[IC] The Delivery Quest, Part 3

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Jun 25, 2022 2:52 pm

The bear, standing on its hind legs, seems to be part Lynx (or maybe even tiger). And it seems to be mostly minding its own business. But Ivario has peaked its interest.

The bear does not speak, but seems to understand. It walks over to the tree stump, sits down, and then stretches out its paw.

Esther starts frantically looking through her scrolls for some kind of protection in case things escalate...
That works. In fact, I was going to suggest a bit more player agency. For example, 'what kind of creature should it be?' Normally this would probably be a persuasion roll, but luckily this bear is naturally a bit intelligent and curious... Large animals could also be highly intelligent, same as smaller animal folk like Yarbi.
How is Teddy Beartrand?
Jun 25, 2022 2:59 pm
Beartrand looks carefully at the bottles to see if they are all the same or differents. He looks around as well to see what could be used as a treat for a frog.
Jun 25, 2022 3:07 pm
Ivario takes the paw into his hand, puts it on the stump, and looks at it intently. This is your time to shine, Ivario. He tells himself.

"Aaaahh, very interesting! See, this line says you'll lead a good life, but it looks like it might come to an abrupt end." He traces his finger along the lines of the claws. "Ooh, and here I can see there is treasure ahead." All I have to do it get him to cross that bridge, then whatever lives under there will take care of the rest. "Not a gold treasure, a treasure of meat. Juicy fresh meat." Ivario looks the bearlynx in the eyes and says "You know what? I think we just saw some meat on the other side of the bridge when we walked over here. Right guys?" He looks to the others for acknowledgement. "That must be your treasure! You should go and find it before some other animal does."
I think this counts as an overcome with clever?



3 Positive, 0 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +2 (+2) = +4

Jun 27, 2022 4:21 am
There are a variety of different bottles: one jar full of eye balls, a jar labeled "spit of flying monkey", and a variety of liquids, some blue, some yellow, and four with green liquid.

There is also a jar full of live jumbo flies with a label that reads "frog food".


The bear gets back on its feet and start wondering back into the forest. It sinks back into the shrubbery and disappears... several minutes later three lynx-bears emerge. They start sniffing around the bridge, but they seem a bit unsure about how to proceed.
Good roll. Though, I'm going to call this a partial success. The bear knows it can't take on a bridge troll or gargoyle that is two or three times its own size, at least not on its own; but, it might be able to convince other bears to help. They just might take some time. (Because of the potentially lethal fight, getting the bear to just rush in, I'll call "Impossibly Difficult" (+6 or more), which maybe possible if add Fate point aspect invoke, or some other help.)
Jun 27, 2022 10:48 am
Beartrand put the the bottles with green liquid in what can be used as a sack and take the jar of frog food. He then goes back to the windows and try to see if Hermann is still around.
Jun 27, 2022 2:47 pm
Herman is now sitting right next to the window.
Jun 28, 2022 10:42 am
Bertrand send him a tidbit and send another one farther away, then even farther as far as he can.
Jun 28, 2022 3:51 pm
Ivario notices the bears being hesitant and unsure of what to do. He thinks hard and remembers something he once found out about bearlynxes. They, just like other bears, love honey! "Oh!" He shouts to the bear that he sat down with earlier. "Did I mention that there was a bee hive next to the treasure? It looked like they had lots of honey!" Hopefully enticing them to cross the bridge.
I'm invoking my aspect "Knows many secrets" for a +2 on my previous roll. That would make it a +6.
Does that work?
Jun 29, 2022 6:03 am
Herman hops along, chasing after the flies...
Now would be a good time to run back to the others. Assuming you do go back to the bridge by the others, you'll see bears sniffing around the bridge. I would compel you (offer you a Fate point) because of your fear of bears, and suggest that you may be too afraid to cross the bridge. I believe you can refuse the compel by spending a Fate point. https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/aspects-fate-points#compelling-aspects
The bears' ears perk up at the sound of there being honey under the bridge.
I like it. The bears are interested in honey. I think that means you'd spend a Fate point for the +2.
You may or may not want to delay the timing of this event as Beartrand may be returning with some silence potion. Should the fight between lynx-bear and gargoyle wait for after everyone crosses quietly? It might depend if Beartrand can resist the compel. (Or maybe bears and gargoyle fight should start anyway and then you all have extra silence potions, which could be treated as a new aspect I believe.)
What does everyone do?
Jun 29, 2022 6:53 am
My idea behind my action was so that the fight would break out between the bears and the gargoyle, causing them to be distracted. And then we can sneak our way past (hopefully). If I understand correctly, to get to the oracle, we all need to cross the bridge. Right? So we can head towards Beartrand.

Yes, I am using a fate point. I now have 2.
Jun 29, 2022 9:37 am
Teddy beartrand run as fast as he can toward the bridge, when suddenly he sees bears on the other side, not waiting for a second more he tries to find a whole and squize in trembling with all his been.
Jun 30, 2022 5:13 am
Teddy Beartrand finds a hollow tree stump nearby where he will presumably hide himself inside.
I believe you get a Fate point.
The lyhx-bears slowly traverse down into the deep ravine and take on the gargoyle. Fur flies as they engage in a scuffle...
Now would be a good time get across the bridge..
Jun 30, 2022 7:17 am
"Now that those bears are distracting the bridge dweller, let's cross and find Beartrand." He gestures to Innis, Yarbi and Esther to follow him quietly.
I think this is an overcome with sneaky.

Edit: Well that's not a very good roll...
Can I add a compel on myself? While walking across the bridge, I'd like to invoke my aspect "Sometimes accidentally says embarrassing things". Ruining our sneaking attempt.
I'm just doing this for fun, and to try more Fate rules/options :)
Last edited Jun 30, 2022 7:23 am


Crossing the bridge (Overcome sneaky)

0 Positive, 1 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -3 (+2) = -1

Jun 30, 2022 11:14 am
Sheet updated I put back the Fate point I did not use from the climb roll, and added the one I gained
Jun 30, 2022 2:51 pm
@TheGenerator Actually (if you want) I should have created an aspect for Bear and Gargoyle Distracted by Fight. I guess we could change your last roll to Create an Advantage status; so you can invoke it once for free, which would give you the +2 to pass the roll (Overcome.) EDIT: I originally set the difficulty to cross the bridge a simple +0.
[ +- ] Spoiler
Jun 30, 2022 3:29 pm
I was thinking about that too, so I checked the rules and saw that the Overcome action does not create an aspect. I guess the GM can add an aspect at any time if they want to.
Alright, I'll do that and take the +2, but let's say it's not a free invoke. Just a regular invoke for 1 FP.
Ivario and the others quietly cross the bridge. Luckily for them, the monsters are too busy fighting each other to notice them.

"I hope Beartrand is okay." He says when they are about 20 meters away from the bridge and feel safe again.
Jul 1, 2022 6:05 am
The group can hear someone trembling in a nearby hollow tree stump...

Assuming everyone makes it to Innis's house next, I'll roll to see if she is able to turn herself back into human form. I will probably post that tomorrow.
Jul 1, 2022 1:12 pm
"Watch out!" Ivario tells the others. "Some evil creature is surely hiding inside that stump, ready to pounce on us when we're distracted!"
I'm going to compel my aspect "Condemned by the church" to gain a Fate Point.
It works that way, right?
It's probably someone from the church. They'd love to get rid of me, but I'm going to make the first move. He runs towards the stump and gives it a good old kick!
Rolling to attack the stump (and Beartrand)


Get stumped, church member! (forceful attack)

2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+1) = +2

Jul 2, 2022 8:21 am
@YullyBear How do you react to your hiding place being kicked hard?
Jul 2, 2022 12:33 pm
I was waiting for the result of the attack
Teddy Beartrand continues trembling and murmurs

The bears are here, big guy, if you do not move they will think there is nothing and go away Close your eyes and focus : Youre a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree...!
Last edited Jul 2, 2022 12:34 pm
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