Great. You can both take your first choice and I’ll drop your character details privately. From there you will need to set up a 7e character sheet, copy the stats over then add your own flavour. Players often Google 1920s portraits to get some cool black and white character images.
I’ve decided to remove Beat Cop and run that as an npc if the need arises.
Looks like we’re going with 6 then. This should be interesting.
How do you all feel about posting rate? I’ve set it to 5/week in case anyone doesn’t play weekends but I’m ok with one per day. What does everyone prefer?
I'm good with anything. I can usually get a post in every day, but there are weekend days, particularly, where I get pretty busy. On occasion I may miss a day, but I give full permission to make decisions on my behalf if it'll keep the pace of the game.
5/week sounds good to me, I haven't done PbP in a while so I'm not sure I wanna commit to 1/day but I could probably do that if that's what everyone wanted.