Ayo, with a look of pure determination, moves quickly through the water towards the shark. "Again, you're free to go!" she calls out to Tereze, rather brusquely.
Galsariad the drow mage seems to come back to his senses somewhat at Kailani's questions. He immediately looks to Ayo, and sees her determination, and turns back to Kailani. "Unfortunately we've- I've got too much riding on this. We must see this through."
Ayo reaches the shark and makes another two stabs at the thick ropes around the monstrosity's neck. While one strike gets momentarily stuck in the shark's thick hide, the other pierces through a couple of the strands of the rope.
Enraged, the shark spins around and chomps at her again. This time when the shark releases her from its maw, she does not move, and begins slowly sinks into a crumpled pile on the cavern floor.
Irvan gasps and rushes over to her, taking a potion from his pack and immediately administering it to her, fighting fiercely to keep to potion from joining the blood clouding the water around the shark. Ayo jumps back awake terrified, but with even more purpose and anger in her resolve. She places a grateful hand on Irv's shoulder, and leaps off the cavern floor back towards the shark.
As all of that is going on, Maggie wordlessly decides (under the influence of magic) to simply nope out of this situation and swims back down the tunnel they emerged from.
With so many options around it to choose from, the shark bites indiscriminately. The first bite lands on nothing but bloody water, but the second one leaves Gal's motionless body thrown against the rocky wall behind him.
Big Dungeon Map
Room Map
Ayo: 63 (then healed for 6)
Gal: 59 (down)
Tereze: 4
Ardeth: 8
Kailani: 8
Ropes: 7
AC 13
STR: +6, DEX: +0, CON: +5, INT: -5, WIS: +0, CHA: -3
AC 18
Ayo Harpoon Attacks DC18 - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)
1d20+4 : (15) + 4 = 19
1d20+4 : (12) + 4 = 16
Ayo Harpoon Damage - (1d8+2)
(5) + 2 = 7
Moonshark Attack against Ayo DC15 - (2d20H1+9)
(913) + 9 = 22
Shark Damage to Ayo - (3d10+6)
(136) + 6 = 16
Healing Potion to Ayo - (2d4+2)
(22) + 2 = 6
Who Shark attacking (1: Ayo, 2: Irv, Dermot, Gal) - (1d4)
(4) = 4
Moonshark Attack against Gal DC15 - (2d20H1+9)
(55) + 9 = 14
Second Attack against Gal DC15 - (2d20H1+9)
(178) + 9 = 26
Damage to Gal - (3d10+6)
(273) + 6 = 18