Jun 25, 2022 2:52 pm

The bear, standing on its hind legs, seems to be part Lynx (or maybe even tiger). And it seems to be mostly minding its own business. But Ivario has peaked its interest.
The bear does not speak, but seems to understand. It walks over to the tree stump, sits down, and then stretches out its paw.
Esther starts frantically looking through her scrolls for some kind of protection in case things escalate...
That works. In fact, I was going to suggest a bit more player agency. For example, 'what kind of creature should it be?' Normally this would probably be a persuasion roll, but luckily this bear is naturally a bit intelligent and curious... Large animals could also be highly intelligent, same as smaller animal folk like Yarbi.OOC:
How is Teddy Beartrand?