand in between them, touching it as well and opening his senses. Maybe this ... whatever it is - could help him, on his personal quest - more than someone from over twenty years ago.

Looking at Kailani for a heartbeat, the half drow overs an encouraging wink.
Jun 16, 2022 2:07 pm
As each of you approach the pedestal, the light around the pedestal fades and a spectral figure in the form of a male human rises from behind the amulet. He is dressed in leather armor and a tattered red cape and wears a shield. His face is framed by curly brown hair and bears a melancholic expression. He pleads in a voice that sounds far away and muffled, "I-I am imprisoned. Please, please help me. Find me."

Suddenly, the ground vanishes beneath your feet and you fall, suddenly tumbling through a vortex of golden light. You fall deeper, deeper, deeper, then stop. The golden light subsides, and you find yourself suspended in a pitch-black expanse. You feel water buoying you and currents pushing your hair in strange directions. A vermilion light appears in the distance, illuminating the melancholy warrior, who is shackled to the ground by disgusting strands of a fleshy, crimson substance. He cannot see you.

He raises his gaze to the heavens and, sobbing, chokes out, "Moon Weaver, I beg of you. Guide those with the power to save me to the site where first I prayed to you." He looks around, and his eyes settle on you. He speaks in exasperated breaths, speeding through his words for he doesn't know how long he has. "Oh, gods, thank you! There you are! My name is Alyxian and I-I-I am lost in darkness. Long ago, I prayed to Avandra, the-the Change Bringer, in the heart of a temple of great evil. I beg you, take my jewel and…"

His words become fuzzy ad distorted as you feel consciousness leaving you, as if the growing pressure of the water were crushing the life out of you. One final plea in Alyxian’s voice is the last thing you hear before you pass out. "Save me. Please."
Jun 16, 2022 2:07 pm
Distant voices begin to bring you back to the real world.

"Did you guys hear that voice, what did it say about the jewel, is it magic?"

"I don't know, but they're all still breathing, I think they're going to be okay. See if you can wake them."

"Did you see where they put the prize?"

"Really, Ayo? This is not the time for-"

"Friends! They're waking up!"

Slowly, you begin to regain your consciousness, coughing to expel ancient, vermillion tainted water from your lungs. You all wake up side by side, slumped against the pedestal with a hand glued to the jewel, with the rival party backing away now that you are conscious to give you space.

Dermot is the first to move, getting down on one knee with his hands out in front of him and nothing but concern written on his face, "Are you guys all okay? You scared us, that's for sure."

Galsariad butts in with curiosity and the beginning hints of jealousy on his face, "Did you see something? We heard a distant voice rambling about temples and jewels and-"

Irvan slaps Gal on the shoulder gently, "Gal, give them a second." Galsariad looks slightly ashamed and sheepish after Irvan's scolding.
Jun 17, 2022 7:01 am
"Back off." Kailani snaps as she pushes the offered hand away. She turns away from them, and uses the edge of the pedestal to stand up. Kailani feels dizzy and has a bitter taste in her mouth, but manages to inconspicuously feel for the medallion she has hidden away earlier. It is where she has put it.

She turns back again and glares at the other party. The way they have been going after the medal, risking their lives for a game - maybe this is the true reason. "Now you tell us what all this is about. And truthfully. This isn't some silly game to win favour in a small town, is it? Tell us what you know - you owe us that much." Her angry stare focuses on Ayo.
Jun 18, 2022 7:00 am
Tereze groans as she tries to shake off the grogginess of unconsciousness. "I'm.. Fine.." She manages as she readjusts to the cavern
Jun 18, 2022 8:14 am
As Faelan opens his eyes and sees the other group standing so close, a feral grunt escapes his throat as the fighter sits up and his hand starts for the heft of his long steal. Stopping this reflex as he becomes aware of their surroundings, the half drow hoists himself up and eyes the Ayo and her friends suspiciously. The contest is over. Isn't it? This is something on a whole another level.

Hearing Kailani's brusque words the noble from Rosohna recognises the truth in them. The other team had known more, for sure!

Turning his gaze back to the jewel, the half drow tries to take his hand away from the pedestal. Is it possible? Yes? But can he take the jewel in his possession? The voice had told them, to take it and to find "Alyxian" in the temple of great evil. And save him. A follower of the moon weaver as it seems. Thinking about the melancholy warrior, Faelan tries to recall details. As a fighter he may recognise the style, origin, or time period of the armor and equipment.
Last edited June 18, 2022 5:14 pm


History - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

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